doom 3 collapse

Doom 3

Doom 3, a game with the most suggestive atmosphere i've seen so far (this shadows are simply amazing). I didn't played in it, so i don't want to declaim any hasty judges, but i feel more Doom 3 with those claustrophobic spaces, scary ramps and attacks from surprise. Also, this whole Mars atmosphere is preety spooky as well. I look forward for both games with indication on Doom 3.I said i wait for both, because premiere in Poland is a bit later than in US.
Doom 3 is more of a PURE shooter than an adventure game. Sure hl2 will most likely have a deeper storyline, but those looking for a shootemup should prefer doom. Personally I loved serious sam 1 and 2, for the pure fact that it was in your face action and it didnt NEED a story to be good. The fanboys will argue and say hl2 is better graphics, story, blah blah blah, but it all boils down to a matter of taste, what do YOU look for in a game. Doom 3 imo is great, the best pure shooter bar none to date. Hl2 I expect will be the best adventure shooter to date. They are 2 separate games, I dont see why everyone keeps comparing them. Hell even valve said they were eager to play doom 3, so pipe down with the fanboyism ;)
HL did not have an original story either. Aliens invade earth thorugh teleports or what not. Sounds as cliched as the Doom 3 story.

HL gameplay and scripted sequences is what seperated it from the rest. We'll have to see if it still holds up.
my personal opinion is that Doom3 ras released before needed, unlike the Half Life 2 community who are killing themselves becuase of the suspence the Doom 3 community didnt fell the need for Doom 3, that very minute. And when the news came of Doom 3 going gold evryone was suprised about how sudden it was. The delvelopers should have spent more time giving it the fine-tuning it needed and increase the suspence even more, i think they lost out by releasing it this early.
Head_Crab_04 said:
HL did not have an original story either. Aliens invade earth thorugh teleports or what not. Sounds as cliched as the Doom 3 story.

HL gameplay and scripted sequences is what seperated it from the rest. We'll have to see if it still holds up.


You're seeing the HL story from a superficial point of view. The thing is, for Doom 3, the superficial stuff is all there is. In HL, you can just go deeper and deeper, and it only gets more of a complex storyline.
Doom 3 is what I've come to expect from id.

id doesn't, as a rule since Doom 1, make great games. They make absolutely stunning tech demos and engines. That may sound a little unfair, but after playing a few hours of Doom 3, I haven't really found anything groundbreaking other than the oft-praised lighting effects, which truly are damn impressive. The gameplay so far hasn't done much for me: crawl along dark corridor, use flashlight to peek around corners, see monster idling and not notice me, pull out shotgun, blast monster, move to next corridor. Maybe things pick up later (no spoilers please) but right now, it feels like a Deus Ex 2 mod.

I hope there's at least one wide-open space, preferably on the Mars surface, where they will send hordes of enemies at me and I blast them with every weapon I can lay my hands on.

My expectations for HL2 remain ridiculously high.
Head_Crab_04 said:
HL did not have an original story either. Aliens invade earth thorugh teleports or what not. Sounds as cliched as the Doom 3 story.

HL gameplay and scripted sequences is what seperated it from the rest. We'll have to see if it still holds up.

I woudlnt say Doom3 wasnt orginainal, ok its the same as doo 1 but its a remake right? Usually a plot beginning with "mars reaserach base" would end with "monsters created by the radioactivty". Opening a portal to hell i think was a spell of genius, i wudnt have though of it!
Duff_Man said:
I don't know why there are separate fans for each game. I myself love both and will buy and support both.

I love both aswell. If you asked me last week you'd have been told I wasn't expecting much from Doom 3. But now that I've played it I love it to bits.

Anyone who speaks negatively about it around here is immediately added to my "preteen HL2 fanboy" list.

