Doom3 multiplayer owned hl2

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Doom 3 or Half-life 2.

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Well think of it as this " when they announced moste of the info of doom 3 they first said it will liky just be singel player. i would myself think doom3 as " a singeplayer game" and we who played half-life and other stuff's and modes and then i think half-life as a "multiplayer game" But it mostely got all twisted cause "doom 3 got multiplayer and plays att cpl, has leages and stuff etc etc,."
Then another twist came!. HL2 Without mulitplayer "dm" I have never been a fan to hldm but when i got to know that hl2 will come i was all okay. But then i mostley got hyped in dm and all that. Cause the things gabe said about to drive and fly in mp and it just sound so much funnyer but then it came.! "CS:S" I dont even like css so much. Just let us hope valve will fix a mp.
Cause id rather play hl mp than css. What is you opinion on this post here. btw i just 12 years old =).
lets just wait for a DM mod

p.s i think Doom 3 multiplayer sux , 4 Players only WTF !
doom 3 multiplayer sux... please.. someone is going to mod the HLDM soon after hl2 realease...
HHAHAHAHAH this thread is funny D3 MP SUCKED!!!!
at least there is a ****ing multiplayer...

and its great if u like 1v1 scary situations...
I have never tryed the doom3 mp cause i got "another" cd form my friend. And basicly what i have heard " IT SUCK BALLS AND DICK"
Wich i moste also belive. I got headace of d3 sp. And i have alsways hated d1 d2 evry thing related to it. Well "VALVE GIVE USS MP OR GET PWNED" Or some nice 1 on Earth mode it please =).
TheGGMan said:
at least there is a ****ing multiplayer...

and its great if u like 1v1 scary situations...

Oh and CS:S isn't the MP for HL2?!?!? Yeah nice try.
Just a hint: never use "Doom 3" and "pwnd" together on a Half-Life 2 forum :)
You gotta love people who talk in terms of 'getting pwned/owned' :laugh:
*gasp* a 12 year old who doesn't like CS!? Unheard of!!
I honestly can't believe people enjoy playing Doom 3. I was really impressed by the graphical quality, but I'm really tired of running around in steel corridors, so Doom3 got really boring, especially when the only thing the enemies do is walk straight towards you and that's it. Ever since I played Half Life, the enemy AI in id's games has been lacking. The one moment that really sticks in my head as genius is the soldiers in half life when you first exit Black Mesa for the surface.

I was just walking out, a bit nervous as this was the first time I had played this far into the game, and the soldiers (I believe) had just exited a helicopter and we're coming after me. We exchange some rounds and I took cover behind a box to reload. That was when I saw a grenade plop right next to me behind the box, now whether or not it was just a lucky throw by the AI, it blew me to hell and I was just sitting there thinking how damn smart they were not to run in with guns blazing.
I have no idea what you are talking about.

You put in your thread title "Doom3 multiplayer owned HL2" and then further down you write you have never played D3 MP and heard it sucks.
we have counterstrike source, that kills doom 3 any day
12 year olds shouldn't be allowed to make threads... -_-
don't you have to be 13 to have an account on the forums?
original hldm owns doom 3 in mp.....that's sad.....doom 3 gets pwned by hl1.
don't you have to be 13 to have an account on the forums?

i vote punish the admitting little 12 year old, disallow posting until the forum calander shows he's 13.
Biozeminade said:
I have no idea what you are talking about.

You put in your thread title "Doom3 multiplayer owned HL2" and then further down you write you have never played D3 MP and heard it sucks.
You really shouldn't expect any consistency from a 12 year old you know ;)
I don't know what yall are talking about. DOOM III multiplayer is really cool!

Its way better tha* HAAAAAAAAAHA hahahahaha HAHA hA HAAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA...

Sorry, I couldn't keep a straight face with that one.
[compares number of people playing Doom3 MP to number of people playing CS or even CS:S pre-release, limited beta right now]

Laughs. Adds text NOT in brackets because the forum doesn't count that text as part of the message.
BrainSt0rm said:
I don't know what yall are talking about. DOOM III multiplayer is really cool!

