Doom 3 hardware guide

-TaNaKa- said:
You see like minor differences, like in here:

You can see the shape of that guys head looks a little bit more better then in the high detail, its has more round curves..

But its nothing really. I never look at those minor differences
That has nothing to do with it. The difference between Ultra and High is the compression used on specular and diffuse lighting - on high there is compression, on ultra there is none. There's nothing to do with poly counts of models.
If thats so, i dont see any differences then. Anyway, im happy if i can play the game with medium or high if possible. Ill buy the game much later though. First new computer :dozey:
-TaNaKa- said:
If thats so, i dont see any differences then. Anyway, im happy if i can play the game with medium or high if possible. Ill buy the game much later though. First new computer :dozey:

Why don't you buy the game first, see how your current comp handles it and then see if you really need an upgrade...?
My dear CB|Para, would you like to try to play doom3 with amd athlon 900mghz, 384 mbram, geforce 4 mx440? :D I even dont have minimum... Dont worry, im not 1 of those guys that say shit like this: " i have a "old" 9800 pro/xt, im afraid it cant handle it " ;)
And why i ment medium or high setting, i ment it when i would have my new computer...
Why in the wide wide world of sports would you want an x800xtpe for Doom3? The Doom3 hardware guide shows it getting beaten by the $399 6800GT in every test, and it even gets beaten by the $299 6800 non ultra in some tests!

The 6800 series is by far the best cards for Doom3, and they are actually available.
Well, since D3 is capped at 60FPS the benfit of Nvidia hardware is greatly minimized.
If I wanted to use AA/AF in most every game I played, I'd still buy an X800XT PE if I was looking at that price point.
It would play D3 at the full 60FPS and play all the rest of the DirectX games very well along with the other 100+FPS openGL games. ;)
tranCendenZ said:
Why in the wide wide world of sports would you want an x800xtpe for Doom3? The Doom3 hardware guide shows it getting beaten by the $399 6800GT in every test, and it even gets beaten by the $299 6800 non ultra in some tests!

The 6800 series is by far the best cards for Doom3, and they are actually available.

[News Flash]

Other games besides Doom 3 are rumored to exist

[/News Flash]

The X800 Pro is the most available card right now. The 6800 and 6800 GT are starting to become available. You can't buy a 6800 Ultra or X800 XT PE if you tried.
Asus said:
Well, since D3 is capped at 60FPS the benfit of Nvidia hardware is greatly minimized.

Not at all, if you look at HardOCP, you will see that at 1600x1200 the 6800GT and 6800 Ultra have significantly higher minimum framerates than ATI hardware at 1600x1200 - 6800GT/U both above 30fps, while the x800xtpe is borderline and drops below 30 in cases... Meaning that despite the 60fps cap, you may get choppiness with the x800xtpe while you wouldn't with the 6800GT for $100 less, because the x800xtpe dips below 30fps quite often in Doom3.

If I wanted to use AA/AF in most every game I played, I'd still buy an X800XT PE if I was looking at that price point.
It would play D3 at the full 60FPS and play all the rest of the DirectX games very well along with the other 100+FPS openGL games. ;)

Again, I'd look at the HardOCP benchmarks and minimum framerates. The only card out their entire roster capable of 4xAA at 1600x1200 was the 6800 Ultra according to HardOCP. The 6800GT will probably be capable of 2xAA at that res according to HardOCP, while the x800xtpe does not have the performance for any level of AA.

HardOCP also gave the 6800 Ultra the "Doom3 Ultimate Videocard" award and the 6800 non-ultra the "Doom3 Ultimate Enthusiast Videocard" award. If you are interested in Doom3 engine games like Doom3, Quake4, RTCW2, etc, the 6800 is honestly a no-brainer.
blahblahblah said:
Other games besides Doom 3 are rumored to exist

But aside from HL2, do they matter? ;) Remember, like the Quake3 engine, odds are many games will be based off the Doom3 engine. Some examples now are Quake4 and RTCW2.

The X800 Pro is the most available card right now. The 6800 and 6800 GT are starting to become available. You can't buy a 6800 Ultra or X800 XT PE if you tried.

IMO the easiest card to find now is the 6800 non-ultra, followed by the x800pro. The 6800GT was as available as the x800PRO, then the Doom3 benchmarks came out showing the 6800gt faster than the x800xtpe and now they are a lot more difficult to find. Still findable though, but now they are more like $450 instead of $400. 6800 Ultras are actually findable too if you keep on the ball, but they cost $550-$599 on average. Newegg had Prolink 6800U cards in for a full day, but sold out about 2 days ago. Also, this shop apparently has MSI 6800U cards in stock currently (according to a friend of someone who works there).
Doom3 would be the only OpenGL game I play. The remainder of the games are DirectX. I would have no reason to buy a card just for Doom3 was my point. If the cap was not there then they would be capable of higher FPS and the true performance differences would be shown. Because it's capped, the differences are minmized. I didn't say covered up. hehe

Since more gamers play games based of Half-Life we can say the same thing for DX9 and future source based games. ;)

It all comes to what games you play and what features you like.
For example, I play almost all DirectX games and love to use AA and AF yet I want a very playable experience when those are enabled. You can guess which card I tend to perfer.
Asus said:
It all comes to what games you play and what features you like.
For example, I play almost all DirectX games and love to use AA and AF yet I want a very playable experience when those are enabled. You can guess which card I tend to perfer.

Out of this gen? Not sure since the 6800 and x800 are neck and neck with high AA/AF in DX. Except the 6800GT which beats the x800pro pretty soundly.

Methinks you haven't seen benchmarks with the new 61.34+ drivers, or have been reading biased reviews from places like DriverHeaven that leave ATI's brilinear filtering optimizations enabled but then disable the same optimizations for Nvidia cards (because they can according to them), then complain for pages about Nvidia's filtering performance. Real balanced there.
From what I have seen, the X800XT is generally a few FPS ahead of the 6800Ultra over the majority of DirectX games. When filters are enabled the difference between the average FPS for both cards is increased.

For example in Xbitlab's latest Farcry review, the 6800Ultra had an Average FPS of about 82 while the X800XT had about 84 avg FPS. That was for the first section where AA/AF were not enabled. The 2 FPS difference (which would be a tie) grew to a 8 or 10 FPS difference, if I remember right, when you added in the AA/AF scores to the averages.

I've graphed the scores between quite a few DX benchmarks and that has been the trend. Some quite a bit greater than others.

The X800pro is behind the 6800GT but in some cases it does catch up. ;) The 12 pipeline 6800 doesn't get anywhere close.
I'd like to see how the X800GT performs.
Asus said:
From what I have seen, the X800XT is generally a few FPS ahead of the 6800Ultra over the majority of DirectX games. When filters are enabled the difference between the average FPS for both cards is increased.

Well, from what I've seen using the most recent drivers for both cards, the 6800U consistently leads the x800xt without AA/AF. When AA/AF or enabled, its generally a tie, or the x800xt is ahead by a few fps. There are exceptions to this, but it is generally due to reviewer error, like enabling optimizations for one card but disabling them for another; Driverheaven is notorious for this even today, and many sites fell for this when the cards first came out due to ATI's misleading benchmarking guide. Of course, since you can't disable the x800's optimizations, this generally falls in ATI's favor.

I'd like to see how the X800GT performs.

I'd like to see if the x800GT exists :)