doom 3 collapse

Ive been lingering around these forums for a long time now.. This is my first post.

Doom 3 is a good game. Not great nor one of the best games ive ever played. The graphics kick ass (I run it on Ultra High at 1024x768), the pda thing and neat little computer screens are cool, but thats all I can really say. And it did scare the shite out of me quite a few times. But the weapons arent really fun to use and the physics are whacky. Ive played Multiplayer a little and its just not my bag. I find it very VERY boring. Plus it just bugs me when I hit a monster in the head with a flashlight and he entire body gibs. Im just really hoping for some great mods soon. Hide and Seek would be fun......
Gajdycz said:
with teh flop that d3 was and is, do u think valve will just ship the game as is, and fix an bugs while the copies are being made.

think of it, while installing they say

"please log on to steam for 5 min and dl teh patch and then u can have fun" that would rock
No that would never happen
waht about the peopel that dont have the internet?
Lol Shuzer on crack?

I will hang myself if HL2 only turns out to be as good as Doom 3. By my testicles.

And I have Doom 3 installed right now, want to know what I am playing? CS.
hahahahaha a flop, hahahahaha, shit maybe if you come from the amazon it mightn't be sellin' so well over there.
Mr.Reak said:
Amazing, game came out yesterday and super smart Gaydycz declares that Doom III is, in fact, a flop.

I sometimes wonder, when they will pass a law, setting age limit over internet, so only people over 18 could use it. We need it, and very fast.
Another example of adults thinking teenagers have the minds of 3-year olds. It pisses me off to no end.

Edit:Back on topic, D3, a flop? HAH! Doom 3 is exactly whats its meant to be, an action-horror game, and remake of doom1. How is that a flop?
Doom 3 may seem like a flop when you're on these forums (because obviously if you like HL2 you must hate Doom 3 :rolleyes:) but go visit a Doom 3 forum, or look at the many, many great reviews thus far. Doom 3 is a great game.

Maybe Valve should take a leaf out of id's book and, I dunno, release a game.

Edit: Oh, and I'm pretty sure that sales - wise, Doom 3 has been wildly successful.
adulus said:
Another example of adults thinking teenagers have the minds of 3-year olds. It pisses me off to no end.

You have to admit though, the evidence doesnt swing in your favour...
Hell, I'm a teenager and I think teenagers are idiots.

I can't wait until I'm 21. Then I can get a "Teenagers Suck" hat. I'm not crass enough to insult myself. :)
doom 3 ownz u. people who diss it are just too scared to play it in teh dark(!), when its best. flop, hah.
Can't believe how anyone can call Doom3 a flop, let alone say it as if everyone else thinks it's a flop too.

Doom3 is far, far, far from being a flop. It's a brilliant demonstration of the latest technology, looks absolutely amazing, and is well worthy of the Doom title - and that is not something that is easy to achieve.

Now shut up and go back to CS, back where the lights are still on and you can snipe your enemies with a lame sniper from afar. noob.
ShadowFox said:
I can't wait until I'm 21. Then I can get a "Teenagers Suck" hat. I'm not crass enough to insult myself. :)
I'm wearing mine now, along with my "teenagers suck" underpants though that can be interpreted in ways that are quite sick.
Mr-Fusion said:
I'm wearing mine now, along with my "teenagers suck" underpants though that can be interpreted in ways that are quite sick.

the're quite popular with catholic preists

*burnzie runs from the scene of the bad joke
Apart from being the best looking game ever, Doom3 is also the most polished game I have ever seen. I havnt seen a single bit of graphics corruption. I have seen 1 case of clipping issues in 12 hours of gameplay and I have not found a single spelling mistake yet. You can tell how much effort has been put into the entire package. I personally think it rocks.
jpr6130 said:
I'm just not impressed with Doom 3 at all. Yeah it look nices and has some decent sound qualaties, but it takes more then eye candy for me to spend nealry $60 after tax on a game.

You must be playing a different game than me. Doom 3 is worth the $60 price tag.

I agree with Shuzer, Doom 3 is the best FPS shooter ever. Though it looks like Doom 3's reign will be a short one by judging the new HL2 screenshots we have.
To be honest I havent played or purchased a FPS game since MOH:AA (with the exeption for CZ). I am very curious about games like Farcry and esspecially Doom3 but i'll wait it out until HL2. For a guy who's last greatest experience was Allied Assult, imagine how far his jaw will fall once he pops in HL2.

I can't wait.
hegele said:
To be honest I havent played or purchased a FPS game since MOH:AA (with the exeption for CZ). I am very curious about games like Farcry and esspecially Doom3 but i'll wait it out until HL2. For a guy who's last greatest experience was Allied Assult, imagine how far his jaw will fall once he pops in HL2.

