Doom 3 Multiplayer

The maps are very small and dark (like the singleplayer), there are only a few maps, there is a 4 player limit, you can choose from a whopping 5 skins that are just basic recolors, and the least boring game type is Last Man Standing. The only real fun I had in the multiplayer was when I got a certain power-up from the old Doom games... that was pretty cool.

Other than that one item and the great graphics, I'd rank Doom 3 MP on the same level as HLDM because they are almost equally plain. Let's hope Doom 3 gets some MP mods... and soon.

Still, the singleplayer is top notch. It got the scores it deserved. If you are a fan of good singleplayer experiences, do not pass this up. If you spend all of your time playing MP games, wait for a decent mod or at least for the price to drop.

Also, if you want something to show off the power of your PC... this is it.
Gorgon said:

"Great game? No question. Worth buying? Shit yeah. The only question in my mind is: How quickly some modders make a co-op patch, because this game would be absolutely mind blowing with one. Hopefully soon!

I still stand by what I said earlier: Half-life 2 will own Doom 3. That doesn't mean Doom 3 isn't a great game, and it is. Show these devs that you care about quality releases: Buy them both, starting with Doom 3. On tuesday, I'll be heading to EB to do just that."

Boy, seems like the reviewer, even after such a great review - was a HL Fanboy. heh. :D
that was kind of biased and in the tone of a very non-proffesional journalist, i don't think this guy's really noteworthy
lans said:
Boy, seems like the reviewer, even after such a great review - was a HL Fanboy. heh. :D

Nah. If he would have reviewed D3 by saying "This game sucks. Half-Life 2 is 100x better than it! D3 has no plot, crappy graphics and is just running and shooting", then he'd be a fanboy.

If that sounds familiar to anyone, that's because I've actually seen people post that dumb shit on this forum.
NeoGlyphix, can you explain something to me. You wrote this in one of your posts over at IGN:

"But as I said earlier DONOT get me wroung, the sp is ****ing amazing, but the mp falls really, really short and if theres more than about 7-10 people in a server my pc, along with everyone elses' in the server starts dying regardless of how badass of a system they have."

What do you mean "more than 7-10 people"? Am I misreading your post, or did they already get the player limits up higher?
Yea soundwave, you can set it up to 256 by putting +set si_maxplayers "#" in the shortcut, and i got banned from ign rofl.

Another thing if you guys haven't noticed already:
THE MP IS LESS STABLE THAN THE HL2 LEAK, mainly because of the damn bugs, like crashing with too many people named player.

P.S. Don't abuse the size tags, thanks -Abom
SS2 had great co-op, added with a pre-release patch that was less than 6 megabytes; good to see an amateur co-op effort but bah nonetheless. I mean come on... 4 player MP? Sounds like it was custom built for co-op...

I was put off D3 MP when I heard about 4 player DM; I suck too much for small deathmatches. Probably still get it for SP, mostly due to what it is and not what it offers if anyone gets me...
Shuzer said:

* Shuzer runs away before receiving CB's fury

I read that as * Shuzer runs away before receiving CB's fur

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Can I have your fur, CB? :angel:
As the forum perv, I should be the one going around shaving moderators!

Yay for correcting spelling mistakes... and damn you Shuzer. Usually I delight in pointing out the mistakes of those who point out mistakes, Mr. Perfect Grammar.

Seriously though, I feel D3 could easily have released without any sort of MP and half the gaming population wouldn't care- the originals were SP orientated in my eyes, despite how they started off an MP generation of FPS gamers...
Edcrab said:
As the forum perv, I should be the one going around shaving moderators!

Yay for correcting spelling mistakes... and damn you Shuzer. Usually I delight in pointing out the mistakes of those who point out mistakes, Mr. Perfect Grammar.

Seriously though, I feel D3 could easily have released without any sort of MP and half the gaming population wouldn't care- the originals were SP orientated in my eyes, despite how they started off an MP generation of FPS gamers...

I guess they put it in for the mods...seriously it looks like they havent even been trying to make a good MP..i
the reason mp sucks now is probably...nobody is running a dedicated server that is good enough to handle all of the data, and stupid people are trying to play with slow connections
You'd have to step back and question your own intelligence if you thought the mp was going to be an enjoyable experience. From the word go the selling point has been the single player experience with mp implemented just for basic functionality. We've all been told that a thousand times.