Its way better tha* HAAAAAAAAAHA hahahahaha HAHA hA HAAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA...

Sorry, I couldn't keep a straight face with that one.
i didnt enjoy d3 mp...felt like sof mixed with q3 in a way i didnt connect with.
Since when does a limited 4 player deathmatch mode beat Counter Strike?
Mountain Man said:
Since when does a limited 4 player deathmatch mode beat Counter Strike?
I don't like CS at all, it's just run-jump-shoot. I like a little more sophistication and realism myself.
Haven't played CS:S though... might be a bit more fun with the physics and all.
But if you judge the D3 MP by the D3 SP, it has to suck pretty hard.
Well, quoting a mail from valve today:

'CS: Source will be the only multiplayer available at the release of HL2. This does not mean that there will be no HL2 DM.

Thank you for your question. '

So far for this thread..

bye bye doom3 (nice game though, just not on hl2's level)
i couldn't spot the difference between d3 and q3 ..

and what the **** is up with those annoying "pong" sounds when you hit smb??=
this thread has gone more then half way down and someone has to always bump it... let it go!!

this thread is DEAD.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Oh and CS:S isn't the MP for HL2?!?!? Yeah nice try.
yeah.. I might not be happy with the CS:S only mp component of Hl2... but geez... Doom3 had NOTHING, and the nothing it had was horribly buggy.
CS:S owns D3's mp any day of the week.... plus it runs shite-loads better, plus there are a LOT more players, cmon now.. Im as dissapointed as any HL2 fan who isnt getting a hl2 themed mp component (be that DM, or something original) but wow.. D3 = the stinkage.
quite funny he mentions tournaments. CPL (for those who dont know, it runs the largest CS CoD w3 Painkiller tournaments in the world They have just dropped d3 as there 1v1 game for the world tour, i know why ;)
Ghoetic said:
What is you opinion on this post here. btw i just 12 years old =).

You're 12, your balls haven't even dropped yet, and they have no hair on them. Theeeeerefor your opinion is not valid here.

j/k. Well Im only jk'ing about the opinion part, everything else is true. HL2DM would have been great. But I would have barely played it. With DOD:S, CS:S and a TFC:S (highly likely) I wouldnt have time for HL2dm, so Im not too dissapointed.
Seppo said:
Just a hint: never use "Doom 3" and "pwnd" together on a Half-Life 2 forum :)

doom 3 got pwnd


But I liked the D3 MP, cause I'm decent at it, I've never really gotten into twitch shot games before until now
Id should have dumped down the graphics for the MP - laggy as hell. Sure the bump-mapping and all looks nice, but it just doesn't cut in for MP where 40+ FPS is a MUST,and my 9800 pro just can't cope.

I only played it twice, cs:s beta is better than that shite. Even if it is like shiny cs 1.6 with barrels and ragdolls.
doom 3 's mp was the soo phuckin $hitty ! u wanna compare that wqith CS:S ?!?!? u retareded or what ?
Silent_night said:
doom 3 's mp was the soo phuckin $hitty ! u wanna compare that wqith CS:S ?!?!? u retareded or what ?


sorry thats all i could say to that
It's amazing, he's only 12, and still has more maturity than most people on this board.

Whats hes actually trying to say is this (possibly :) ):

When Doom3 came out nobody was expecting multiplayer, it was seen as a singleplayer only game. When people found out it had multiplayer it was seen as a bonus, people liked its inclusion and praised it.

Half-life 2has always been seen as a multiplayer focused game because of the large number of expected mods. It's multiplayer was hyped and people were expecting something new and innovative. Now its been announced that its multiplayer is only CS:S which has been known about for a long time people see it as a dissappointment and are saying that HL2 multiplayer is bad.

It seems that ID had the better strategy just not saying anything about their multiplayer and it being a pleasant surprise. Valve allowed a lot of hype about their multiplayer and fans are now dissappointed. Discuss....

Now he's only 12 and didnt make his point very well. But theres 3 fcking pages of you lot just having a go at him and not even bothering to work out what he might have been trying to say. He made a valid point if you could only be bothered to look hard enough.

Now I can see you all going "Its been discussed before, use the search button... blah blah". But I tried.