doom 3 collapse

tokin said:
Cool, you playing the game through again, like on nightmare mode or just the multiplayer now? Or neither? I'm just going to stick to MP after i beat SP, the MP can be fun at times.
I think I'll wait a while until I play again, if at all. Just not quite the same the second time round.
Ewwww, I am in disgust! Hearing you all praize the game of the devil..
Forgetting the game you all MUST support HL²!!!. Noway is this happening.. I am dreaming.. Death to all you traitors! stabbed me in the back ey ... Supporting the game of the devil, I dare not speak its name! But you will burn soon, Yess you will! death for you all.. ooh yess.

/me runs off in a dress made of garbage
Mechagodzilla said:
And who can blame 'em?

But anywho, i guess we can stop flaming the original poster because of his bad word choice. He does have sort-of a point.

Doom 3 turned out to be the best totally average game ever. They took extremely basic gameplay and polished it to the point that it Gamespot strained to give it an 85% score just because it's so good graphically.

From the recent screens Greg tossed out to us, it's clear that HL2's graphics are at the very least equal, and most people who have somehow played the game can attest to it being revelutionary with the integration of the physics.
Plus, their biggest competitor is being more closely compared to Farcry now.

There's no better time to release the game, really.

However, the idea of being given the incomplete game now with the promise of future extensive patches, albeit tantalizing, isn't a good one. I think most everyone can agree.
Valve has somewhat of a grace period now. With the next big shooter on the horizon being Stalker, they have basically from now until Stalker's release to focus purely on making HL2 better than Doom 3 by taking note of any mistakes that were made there.

It's a good time for Valve, I'm sure.
no, no we can't stop flaming him. did you see the time stamp on his post? april..... he said doom3 was a total flop way before it was even released. then some stupid guy resurrected the thread yesterday
DrunkPanda said:
no, no we can't stop flaming him. did you see the time stamp on his post? april..... he said doom3 was a total flop way before it was even released. then some stupid guy resurrected the thread yesterday
I do believe that it's a different date format, 5th of august 2004. Anyway I am enjoying the game immensely. Each to his own, but this game is no flop.
You guys acutally listen to Gamespot the people who gave Wrestling games like 9.0/10. It's a freaken console site, I say hold judgement until Gamespy reviews it, Pc Gamer already gave it a 94% and that is much more acredited then Gamespot.
i think doom is a love it or hate it type game. I personally love it because the give you one big objective at a time.

Not like many other games where you have to Go the 2nd external force field and kill the 3 spider monkeys. then thake their heads back to the witch doctor so he can make a special brew which allows you tp jump super high. But before you canump you must kill the superman and steal his magical cape so your jumping abilities will reach level2. Then finally go grab the crystal near the ocean floor which is guarded by giant killer clams!!! but in order to grab the crystal you must save up enough money for the clam killing gun.......

lol some games just overdue it. Doom is subtle and leaves you to explore and appreciate the game. It's not that much of a thinking man's game. It purely shooting/action. I;m not saying I dont like thinking man games. All Im saying is that if doom were a thinking man's game it wouldn't suit properly. BLOOD GUTS AND VIOLENCE BABY!!! This one aint for the Christians.
im glad i dwonloaded it and didnt buy. what a sucky POS im bored already. alpha labs was getting boring i finally made it another set of metal corridors & rooms that look exactly the same!! im holding out for the 'hell' levels they better be fkn good!!
iamaelephant said:
Doom 3 may seem like a flop when you're on these forums (because obviously if you like HL2 you must hate Doom 3 :rolleyes:) but go visit a Doom 3 forum, or look at the many, many great reviews thus far. Doom 3 is a great game.

Maybe Valve should take a leaf out of id's book and, I dunno, release a game.

Edit: Oh, and I'm pretty sure that sales - wise, Doom 3 has been wildly successful.

you said exactly what i was going to say.

its refreshing to see someone on these forums that has a decent opinion.
DrunkPanda said:
no, no we can't stop flaming him. did you see the time stamp on his post? april..... he said doom3 was a total flop way before it was even released. then some stupid guy resurrected the thread yesterday

actualy thats august...

5/8/04 equals the 5th of the 8th 2004. not the 8th of the 5th 2004
ukfluke said:
im glad i dwonloaded it and didnt buy. what a sucky POS im bored already. alpha labs was getting boring i finally made it another set of metal corridors & rooms that look exactly the same!! im holding out for the 'hell' levels they better be fkn good!!
Yes indeed. Unfortunately i forked over money for it and feel like a complete idiot for doing so.
ukfluke said:
im glad i dwonloaded it and didnt buy. what a sucky POS im bored already. alpha labs was getting boring i finally made it another set of metal corridors & rooms that look exactly the same!! im holding out for the 'hell' levels they better be fkn good!!
Perhaps the stupidest thing in that post is the fact that you're barely even into the game yet.
Doom 3 is the best game I've played in years. I love the attention to detail that went into it. And yes, it can be a litte repetitive, but if you spread it out over a couple weeks rather than finishing it in a couple days it helps.

