doom 3 collapse



with teh flop that d3 was and is, do u think valve will just ship the game as is, and fix an bugs while the copies are being made.

think of it, while installing they say

"please log on to steam for 5 min and dl teh patch and then u can have fun" that would rock
..Doom 3 is a flop? What and who are you listening to? D3 is a huge success.
Doom 3 is hardly a flop. Lots of people who bought it are underwhelmed, but they still bought it.

But no, even if Doom 3 wasn't the best game ever, Valve should not rush HL2 out the door. Why settle for 'good enough'?
Did I miss something? Since when is Doom 3 a flop, from what I have seen, it seems to be doing pretty damn good and it is a damn good game (scares the crap out of me at times). And I don't think Valve would release an unfinished game to people.
Amazing, game came out yesterday and super smart Gaydycz declares that Doom III is, in fact, a flop.

I sometimes wonder, when they will pass a law, setting age limit over internet, so only people over 18 could use it. We need it, and very fast.
Mr.Reak said:
Amazing, game came out yesterday and super smart Gaydycz declares that Doom III is, in fact, a flop.

I sometimes wonder, when they will pass a law, setting age limit over internet, so only people over 18 could use it. We need it, and very fast.
It's more of an idiocy thing. I know many many 16 year olds that are more competent than half of the posters here.
I'm 17.. I'd like to think I'm competent :) I dress myself in the morning REEL GUD LOLZ
Shuzer said:
I'm 17.. I'd like to think I'm competent :) I dress myself in the morning REEL GUD LOLZ

pfft you know cybersh33p still dresses you... n3wb
Shuzer said:
I'm 17.. I'd like to think I'm competent :) I dress myself in the morning REEL GUD LOLZ

Look at positive side, when you turn 18 you can go to strip club, smoke while going there, and when you get there, you can download porn from INETRNET!
I for one am loving doom3...i have to take breaks every half hour or so to let my mind rest hehe.

I dont know why it always has to be a war between HL2 and doom3 fans...just buy both and shut the hell up.
I don't know why there are separate fans for each game. I myself love both and will buy and support both.
Mr.Reak said:
Amazing, game came out yesterday and super smart Gaydycz declares that Doom III is, in fact, a flop.

I sometimes wonder, when they will pass a law, setting age limit over internet, so only people over 18 could use it. We need it, and very fast.
You think an age limit would solve the problem? Not even close.
Mr.Reak said:
I sometimes wonder, when they will pass a law, setting age limit over internet, so only people over 18 could use it. We need it, and very fast.

No No no no no no no....they just need 2 seperate internets.

That would be awesome.

I'm not impressed with doom 3 (cept for the graphix, but i still like hl2's better) but that be no flop.
I wouldn't say Doom 3 is a flop, far from it. It appears that I can't live up to HL2 I expected.
How can something live up to something that does not exist yet? :naughty:
doom 3 is great ... but i like half life 2's graphics more ... doom 3 is dark and scary ... half life 2 is brigth and vibrant ... i like that kind of atmosphere ... but i think doom 3 looks cool havent played it yet but ... its still awesome
Well its funny because everyone was making all those doom 3 threads about how its going to rock our worlds, myself included. And i can safely say im sorry because the game is not at all what all the hype was surrounding it. I REALLY thought we'd get somewhere with this one, but it feels like a scary far cry mod to me, nothing more.
phantomdesign said:
I wouldn't say Doom 3 is a flop, far from it. It appears that I can't live up to HL2 I expected.

omg I found phantom!!

I liked Doom 3 (not done yet) and I'm not dissapointed because I never followed the dev :p I just jumped on the badnwagon and bought it :thumbs:
Doom 3 is pretty much what I expected. A great game, but not what I expect from HL2.
I must say that Doom 3 is the scariest game since Half Life 1 for me. It is excellently made, the lighting is amazing. The fact that ID has a deep storyline is a HUGE plus. If Doom 3 was basically brainless quake I would not play it. But I Love reading people's emails and voice comms to learn the story line. Fun Fun Fun. But I have to say - the game is obscenly dark. I mean I'd sell my soul, pardon the pun, for night vision goggles.
Yeah, I'm playing it right now. Don't get me wrong it's not a crap game or anything. In fact I can't really think of many better recent games. However am glad I hadn't been all hyped for it like I am with HL2, because it's not a classic.

I am half way through it and I have already started playing Counter-Strike again.

Now I am starting to wonder what if HL was a fluke, and we were spoiled. And now there is never going to be an incredible feeling game like that again!

It truly is scary though. Possibly too scary such that you can't play it for 4 hours straight or something. My heart can't take it :)
Doom 3 is not a flop. It's the best "shoot everything in sight" kind of mindless game ever made. I can say this, because it's the only one that I've ever enjoyed playing. I hated the first 2 Dooms, I hate Serious Sam, I hate Painkiller, etc. Doom 3 does basically the same thing, but it just does it so much better.

