doom 3 collapse

Neutrino said:
Doom 3 is the best game I've played in years. I love the attention to detail that went into it. And yes, it can be a litte repetitive, but if you spread it out over a couple weeks rather than finishing it in a couple days it helps.

Also, I think it does require more imagination then a game like HL1. The story isn't really obvious. You have to work at it a bit more really, to read all the e-mails and listen to all the audio files. Sometimes I wonder how people who say it's bad played it. Because if I played it in the middle of the day, never bothered with the story and just shot anything that moved while running through the levels, then, yes, I would agree it would be boring. But playing at night with a good sound system, all the lights turned off, and immersing myself in the game it's a hellava lot of fun.

im glad theres a few pple that actually liked Doom3 :)
i mean.. the popular opinion is "omg Doom3 sux!!! omg i wasted $50 on it!!!"
seriously.. i don't understand what pple were expecting out of this game.. and frankly if this is the kind of reaction Doom3 gets around here.. im thinking some pples' expectations are so high around here that even HL2 will be a disappointment for them.

pple need to sit back and just enjoy games for what they are.. and stop the stupid comparasions to their predcesors(sp?) or other games. :frown:
Friday 13th : The day I get to make my mind up. I'm glad iD seems to have keept Doom what it was meant to be. No looking round corners or laying prone in this thank god, it's all about the action (yes, I've had enough of tactical shooters for a while).