Doom 3 and Half Life


Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
DOOM 3 and HL 2 are both awesome games but DOOM 3 is going to lose the competition anywayz I will end up getting both of these great games. DooM 3 has nice graphics and its more of a Beat em up Horror Zombies shit. Half Life 2 has a deep story and a lot of amazing features. DooM 3 has great graphics, cool high poly models , nice 3d effects DooM 3 will be a nice Shoot em up! DooM 3 is a bit familiar to Painkiller only DooM 3 has better story and graphics. Getting em Both. DooM 3 is out on August 3rd 2004 check or or (IGN may have a TBA they dont update the release lol so check the latest DooM 3 news for the release.) So far its August 3rd CANT WAIT! DooM 3 will keep us till Half Life 2. 3 best FPS of the year are #1 Half Life 2 #2 DOOM 3 #3 Halo 2. I own xbox, PS2, gamecube and a good pc.

today is July 2nd so DooM 3 is Month and 1 day away!
Gronoken said:
DOOM 3 and HL 2 are both awesome games but DOOM 3 is going to lose the competition anywayz I will end up getting both of these great games. DooM 3 has nice graphics and its more of a Beat em up Horror Zombies shit. Half Life 2 has a deep story and a lot of amazing features. DooM 3 has great graphics, cool high poly models , nice 3d effects DooM 3 will be a nice Shoot em up! DooM 3 is a bit familiar to Painkiller only DooM 3 has better story and graphics. Getting em Both. DooM 3 is out on August 3rd 2004 check or or (IGN may have a TBA they dont update the release lol so check the latest DooM 3 news for the release.) So far its August 3rd CANT WAIT! DooM 3 will keep us till Half Life 2. 3 best FPS of the year are #1 Half Life 2 #2 DOOM 3 #3 Halo 2. I own xbox, PS2, gamecube and a good pc.

today is July 2nd so DooM 3 is Month and 1 day away!
wow thanks for that enlighting post, now that we know all this Scientist can finally cure cancer...

oh yeah and...
:hmph: I am telling you guys, this dude like just woke up from a 20 year coma. He is going to report the OJ Simpson trial again like it just happened.

Never say doom3 wont be better than half life 2 until both are out.
I hate comparing two different games that are NOT YET RELEASED!!!!


Actually Gronoken, I love you but you must understand... we get threads like this all of the time. The members just get a little tired of it. I get tired of it too, but you are still a good boy.
Gronoken said:
DOOM 3 and HL 2 are both awesome games but DOOM 3 is going to lose the competition anywayz I will end up getting both of these great games. DooM 3 has nice graphics and its more of a Beat em up Horror Zombies shit. Half Life 2 has a deep story and a lot of amazing features. DooM 3 has great graphics, cool high poly models , nice 3d effects DooM 3 will be a nice Shoot em up! DooM 3 is a bit familiar to Painkiller only DooM 3 has better story and graphics. Getting em Both. DooM 3 is out on August 3rd 2004 check or or (IGN may have a TBA they dont update the release lol so check the latest DooM 3 news for the release.) So far its August 3rd CANT WAIT! DooM 3 will keep us till Half Life 2. 3 best FPS of the year are #1 Half Life 2 #2 DOOM 3 #3 Halo 2. I own xbox, PS2, gamecube and a good pc.

today is July 2nd so DooM 3 is Month and 1 day away!

ZZZzzzz.... :sleep:
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