Doom3 = Over hyped

  • Thread starter ElevenDaysPrior
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I never followed Doom 3 and therefore didn't have much hype over it - but when I did install it I was eager to play it. I knew that it had amazing graphics and that it featured dynamic lighting, per pixel hit detection and what not, and I did expect something very good. I was a bit dissapointed.

I've played it in a few hour bursts over the last day and I keep trying to come back but I can't get into it. I've found it scary at times but a lot of the time when I'm using the PDA, checking and reading and listening to information, I wishing I was killing some monsters, but when I get to killing monsters I find it a little bland and repetitive - I start nitpicking like why the hell they have hollow cavities in the walls for monsters to hide and wait in.

I do think there are a lot of cool things, the graphics of coarse, the way interaction with computers are handled :p... and er... yea.
what did you guys expect from Doom 3? By the definition of scariest game ever, hoe do you define "scary" in a game? Doom 3 is scary largly because of its atmosphere. Any scary movie or game has to have an erie atmosphere in order to be scary. No horror movie would be scary with brightly lited rooms. I think Doom 3 is a great game and I think youguys were expecting to much of it. I'm having fun playing it, so isn't that all that matters?

The way you guys are taking apart Doom 3, it's exactly like taking apart a great movie like the Bourne Identity and saying, "that's been done before....boring!" But the Bourne identity was a movie that perfected the spy movie genre. Are you guys seeing where I'm going with this?

In conclusion, I think Doom 3 is the best representation of a good scifi/horror game that we have seen in quite a long time.
It doesn't specialize in story (but it's pretty good) and not revolutionary in AI, but God damn it, It's a fun game to play and that's all that matters, for a game to entertain us.
Sparta said:
It wasn't overhyped by the media. It was overhyped by the fans. The fans expected it to be revolutionary and ground-breaking but after playing games like Halo and Far Cry, Doom 3 can't stand its ground compared to them.

And its kinda stupid to say we'll carry on about HL2 not being a tactical shooter because it looks like it is going to be one judging on all the video's. But yeah i doubt SP will be revolutionary, nothing's really been revolutionary since System Shock 2 and Deus Ex.

But just because it isn't revolutionary doesnt mean it can't be fun :D like all the games mentioned above. Anyway i'm gonna go play some more Doom 3 now

I agree. Games are to overhyped by the fans now. We all knew doom3 was doom afterall, it has better everything than the first two but it does'nt change the game to another game, plus the engine is nothing short of amazing and highly optimized considering the pc's it can run quite nice and im sure it will be used alot for new games which will be tactical and stuff.

I know doom3's fun :D its the only SP game im willing to play atm and ive been playing it for like 4 or 5 days now, its kind of settled in now but im still loving the game overall simply because i was'nt expecting half life in doom3.
What else did you expect from doom3 dude? Of course its just shoot and kill. Its your own fault.
DarkStar said:
Hmm...I was a long time SWG player. Then I started to hate the game. That's what always happens with me and MMORPGS though. I get addicted for awhile, usually like 6 months, and suddenly I start to despise everything about the game. Weird.

I get EXACTLY the same way. Played SWG for ages...started to hate it and quit. Played FFXI for a while...started to hate it and quit.