DooM III Leaked... already?

It's gonna be exactly the same when HL2 comes out :(

Sucks but gonna happen.
wow ..looks like its just another shoot them dead and move onto the next lelel game? is that all it is?
lans said:

It's official - id is loosing a HELL LOT OF MONEY. :(

That's not neccessarily true. Not everyone who downloads the game would have bought it. They aren't losing any money when someone plays it, because maybe someone would have never bought it! You can't say "Oh well 40,000 people are downloading the game, so that's 40,000 sales that ID lost." No, that is incorrect. You don't know how many of them would buy the game if they had no other choice.

But I guess yah, if not for the piracy, they'd be making a lot more money.
lans said:

It's official - id is loosing a HELL LOT OF MONEY. :(

I'd put the loss more at One Million Dollars Total as opposed to their apocalyptic (gee, all these references to hell ^_^) estimates of Two Million Dollars plus. Many people who download it will probably buy it anyway for MP, plus many people probably would give up downloading ALL 1.5 GB or gave up for slow speeds.

wow ..looks like its just another shoot them dead and move onto the next lelel game? is that all it is?

None of the official reviews were touting awesome physics, puzzles, or vehicles or anything. Sadly, maybe it is. But for now, who cares. ^_^
i'd laugh so much if the warez copy turns out to be a clever ploy by ID... and when you get an hour into the game, it starts to get really ****ing amazing, and then it comes up to a really important part and then the game crashes, and installs a virus on your PC which can only be eradicated by using a peice of software from the Doom3 disc. owned :P

but of course this wont happen as many people have allready beaten the game :| oh well.
Yesterday I made a calculation its on page 9, the total was for yestarday £1777650 pounds which is $2,749,500 and now its over $6000000 omg that is triple the ammount of yesterday :(
Gorgon said:
Yesterday I made a calculation its on page 9, the total was for yestarday £1777650 pounds which is $2,749,500 and now its over $6000000 omg that is triple the ammount of yesterday :(

My guess is that its x10 $6000000. people are just counting BitTorrent. You need to think that its spreads thru FTP dumps, IRC, DC++, eMule(and any other p2p app)Guys burning it for their friends and family etc etc etc

poor ID..they should have used the Starforce 3 protection which havent been cracked yet..
h00dlum said:
My guess is that its x10 $6000000. people are just counting BitTorrent. You need to think that its spreads thru FTP dumps, IRC, DC++, eMule(and any other p2p app)Guys burning it for their friends and family etc etc etc

poor ID..they should have used the Starforce 3 protection which havent been cracked yet..

You are right:(

even if they used Starforce 3 or any other top protection, it will be cracked and pirated. I know many game using Starforce 3 and they all free over the torrents sites with an excellent cracks which gives you access to MP without any detection. :(
Its getting warezed massively as a function of the fact that its so popular. For every dollar they're losing they're probably gonna make ten.
Direwolf said:
Its getting warezed massively as a function of the fact that its so popular. For every dollar they're losing they're probably gonna make ten.

why you think so ? :cool:
Because most gamers aren't warez monkeys. :D
The game isn't even out yet, so more people are getting it from warez than from the store. Once it comes out, the exact opposite will be true. I mean if any game ever will make money it will probably be DOOMIII.
Suicide42 said:
i'd laugh so much if the warez copy turns out to be a clever ploy by ID... and when you get an hour into the game, it starts to get really ****ing amazing, and then it comes up to a really important part and then the game crashes, and installs a virus on your PC which can only be eradicated by using a peice of software from the Doom3 disc. owned :P

but of course this wont happen as many people have allready beaten the game :| oh well.

A good thought indeed (:P) - but sadly people have literally finished the game from start to end - which means no viruses or eradicated PCs. :(
Direwolf said:
Because most gamers aren't warez monkeys. :D
The game isn't even out yet, so more people are getting it from warez than from the store. Once it comes out, the exact opposite will be true. I mean if any game ever will make money it will probably be DOOMIII.

its true this will be a massive hit no doubt..people would not notice the warezing so much if the game was already out..
Gorgon said:
why you think so ? :cool:

because *most* PC gamers dont even touch warez, and lets not froget that lots of people who are going to buy Doom3 dont have good enough internet connection to download 1.5 gb. And then theres all the sales that will be from the X-box version...

i mean, for every one gamer who is willing to spend ages downloading a dodgy version of a great game, there will be at least 10, if not many more gamers who will just casually hand over £30 (or $50 in the US) to play the 2nd best and most anticipated singleplayer game ever. (probally).
I would say they will probably lose well under $1 million from piracy. I'm not downloading the game, simply because a friend of mine is planning on buying it and I'm not excited to play it in the first place. However, if he wasn't going to buy it then I might download it. I still would never have bought it, and they wouldn't have lost any money. I'm sure there are a lot of other people out there like that.

Not to mention the people that are actually into that type of game will probably buy it anyway for mods and multiplayer. I did that with Pandora Tomorrow, C&C Renegade, and a few other games. For games I'm really interested in like Mafia I go ahead and buy, even though it has no multiplayer I care enough to buy it anyway. Now on the other hand, I "acquired" The Suffering and was semi-impressed by it, but it was mostly just because I was bored. I would have never bought it in the first place.

Unlike other people, I don't try to justify it in any way. If people see it as ethically wrong, then that's fine. They're probably right. But the only time I ever get games I didn't pay for is either through renting it or I'm bored so I download something I wasn't all that interested in, and have a little fun with it.
Meh it's not like anyone wasn't expecting this right? It's just that we've been waiting for a while and the sites just want to say its been leaked, although I was hoping it would take like a week after release or preferably never for them to crack it....

I can't wait until I get my LEGIT copy from Mr. FedEx tomorrow :D :D
Very sad indeed. All the effort put in by such talented people for so many years and some shmuck clicks a link and gets it for free.