Doom III Reviewed by PC Gamer 94%

Impressive... HL2 has a lot to live up to then.
I hope this is true, I've always been skeptical(sp?) of DoomIII, thinking it could be too focused on graphics and nothing else - if it got 94% then this is certainly not the case.

I can't wait :D
Far cry got 92%, didn't it?

Pretty impressive! D3 forever! :D

If HL2 doesn't get anything above 97%...there'll be killings! I tell you, killings! /fanboy
Highs: Extraordinary graphics and sound; incredible tension, atmosphere, and mayhem.

Lows: Some stabs at humor fall a bit flat.

Bottom Line: Just as we'd hoped, it's a non-stop ride of tension, carnage and terror. A new classic.
"The only thing it says is that one test system had a GF 6800 (!) and it ran "flawlessly at 1024x768"."

Ohh crap.
Don't forget people, Far Cry got amazing reviews but in the end it was well, so so (nothing compared to what I want HL2 to be). I just hope Doom III actually is good and just doesn't do a Far Cry with being just on cool enemies and no replayability :).

HL2 is gonna pull a 10, it just has to :)
PC Gamer UK gave HL1 96% will be interesting to see if HL2 tops that.
Abom said:
"The only thing it says is that one test system had a GF 6800 (!) and it ran "flawlessly at 1024x768"."

Ohh crap.
For posting that, I shall now slap you uncontrollably.
/me kisses his good, old GeForce 4 Ti 4200 and buries it in the back yard. :(
I can't wait to get the PCG. :D
on the recommended specs it says 2ghz 512 ram 9800 vid card. i think i should do fine. sounds pretty good, better than i was hoping for.
ShadowBlade said:
PC Gamer UK gave HL1 96% will be interesting to see if HL2 tops that.

Yeah, I still have that mag...half-life 96%! for a FPS that is VERY high. They've never given anything above 93% for a while, so D3 must be good stuff!

Last time I remember their highest was 98% to a RTS.
Good stuf, Im glad that it will be good, and not a flop. That means more good games for me! :D *slicktick gives himself a big hug
lans said:
Yeah, I still have that mag...half-life 96%! for a FPS that is VERY high. They've never given anything above 93% for a while, so D3 must be good stuff!

Last time I remember their highest was 98% to a RTS.
98% went to Alpha Centauri (I love that game).

In the US issue HL1 got a 97%. I have it right here in front of me. :smoking:

Its got a preview of Team Fortress 2 and on the cover is Cartmen from South Park saying "OH MY GOD! They made a south park game!". Its also alot bigger than recent PCGers. 350 pages!!

So many memories. :angel:
Guess this just proves D3 is done and most certainly will be out early next month as predicted
:naughty: Nice stuff, so this means Doom III really is nearing right? 94% not that bad, what did Metal Gear Solid 2 get? I was expecting these high anticipated games to get superb scores, I am not saying 94 isn't but I was expecting more of a 98 and up oh well still good! Half Life 2 will be 110% I can see it now!
Wonder if the guy reviewing Doom III was a HL2 fanatic or DOOM III fanatic :) (gotta love the bias).
Man I so ****ing want this to be true. That guy may be lying though. But assuming he's not, that kicks all kinds of ass. Will this issue be available for us Americans within the next two weeks?
Soundwave said:
Man I so ****ing want this to be true. That guy may be lying though. But assuming he's not, that kicks all kinds of ass. Will this issue be available for us Americans within the next two weeks?

Check the scan. Looks legit! :thumbs:
I can't wait to get the magazine...and I can't wait to get Doom 3 :D Now that is something I can do while I wait for HL2 :)
I smell a huge-ass monster thread. I wonder how many pages the review was. Probably 4-5 since Call of Duty was 3.
One thing though, and I'm only saying this because it's true, not because I am against Doom3 in anyway (most here should know by now I'm a big Doom3 fan). Alot of times, exclusive reviews = the magazine/website being overly praising of the game. Otherwise they wouldn't get exclusive reviews from that company again. Not saying that's the case here, but it's fair to let that be known.

Also, I would put money down that Gamespot is going to thrash the living hell out of this game. A few of their editors have expressed discontent with the game for like 2 years now. Oh well, Doom3 is almost upon us and that's what really matters.
Soundwave said:
Also, I would put money down that Gamespot is going to thrash the living hell out of this game. A few of their editors have expressed discontent with the game for like 2 years now.
When it comes to reviews, I find Gamespot sucks.
Alot of people at Gamespot just want to be different for the sake of being different.

"A potentially amazing game is in development that has alot of hype? Lets be pesimistic about it just because we can."

At least that is how Gamespot sometimes comes across to me.
/me looks at cover scan

Who said clay? haha.
Ive always trusted PC Gamer to do a fair review.. no idea what the US one is like :p
Well, my friend had the Alpha... and that was sick. Even the Alpha which was ridiculously incomplete was scary. I really doubt that Gamespot would embellish their review all that much... I mean honestly years in development... It would be hard to really botch a game after several years of working on it. I guess it's possible, but highly unlikely. I am so stoked about Doom III and HL2... I think I just shat myself out of excitement.
you know whats sick guys? I just checked all the doom3 sites i know and not a one has this info on it... GUYS WE ARE HL2.... and we know more then the competitors... LOL

I will definatly pick it up if its even 2/3 as good as they say it is.
This forum is going to explode. I posted when there was still only two pages lol.
Man just looking at that cover I realized both the shot of the marine and of the hell knight are all new, never released shots so I'd say at the least, the cover itself is the real deal. This kicks so much ****ing ass, the years long wait finally coming to an end.

The game getting a good first review doesn't hurt either :)