I'm expecting HL2 to be better, and I can't wait for it. But that doesn't stop Doom 3 being utterly fantastic.
GorgeousOrifice said:
Doom 3 is what I've come to expect from id.

id doesn't, as a rule since Doom 1, make great games. They make absolutely stunning tech demos and engines. That may sound a little unfair, but after playing a few hours of Doom 3, I haven't really found anything groundbreaking other than the oft-praised lighting effects, which truly are damn impressive. The gameplay so far hasn't done much for me: crawl along dark corridor, use flashlight to peek around corners, see monster idling and not notice me, pull out shotgun, blast monster, move to next corridor. Maybe things pick up later (no spoilers please) but right now, it feels like a Deus Ex 2 mod.

I hope there's at least one wide-open space, preferably on the Mars surface, where they will send hordes of enemies at me and I blast them with every weapon I can lay my hands on.

My expectations for HL2 remain ridiculously high.

what kind of speakers/headphones are you using though? sound and ambience is also a HUGE factor in doom3. and if someone goes through doom3 with crappy speakers turned on low, they are going to miss a huge portion of what the game is supposed to be like.
GorgeousOrifice said:
My expectations for HL2 remain ridiculously high.

Don't get them too high because they will probably delay it AGAIN.
if by flop you mean

F- Fantastic

L- Lighting (nice)

O- orgasmic graphics

P- Platinum sales (or near platinum)

I guess its a flop.
10/10 - warcry
10/10 - myguygames
5/5 - gamers depot
5/5 - computer gaming world
5/5 - activereviews
"A" - UGO
95/100 - eToyChest
9.5/10 - XGP Gaming
9.4/10 - Gamer's Hell
9.4/10 - PGNx MEdia
94/100 - Telefragged
94/100 - Pc Gamer
9.3/10 - OzForces Gaming Nation
91/100 - computergames
9/10 - Inside Gamer Online
9/10 - Gaming Nexus
90/100 - ActionTrip
4.5/5 - gamemecca
89/100 - Computer Games RO
8.5/10 - Gamespot
8.5/10 - AOL Games

Yep, definately a flop...
Sadly though gamespot is the only reviewer that has actually been right on the money about DooM 3.

A predictable, good looking, not-so-scarey horror game..
actually computer gaming world has been the only reviewer that has been right on the money. how about that! gotta love subjectivity
I think Grimey's post says it all.

I just wish I could keep playing Doom 3, it's too damn scary.
iamaelephant said:
I think Grimey's post says it all.

I just wish I could keep playing Doom 3, it's too damn scary.

haha I almost feel the same way.

It's 1:12 am here right now and there's no way I'm gonna play it now.
Gajdycz said:
with teh flop that d3 was and is, do u think valve will just ship the game as is, and fix an bugs while the copies are being made.

think of it, while installing they say

"please log on to steam for 5 min and dl teh patch and then u can have fun" that would rock

Are you insane. Doom 3 did insanely well and is a insanely good game.
Tonight I will finally get the chance to play Doom 3 as it should be - lights out, surround sound and no disturbances.

Though it pains me to say it, thanks must go to the producers of Big Brother - tonight's final evictions/winner night will keep my wife out of the house for at least 3 hours whilst it rambles on!
czrsink said:
Tonight I will finally get the chance to play Doom 3 as it should be - lights out, surround sound and no disturbances.

Though it pains me to say it, thanks must go to the producers of Big Brother - tonight's final evictions/winner night will keep my wife out of the house for at least 3 hours whilst it rambles on!

Same here, just installing now :D
Doom 3 is fun for a while.
It looks good, sounds good but get extremly repetive.
The beginning of hell is the only fun part, and the soulcube.
Yeah, looks like it would get repititious really easily... I'll still buy it once I get my new computer though... It'll keep me busy 'til CS:S Beta... Or Half-Life 2 in general.... mmm... This is making me hungry! haha...
Doom3 is great. Pretty scary too.

