DooM III Leaked... already?

Sai said:
you don't have to be a fan of shooters, or games in general, doom3 is one of the greatest peices of gaming i have ever played, please buy this game

So you're saying that "you have played the game" - which is only possible if you have downloaded the leak, or otherwise already have the full version?
****This could be spoilers****
Ingame movie

If you dont want to see anything new like a new huge monster and stuff, then dont watch it.
But its online gameplay i quess

edited by mods It says 1 august, so its new i quess :P.
a 2 min video each, you see some wicked monsters.
Ok, im not sure if that was allowed or not. If not, sorry and remove :)
-TaNaKa- said:
Ok, im not sure if that was allowed or not. If not, sorry and remove :)

the co-op videos were posted afew pages back... only spoilers there are is 2 monsters and 1 aint really a spoiler becuase its an old monster from the old games....and it looks also killed one of the guys
I must say its mighty hard to resist getting the game - even though i've already preordered my copy (paid in advance) - i'm finding it hard to wait until the 13th.....damn you activision!
I thought co-op was for X-Box only? How did they get hold of vids from the X-Box version?
Harryz said:
I thought co-op was for X-Box only? How did they get hold of vids from the X-Box version?

it isnt from the xbox version...its a mod someone made for doom3 to allow co-op.... actually the video is great but who ever was playin it either had a shitty rig ,shitty connection or the whole thing was laggy as hell.
A mods out already for co-op? Cool. Is there a place where you can download it?
-=[Diablo]=- said:
it isnt from the xbox version...its a mod someone made for doom3 to allow co-op.... actually the video is great but who ever was playin it either had a shitty rig ,shitty connection or the whole thing was laggy as hell.

Not true - about the rig - they could've recorded it using fraps, which would explain the obscene low FPS at some points.

See, THIS is why a company is supposed to have an MP element. a GOOD MP element.

SP games = warze monkey's delight.

glad I'm not interested in doom3. I might be once enough people have it and all love it. but I dunno. not interested yet.
A2597 said:

See, THIS is why a company is supposed to have an MP element. a GOOD MP element.

SP games = warze monkey's delight.

glad I'm not interested in doom3. I might be once enough people have it and all love it. but I dunno. not interested yet.
How about trying something because YOU want to try it, not just following the crowd.
A2597 said:

See, THIS is why a company is supposed to have an MP element. a GOOD MP element.

SP games = warze monkey's delight.

glad I'm not interested in doom3. I might be once enough people have it and all love it. but I dunno. not interested yet.

If so i would never had tried out hl in the first place, when hl was released, mp = yawn.....

Get off your ass and try it man - you might just like it.
I thought talking about warezing games was against the rules on this forum, even mentioning the words 'Halflife2' and 'Beta' together is a ban, but talking about how you're downloading Doom3 as you can't be bothered to wait a few days is absolutely fine?
15 mins ago I was in my local EB game shop, I asked them for if doom3 is in the stok yet> He goes Nah m8, its coming on the 13th. There was a big DOOM3 poster on the front side of the shop stating DOOM3 releases 13th augest. :(

11 days to wait. :(
Gorgon said:
15 mins ago I was in my local EB game shop, I asked them for if doom3 is in the stok yet> He goes Nah m8, its coming on the 13th. There was a big DOOM3 poster on the front side of the shop stating DOOM3 releases 13th augest. :(

11 days to wait. :(

11 dayS? 9 hours for me ..i mean whoooooooooooops !!!!!!!! i pre-orderd it anyway... im buyin it so dont start flaming. id rather have the game so i can smell the new game booklet...ya know like you do when u get a brand new game..or im i the only one who smells the booklet?
-=[Diablo]=- said:
11 dayS? 9 hours for me ..i mean whoooooooooooops !!!!!!!! i pre-orderd it anyway... im buyin it so dont start flaming. id rather have the game so i can smell the new game booklet...ya know like you do when u get a brand new game..or im i the only one who smells the booklet?

no you are not the only one m8, :E :E :sniper:
I should be getting my copy within 2 or 3 days (yay!), I'll give you my impressions soon(without any spoilers, of course).
I'd like to add that any more talk of the warezed and leaked versions will be met with extreme prejugdice :)
am I the only person who thinks doom3 isnt scary at all? all the popups are so predictable, i ahve my sound way up and the monsters dont like pop up and make loud noises.
Maybe its because I used to play stuff like resident evil before, so it's jsut not scary at all.
P.s. I totally agree with whoever said d3 MP sucks in that other thread
ComradeBadger said:
I'd like to add that any more talk of the warezed and leaked versions will be met with extreme prejugdice :)