Now, that being said, it's nowhere near my favorite game. I was greatly underwhelmed by it, I was expecting something more along the lines of Half-Life. But whatever, it is what it is, and it does what it does better than any other game of it's type.
well doom 3 is r0xx0ring my b0xx0rz in an x-treme manner

so many baddies, so little ammo, so little light, and runs suprisingly well on systems that are less than bleeding edge

they even plausibly explain the chainsaws on mars, how awesome is that!?

they were a wrong shipment, the facility was supposed to get jackhammers for mining and their subcontractor company accidently sent a crapload of "beavertooth" chainsaws, there's even a part where you fight through a stockroom packed to the ceiling with chainsaw boxes from the shipment
I knew exactly what to expect from Doom 3 and am currently enjoying it. The first time through will obviously be the best because you don't know where all the enemies are. It would have been cool if they could have added some kind of randomness to monster placement so that you get scared every time you go through the campaign. Not much randomness would be needed, just enough so that you don't know exactly where and when to aim when a monster appears.

I'm still really looking forward to HL2 because it looks like it will have much more diverse gameplay.

BTW, I wonder what happened to that DevilPhish guy who said Doom3 will have everything HL2 has and more?
Well it's certainly not a flop, i'm sure it's selling shitloads.

But Doom 3 is not the next revolution. It's a great game in many ways, but it's not the next huge thing.
Now I am starting to wonder what if HL was a fluke, and we were spoiled. And now there is never going to be an incredible feeling game like that again!
I'm starting to think that as well. iD software have spent years trying to get Doom 3 right and i just feel they fall short in a few areas. It's made me realise how impossibly hard it is to create an FPS experience that everyone will love and how amazingly lucky Valve were to get it right with HL1.
valve wasnt amazingly lucky, theyre amazingly talented.
I'm just not impressed with Doom 3 at all. Yeah it look nices and has some decent sound qualaties, but it takes more then eye candy for me to spend nealry $60 after tax on a game.

Doom 3 is amazing, and if you havent played it, or you're just too narrow minded to enjoy something OTHER than Half-Life 2, then that's too bad for you; but don't go saying that it's that much better than Half-Life 2, because YOU HAVENT PLAYED IT! Everyone that I know personally that has played it has told me that it is amazing, and all of those people are planning on getting Half-Life 2 as well.
Sure, I'm excited for HL2 as much as anyone here, but you guys remind me of the kids arguing which console is better.

Now, I don't know if "ShadowFox" meant the same thing as I'm thinking but:
"Doom 3 is pretty much what I expected. A great game, but not what I expect from HL2."
They're two different games, with two different stories, and two different... Doom 3 has an absolutely fantastic single player game, and that's why I got it. Half-Life 1 was my favourite game of all time, and I'm hoping that Half-Life 2 will live up to that, with single player and multiplayer elements combined.

Either way, don't knock Doom 3 until you've given it an unbiased try. I'm sure you'll like it, and no one's forcing you to need to compare the two games, just enjoy them both.
And, to add my thoughts in about D3 in this thread..

Best. PC. FPS. Ever.

I'm sorry, but I haven't even finished it, and I enjoy it more than HL.. I played D3DM online with some people, then tried to play CS afterwards.. and it just felt wrong.


/me becomes a D3 fanatic and jumps off a cliff

err.. yeah, anyway, D3 is awesome. I still want HL2, but I can't picture it living up to the level of.. quality, I've felt while playing D3. We'll see, though. I hope it does.
Now, I don't know if "ShadowFox" meant the same thing as I'm thinking but:
"Doom 3 is pretty much what I expected. A great game, but not what I expect from HL2."
They're two different games, with two different stories, and two different... Doom 3 has an absolutely fantastic single player game, and that's why I got it. Half-Life 1 was my favourite game of all time, and I'm hoping that Half-Life 2 will live up to that, with single player and multiplayer elements combined.

What I mean't by that is, Doom 3 is a great game. It is exactly what I expected in that it is a scary retelling of Doom.

I expect HL2 to blow me away. They are indeed two different games with two different goals. My objective with that comment was not to berate Doom 3, rather to say it fufilled what I wanted in the game. The last part was more of me saying that they are two different games.
I honestly believe that doom3 is the best game i have ever played. It almost seems as if your there or like a movie. Doom3 is far better than anything i have played in last couple of years for sure. I am an HL and HL2 fan and the only reason i would want HL2 more is cause of CS:Source for replayability. I almost wonder if HL2 can draw me in like doom3 has, its a really great game and i think its as much as a flop as Halflife was, and Fry Cry is no where near the game Doom3 is.
Shuzer said:
And, to add my thoughts in about D3 in this thread..

Best. PC. FPS. Ever.

I'm sorry, but I haven't even finished it, and I enjoy it more than HL.. I played D3DM online with some people, then tried to play CS afterwards.. and it just felt wrong.


* Shuzer becomes a D3 fanatic and jumps off a cliff

err.. yeah, anyway, D3 is awesome. I still want HL2, but I can't picture it living up to the level of.. quality, I've felt while playing D3. We'll see, though. I hope it does.

Xfire will start supporting Doom 3 sometime tomorrow... I expect to see you on.
Letters said:
Xfire will start supporting Doom 3 sometime tomorrow... I expect to see you on.

XFire.. that program I rarely ever log on to! :O
I don't see how Doom 3 is a flop. I've just been playing through it and it's amazing, and scary as hell. I'm a little bit past the part where you first see the skeleton guys with rocket launchers.(Don't want to say anything more specific because it would be more of a spoiler)
If I close my eyes real tight and listen to a voice recording on the pda, I....can...almost pretend I'm aboard the Von Braun and at any moment Shodan is going to interupt the message with a less than friendly hello :)

^Basically saying, I wish Doom3 was an uptodate system shock :D Now theres a storyline to wank over!