Also, I think it does require more imagination then a game like HL1. The story isn't really obvious. You have to work at it a bit more really, to read all the e-mails and listen to all the audio files. Sometimes I wonder how people who say it's bad played it. Because if I played it in the middle of the day, never bothered with the story and just shot anything that moved while running through the levels, then, yes, I would agree it would be boring. But playing at night with a good sound system, all the lights turned off, and immersing myself in the game it's a hellava lot of fun.
Having to listen to audio logs and read all the e-mails interrupts the flow of the gameplay and ruins the atmosphere.
gokuguy said:
Having to listen to audio logs and read all the e-mails interrupts the flow of the gameplay and ruins the atmosphere.

I thought they really helped with the pacing. It was nice tension reliever. I was glad whenever I found a new PDA.
Neutrino said:
Doom 3 is the best game I've played in years. I love the attention to detail that went into it. And yes, it can be a litte repetitive, but if you spread it out over a couple weeks rather than finishing it in a couple days it helps.

Also, I think it does require more imagination then a game like HL1. The story isn't really obvious. You have to work at it a bit more really, to read all the e-mails and listen to all the audio files. Sometimes I wonder how people who say it's bad played it. Because if I played it in the middle of the day, never bothered with the story and just shot anything that moved while running through the levels, then, yes, I would agree it would be boring. But playing at night with a good sound system, all the lights turned off, and immersing myself in the game it's a hellava lot of fun.
I was starting to think I was the only one. :)

Ed. And same about the PDAs... nice breather.
If you bought Doom 3 and didn't enjoy it, it's your own fault. The game was exactly what it was promised to be (and by most accounts, better than expected). If you weren't interested in a scary, old school, dark, simple shooter, you should never have purchased Doom 3.
gokuguy said:
Having to listen to audio logs and read all the e-mails interrupts the flow of the gameplay and ruins the atmosphere.
You can play all PDA audio logs while moving about the level.
Doom3 was never about innovative gameplay, its about blasting through imps with a shotgun.

I think its great, a very very fun game
Neutrino said:
Doom 3 is the best game I've played in years. I love the attention to detail that went into it. And yes, it can be a litte repetitive, but if you spread it out over a couple weeks rather than finishing it in a couple days it helps.

Also, I think it does require more imagination then a game like HL1. The story isn't really obvious. You have to work at it a bit more really, to read all the e-mails and listen to all the audio files. Sometimes I wonder how people who say it's bad played it. Because if I played it in the middle of the day, never bothered with the story and just shot anything that moved while running through the levels, then, yes, I would agree it would be boring. But playing at night with a good sound system, all the lights turned off, and immersing myself in the game it's a hellava lot of fun.

I believe that ID kinda cheaped out on the story. HL1 put you in the story but for Doom 3, ID, once they were done with the great graphics engine, just put some PDA's around the world (with some great voice acting, I gotta give them that), to give some offering to the story oriented player. Having to constantly switch between gameplay and story is, for me, kinda of a let down; but then again Doom 3 was never known for it's strong story.
Letters said:
I was starting to think I was the only one. :)

Heh, ya me too. It's funny though, if you go to a Doom site like planetdoom everyone loves it.
Wolf said:
You can play all PDA audio logs while moving about the level.

Tried that, but the sound of my shotgun and the grunts of imps kinda makes listening to it kinda hard.
Wait, we're going round in circles here.

This is the part where people say Doom 3 was what it promised to be, then i say it wasn't because the predictable AI, magic opening monster walls, and spawning in imps completely takes away the scare factor, then someone says i'm a mucho man because i wasn't scared...and i'm a moron. Then i say scariness is subjective, then they say my opinion doesn't matter, then i say suck my dick, they say ok. Then i!!
Mr-Fusion said:
Wait, we're going round in circles here.

This is the part where people say Doom 3 was what it promised to be, then i say it wasn't because the predictable AI, magic opening monster walls, and spawning in imps completely takes away the scare factor, then someone says i'm a mucho man because i wasn't scared...and i'm a moron. Then i say scariness is subjective, then they say my opinion doesn't matter, then i say suck my dick, they say ok. Then i!!

Best thing said in this thread so far
Wolf said:
You can play all PDA audio logs while moving about the level.