Worst thing about Doom 3: The PDA. Is there no better means of developing the storyline than through email??? And nothing *really* adds to suspensful horror like SPAM MAIL FROM MARTIAN BUDDY!!???? ..."Holy shit that demon scared the hell out of me, LET ME CHECK MY EMAIL."
It does give some great comic relief though. :D
(They wanted to make the plot optional, so you need not really go after it if you dont want to.)
Plot makes a game more interesting. Who wants to have to read fictional character's lame e-mails in order to build story. That, my friends, is what I call lazy game developement. Still buyin' Doom 3 though! haha
RaBiD WeAzEL said:
Plot makes a game more interesting. Who wants to have to read fictional character's lame e-mails in order to build story. That, my friends, is what I call lazy game developement. Still buyin' Doom 3 though! haha

That's the most ignorant, stupid, thing I've read all week.

I guess you also haven't played the majesty of System Shock 2.

Your loss on all counts.
I suppose we should be all commiserating each other after the flop that was HL7... Who'd of though the Gman would actually be controlled by a rabid badger...

Oh right... Reality... Check.

Developing the plot in-game by what you see going on is a good way of presenting the story, which is just what HL did. However with not real dialogue or written develpments to the story evrything can begin to feel very disgointed and you are left with the bare bones of a story where the different sides of it are not brought together. Luckily this was fixed, somewhat, by retelling the story from different prespectives in OF, BS and Decay. Most storytelling is done by continually re affirming the point of what is happening, things are said several times to make sure the listner/watcher/player knows exactly what is going on. However in HL with there being little dialogue and no email type system like in Doom 3 the player is given a fact, eg. "we have captured the border world" that is not re affirmed or developed on, so the player feels insicure about what is actually happening and what is going on in the story. THe player then puts together a plot in his mind from a few small soruces that he is not actually sure on and is very disgointed. The fact that he dosent know what is going on can leave the player feeling dissapointed and even angry. With the sequals the bare bones story of Half Life is developed on and reaffirmed, so by the end the player has a very good understanding about what is going on.
I liked the original Doom 1, but I don't think I'd like Doom 3. Too scary for me...
RaBiD WeAzEL said:
Plot makes a game more interesting. Who wants to have to read fictional character's lame e-mails in order to build story. That, my friends, is what I call lazy game developement. Still buyin' Doom 3 though! haha

Lazy development by id, who have just created the greatest gaming engine in history?

Okay buddy.
I think it looks like they've all been stuck underground for six months. :D
Or because Hell is messing with them; I enjoyed reading about how so many of the workers in the base were slowly developing mental problems because of the experiments.
People complain about the people being so pale in Doom 3, but, as has been stated by many a logical thinker lately, they are living on Mars. There aren't alot of opportunities to go outside and get a tan.

Seriously, just look at English people ;)

Please don't hit me

Woohoo the big eight zero zero.
Doom3 is repetitive and thats a FACT. Although, some of you ignorant people towards doom3 need to remember this is one of the best games if not the best since Half-Life. The graphics are revolutionary as of now. They did an amazing job on the sound effects. The weapons are perfectly balanced. The story suffers at points and it can be repetitive but DO REMEMBER this is how the original doom was and carmack and the crew did a great job making a remake of doom of every intention of how it was suppose to be. I must ask much more do i have to go...i just beat that HUGE BOSS in hell that had those light sources that searched for me and they appeared from his back/upper opening.
tokin said:
Doom3 is repetitive and thats a FACT. Although, some of you ignorant people towards doom3 need to remember this is one of the best games if not the best since Half-Life. The graphics are revolutionary as of now. They did an amazing job on the sound effects. The weapons are perfectly balanced. The story suffers at points and it can be repetitive but DO REMEMBER this is how the original doom was and carmack and the crew did a great job making a remake of doom of every intention of how it was suppose to be. I must ask much more do i have to go...i just beat that HUGE BOSS in hell that had those light sources that searched for me and they appeared from his back/upper opening.
You've got about another hour or two to go.
Abom said:
You've got about another hour or two to go.

Cool, you playing the game through again, like on nightmare mode or just the multiplayer now? Or neither? I'm just going to stick to MP after i beat SP, the MP can be fun at times.