Go get'em tiger. :imu:
Kohman77 said:
am I the only person who thinks doom3 isnt scary at all? all the popups are so predictable, i ahve my sound way up and the monsters dont like pop up and make loud noises.
Maybe its because I used to play stuff like resident evil before, so it's jsut not scary at all.
P.s. I totally agree with whoever said d3 MP sucks in that other thread

youre just one tough son bitch..its scary for us
when is the release date to Canadians? August 3rd also? holy shit, it came today as of 9am :D :D **** I need to drive an hour to get it :(
Gorgon said:
no you are not the only one m8, :E :E :sniper:
Screw the manual...the BoX! :cheers:

Ok, im not sure if that was allowed or not. If not, sorry and remove
We've seen the two movies in another thread. It's legal, but spoilers.
what about the feeling of clicking the cd outve the case and holding the game u love so much in your dirty hands.......ive gone insane!
Yeah, and give us a good review, some people around have been saying it sucks
I am running doom3 on high details at 1024 x 768 no AA. It runs better than expected. probably about 30-40fps. My comp is p4 2.4c, 512mb pc3500 ram, radeon 9800 pro 256mb. This game is really really dark. Its sometimes annoying to switch between flashlight and gun but I guess it adds to the strat. Its a well made game overall but the levels are way too small (I feel like choking playing the game). Great gfx and nothing special other than that.... Oh! and the occasional ejection from your seat :)
harhar said:
I am running doom3 on high details at 1024 x 768 no AA. It runs better than expected. probably about 30-40fps. My comp is p4 2.4c, 512mb pc3500 ram, radeon 9800 pro 256mb. This game is really really dark. Its sometimes annoying to switch between flashlight and gun but I guess it adds to the strat. Its a well made game overall but the levels are way too small (I feel like choking playing the game). Great gfx and nothing special other than that.... Oh! and the occasional ejection from your seat :)

Hmm...good but not revoltionary - this is what I've been hearing a lot. We'll I'll soon find it out tommorow! :)
wow, according to those that finished it at rage 3d:

first two hours: SCARY and great.

last 12 hours: repetitive, gets stupid, bad ending.

HOW many years for a 14 hour game?!? LMAO. silly id. better then HL1 my ass.
So what have we learned from playing Doom 3 non-stop for the last few days? For starters, it's one hell of a game. Not only is it one of the scariest games ever made, it is one of the best looking and most enjoyable I've ever played. But to enjoy Doom 3 in all its glory, you really do need some quality hardware.

As we saw today, you would be very hard pressed to find any hardware on the market that can run Doom 3 with Anti-Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering maxed out at high resolutions. That just isn't going to happen right now.

What we learned today was that NVIDIA's backing of Doom 3 is definitely not unfounded. At press time we weren't able to get a working GeForce 6800 GT or Ultra graphics card running on the AGP bus, but we'll be getting those in later this week. Still, the standard GeForce 6800 was able to run Doom 3 almost as fast as the Radeon X800 XT Platinum Edition, a card almost double its price.

NVIDIA's NV40 based cards are without a doubt what you want to be running in your system to get the most out of Doom 3 you can. In our next article we'll compare performance between the 6800 Ultra/GT/standard on various test rigs, including low-end and mid-ranged systems so you can get a better grasp on how your system will perform when running Doom 3.

Many thanks to
A2597 said:
wow, according to those that finished it at rage 3d:

first two hours: SCARY and great.

last 12 hours: repetitive, gets stupid, bad ending.

HOW many years for a 14 hour game?!? LMAO. silly id. better then HL1 my ass.

I think this view will be touted alot in the coming weeks.

The strength of DOOM3 is the first hour or two when you are scared,the eye candy does impress, but then reality sets in.You soon realize the levels are tiny and very narrow and very,very repetative.You lose the fear factor and the plot has the depth and intellect of the "Howard the Duck" film.I expected more.
A2597 said:
wow, according to those that finished it at rage 3d:

first two hours: SCARY and great.

last 12 hours: repetitive, gets stupid, bad ending.

HOW many years for a 14 hour game?!? LMAO. silly id. better then HL1 my ass.

Those warezers...they don't deserve the game, first they illegally download for free and then bitch at it. :flame:
A2597 said:
wow, according to those that finished it at rage 3d:

first two hours: SCARY and great.

last 12 hours: repetitive, gets stupid, bad ending.

HOW many years for a 14 hour game?!? LMAO. silly id. better then HL1 my ass.

Yup, its a 14 hour game. Thats why all the reviews so far have mentioned a 25 hour game. You need to stop listening to those people who pirate a game and then complain about it.

Have you played Doom 3 yet?
I'm warezing that shit, I'm gonna play it 2nite. Good thing it sux cuz i'm not buyin it!!! SUCKIT
Sub_Lon said:
I'm warezing that shit, I'm gonna play it 2nite. Good thing it sux cuz i'm not buyin it!!! SUCKIT
That's exactly the kind of attitude we're not looking for here. I suggest you watch what you say from now on.
Have there been any news on a CE version of this game yet?