I can't wait.

i envy you ignorence, so to speak. :D
another reason people are bitter about doom3 is because they simply can't run it over 5fps.
D3 is a great game

Doom3 rules at this moment. What HL2 gonna do when i play it i dont know but for the moment Doom3 wil do.
The one thing that would have put doom3 over the top is if the imps could climb on the walls and ceiling in an unscripted manner. As it is, they're too predictable aside from a few scripted entrances. I think this could be implmented, but you'd have to probably lay down imp-crawling surfaces specially in the editor and program in transition animations and AI. It would be like Aliens.

And the zombie soldiers needed better tactics. As they are, they're only difficult because of their powerful weapons, making them cheesy. They fall prey to cheesy tactics too: you can just sit back and shotgun their heads when they pop through the doorway
alphablu said:
I for one am loving doom3...i have to take breaks every half hour or so to let my mind rest hehe.

Are you kidding? You can't/havn't played the game for like 2-3 + hours straight? Just get scared or what?
Doom3 is an awesome awesome game deserving the scores it got (96/100) but thats not to say its flawless

There are many bugs and the multiplayer leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but its still a great game.

Ive played it around 10 hours so far :D
tokin said:
Are you kidding? You can't/havn't played the game for like 2-3 + hours straight? Just get scared or what?

I'm the type of person who normally avoids scary games, but because i have such fond memories of the original games i feel i must complete this one.

Its not that its really scary (though it is in places) its the constant tension and stress..usually ill play a level and then quit for a little while and then do another level later. Plus i really hate spiders and those upside down head spiders are really freaking me out hehe.
I beat it. Good game. Going on the shelf now... wheres my Half Life 2?

EDIT: To the dude above me...turn on cheats, get a chainsaw, and rip teh fukkers to should make you feel better...made me feel better about the friggin imps or whatever.
yes, they made the chainsaw powerful, i was like : 0_0

hold the mouse down and run into a imp or two...its gets the job done
Mr.Reak said:
Amazing, game came out yesterday and super smart Gaydycz declares that Doom III is, in fact, a flop.

I sometimes wonder, when they will pass a law, setting age limit over internet, so only people over 18 could use it. We need it, and very fast.

Im only 17 :(
No worries KingPing_NOR, I'll give you a decade or so, and I'll still be able to post. Feel free to keep them. :p
Yeah dude, I'm 15. Young compared to some here, and if I knew where to buy one of those "Teenagers are stupid" hats or whatever. I would definately buy one and wear it to school. It's sad that my friends annoy me because of their immaturity, meh. I'll just wait a few years so that I'll be ahead of the game.

As for Doom 3... I'm just goin' crazy, cuz I just bought a NEW computer... $2,000 custom made godliness, and I'm low on money now (since that was my life savig and I don't have a job). However, I really wanna get Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 of coarse (when it comes out). I've got a bit of money leftover... Maybe I'll go just a LIL farther and get Doom 3.

I'll get a job soon.
iamaelephant said:
Congradulations Black-Falcon, you finished the game with cheats. :rolleyes:

Don't worry about iamaelephant, his parents didn't hug him when he was a child
I finished Doom3 too and about 1/3 of the way through I had to use cheats because the repetitive gameplay was getting to me its basically walk 15 meters and 3-4 enemies spawn on you I could predict exactly where they would appear. I had much more fun just owning up with chainsaw/BFG than trying to play through the game with no cheats. Its a damn Quicksave spam fest ever 30 seconds. All in all its a good game but just not my type of FPS really at no point did I had to use my brain just my mouse.


The story got interesting but they left it for dead in the end. Typical ID.

I didnt really expect anything more really. Doom3 was/will be a fun few days if Valve pull off HL2 it will be another 5 years of Online gaming.

I pre-ordered it though just in case some good mod comes out and changes my mind.
Right i just finished it.... It's going on the shelf now, i'll wait to see if anyone makes some half-decent total conversions.
i wouldve got doom 3 but for one reason, i dont think spastic shooter games go well with the horror genre, sure i am all for getting scared shitless, but then i prefere for it to be more for the fact that story is scary rather than becuase i cant see my enemy unless i render myself defenceless. They should have kept doom more about being able to not die rather than being able to maintain mouse controll.

But doom3 is in no way a flop, i predict a 87% score for it, but then again i guess we were expecting so much more.
I hope not, we need some competition in this business.
gamespot doesn't seem to like hyped popular games, i think they are going to not be nice to halflife2 either. but well see i guess
Gajdycz said:
with teh flop that d3 was and is

Oh, so it's a flop because you say it is? Wow.

"please log on to steam for 5 min and dl teh patch and then u can have fun" that would rock

omg lolz?++++
Gajdycz said:
with teh flop that d3 was and is, do u think valve will just ship the game as is, and fix an bugs while the copies are being made.

What the shmeck? What are you smoking, or shooting in? Get the **** wait, get the **** out
I started playing D3 but after a while (1hour) it got boring..