Yeah, but like I said, listening to somebody talk while youre walking through dark rooms trying to fight off monsters is not only distracting, but it also ruins the fear factor.
That's why you run around and hit boxes and laptops around with your flashlight while you listen! :D
I usually wait till I've cleared a room out before listening to the PDA messages. Once I know the room is clear, I can have a nosey around while the voice message plays back. I think it's a great feature. No-one can dis ID for the presentation of Doom 3, it's top notch.

I was at a LAN this weekend, playing Doom 3 DM with some 'doubters'. They enjoyed the multiplayer, especially the cramped, darkened levels. However, they were completely blown away by the single player, saying it was so much better than they'd expected.

I was amazed to see it running acceptabley on a GeForce 3 64MNB graphics card as well. Granted, it didn't look as lush as it did on my 9800Pro, but it worked well enough to convey the atmosphere etc. There can be no doubting the technical wizardry that's at work under the bonnet of the Doom 3 engine.

If the story was just a wee bit more involving, and the shocks weren't just reduced to things jumping out of concealed panels (so Quake 2, that is) - Doom 3 really would be a gaming masterpiece. It's so close, it's almost touching that perfect 10, but it's just a few things that let it down.

I'm expecting HL2 to go the extra cm and beat it to the top marks post.
Some people love it, some people hate it. For the sake of my sanity, leave it at that.
iamaelephant said:
Some people love it, some people hate it. For the sake of my sanity, leave it at that.

So they are just saying they hate it, does that trouble you? :O
lans said:
So they are just saying they hate it, does that trouble you? :O

I believe it was more the endless nitpicking and the expectations that Doom3 was somehow going to have revolutionary gameplay that gets annoying. Plus, it just seems like there is a huge amount of negativity toward the game for some reason. Almost seems as if "cool" to bash the game on here now. Hmm, odd that every reviewer gave it a good, if not great, rating and practically everyone on the D3 forums love it.

Anywho, continue with the Doom 3 bashing. I'm going to go back to playing it. :rolleyes:
The trick to playing Doom 3 is to just play it and don't think.
Once you start thinking "hhmm, you know, when I pick that up 2 monsters will spawn behind me." or " As soon as I reach the middle of this room, the lights will propably go out and 3 monsters will spawn and attack me".
I started thinking like that, and it totally ruins the game. It's like theres no choises whatsoever.
I think the reason people started giving doom3 bad reviews is because it became repetitive [which is always a bad thing, no excuse] and because the multiplayer is balls. 4 people... woooow <_<
Neutrino said:
Anywho, continue with the Doom 3 bashing. I'm going to go back to playing it. :rolleyes:

You do just that, and you won't get to hear people complain, I guarantee! :thumbs:
Neutrino said:
I believe it was more the endless nitpicking and the expectations that Doom3 was somehow going to have revolutionary gameplay that gets annoying.

Alas the consequences of over hype.

Sadly I suspect HL2 will get the same treatment when it's released - there will be a lot of unhappy people venting here and elsewhere, because you cant wipe gordons virtual ass with the bog-paper or blow snot bubbles out of gordons virtual nose etc. on similar threads as this.

Expectations run way too high on forums - their natural course to tumble downhill after reaching such impossible heights.
I love Doom 3, and I think it is a very good game, and there are few games to ever match it's production values. My biggest issues are the enemy AI and the scariness of the game. With the monsters and such, it's fine, but the soldiers should be smarter and tactical. They just aren't in Doom 3, it would be cool if they tried coming at you in groups or something. In terms of the scariness, overall, I don't think it is. It has great tension and atmosphere, but I have yet to find myself screaming or anything. Like in marine campaign of AVP 2, now that was scary. It truely freaked me out. Sure in Doom 3 I don't want to go into the pitch black areas, but it's more because I have to switch to the flashlight than in fear of what lies in there. I dunno. Overall, I think the 8.5 score of Doom 3 at GameSpot is fair. It's a great game, but it's definitely not perfect. Oh well, this concludes my rant. Come on Half-Life 2! :cheers:

The realism of DOOM3 is so freaking scary... I turned it off within 15 minutes and took a crap...
I've been playing Doom 3 for a few hours now and it's pretty scary. Had to stop playing several times to let the nerves settle. If you have a decent video card, definetely worth getting.
"The trick to playing Doom 3 is to just play it and don't think.
Once you start thinking "hhmm, you know, when I pick that up 2 monsters will spawn behind me." or " As soon as I reach the middle of this room, the lights will propably go out and 3 monsters will spawn and attack me".
I started thinking like that, and it totally ruins the game. It's like theres no choises whatsoever."

I think for some people, random, quick, unpredictable things are frightening. For others, it's the inevitable. You see, for me, the fact I knew that no matter what I did, going through this doorway means Satans Little Helpers are gonna come try to eat me and I've only got 2 shells left is what was scary. Then, on the same note, the thing popping through the ventillation shafts was scary too. I guess I'm a pussy when it comes to both :p