But, if you guys feel as if id software don't deserve your money because of crap mp, that's fair enough. Everyone's different.
h00dlum said:
I guess they put it in for the mods...seriously it looks like they havent even been trying to make a good MP..i

ID software did not make the multiplayer. They outsourced that part of Doom 3 to Splash Damage.

ID software consists of 23 people. A company that small can't do everything.
blahblahblah said:
ID software did not make the multiplayer. They outsourced that part of Doom 3 to Splash Damage.

ID software consists of 23 people. A company that small can't do everything.

Well i stand corrected then, but those who did it did a real shitty job..
Mr-Fusion said:
You'd have to step back and question your own intelligence if you thought the mp was going to be an enjoyable experience.

I wouldn't go that far at all. It can still be (and most likely will be, for me at least) an enjoyable experience. But to go into it expecting something revolutionary when it's been stated for years that it's not, is really ****ing dumb.
My thoughts on multiplayer:

Letters said:
I got a chance to play the multiplayer today... it absolutely... rocks... :D






This was on a LAN... and just a note on detail settings: resolutions pretty much means jack shit... except the lower ones perform better! Imagine that! So when 'medium' quality suggests 640x480, go with it. It was the general concensus that those settings worked the best for us people with Radeon 9500-9800 cards for multiplayer. Raising the resolution just removed some jaggies that you only notice if your looking and lowers your frames a lot.
Last I checked... Doom3 was intended as a single player experience. The multiplayer was known well ahead of time to be sub-par.
1) It's only just been released. How many games have had great MP from the start? None of the Quake games for a start - even Quake 3 and that was almost purely MP. HL DM was shit to be honest and it was only CS that saved the game.

2) Again, it's only just been released so people will take a little time to get used to the new toys at their disposal and it seems most people hate change - just needs some getting used to.

3) As people pointed out earlier, ID never promised anything much concerning the MP side of things, but I think it is pretty impressive. Sure, its very dark and that ruins it a little, but people will have brighter and wider maps in the not too distant future I can imagine, (including myself).

4) The MP limit was only a guide, and can easily be changed in the settings.

5) The game is actually heavily moddable but some people don't seem to realise that. Nearly anything is possible with the game - in the realms of reality for a FPS game anyway.

6) The very fact that it's being discussed on a HL forum too brings the ultimate fanboys to the forefront who would slag off another game whether it was good or not. Granted though, there are a lot here that will give it a chance. It will take some time, but what is there is already decent enough.

Flame away :imu:
Are you people not hearing me?

The multiplayer is good!

Heh, I didn't get one crash... had a smooth framerate the whole time (with no 6800 or x800 oh my god!)... :rolleyes:

And on the map that focuses on light on-and-offs... all of them do go off... and I admit I didn't even know lights could be broken so... yay! :)

Let's see... didn't notice any weirdness with configs either...

Yep, complete bullshit. :)
NeoGlyphix said:
Yea soundwave, you can set it up to 256
hang on hang on hang on hang on

so you're complaining that the multiplayer is less stable than the hl2 leak, when you've changed the max number of players in the server... from 4... to 256... WOW.


did you ever stop to think that maybe there was a reason id set it to 4?
Letters said:
Heh, I didn't get one crash... had a smooth framerate the whole time (with no 6800 or x800 oh my god!)... :rolleyes:

And on the map that focuses on light on-and-offs... all of them do go off... and I admit I didn't even know lights could be broken so... yay! :)

Let's see... didn't notice any weirdness with configs either...

Yep, complete bullshit. :)

Letters, you are the man.

The map you're talking about is "Lights Off" right? I've seen shots of it, and it's definately the map I'm most looking forward to playing.

My game comes in tomorrow. Waddya say, you guys wanna play some deathmatch?
Soundwave said:
Letters, you are the man.

The map you're talking about is "Lights Off" right? I've seen shots of it, and it's definately the map I'm most looking forward to playing.

My game comes in tomorrow. Waddya say, you guys wanna play some deathmatch?
Yeah, Lights Off! That map has my favorite room to hide in. :)

As for tomorrow... be on X-Fire. ;) Wait, does it support Doom III yet? :O Well if it doesn't we'll just have to say IP's I guess.
Because of the darkness levels and closed in nature of the maps, it calls for a new style of play in comparison with previous games. The potential is there for all to see.
Alyx said:
Because of the darkness levels and closed in nature of the maps, it calls for a new style of play in comparison with previous games. The potential is there for all to see.

did everyone just completley forget about scpts' multiplayer?