Doom3 play time: 2 hours. HL2 play time: ???


May 4, 2004
Reaction score
Well, I rented out Doom3 from the local video library (yep, we can do that here in Perth!) just to see if it's worth the dosh.

I played it for a total of 2 hours before getting bored with running around shooting monsters again for dubious reasons, going from level to level... blah blah same old blah.

Also got eye strain from trying to see what's going on, when half the polygons on the screen aren't even lit from any light sources. :) No wonder it has great frame rates. :)

Ironically, the way the monsters came from some experiment and explode out of thin air kinda reminded me of the original Half Life.

Well, I guess it's a shooter, but why waste great rendering power on a shooter, where you have to run around and shoot so fast you can't even spend time exploring and looking around? May as well play Unreal Tournament or something with more play options.

Hopefully, Half Life 2 will be driven by an immersive story, supported by immersive graphics, and will see me lost in weeks of exploration and discovery, not spending a couple of hours waiting for something new to happen.
The fact that your attention span is too short for even Doom is nothing to be proud of.
Doom 3 only gets better as you play along, i suggest you rent it out again and play through the rest of the game.
Just feel lucky you've played Doom III! I have yet to recieve my copy and won't do so 'till Friday 13th! As MrBlue says, all reviews point to the fact that the game only gets better the longer you play. Give it another chance and I expect you'll have a different oppinion :)
Why is everybody saying that DOOM3 is the same as it used to be? OFF COURSE it's the same as it used to be!! That was the whole plan, to make DOOM again, but with the next-generation technology.Geez, like everybody on the whole internet is making that mistake.
Antic2 said:
Well, I rented out Doom3 from the local video library (yep, we can do that here in Perth!) just to see if it's worth the dosh.

I played it for a total of 2 hours before getting bored with running around shooting monsters again for dubious reasons, going from level to level... blah blah same old blah.
Video libraries hey? Anyway, if the first 2 hours didn't immerse you I don't think the rest of the game would achieve that either.

Hopefully, Half Life 2 will be driven by an immersive story, supported by immersive graphics, and will see me lost in weeks of exploration and discovery, not spending a couple of hours waiting for something new to happen.
Hopefully or else this is 18 months of waiting wasted. But even if it's not what i want, the source ports and mods will keep the game alive for me.
well i couldnt wait for the uk release so i downloaded d3. I'm so glad I did becuase i sure as hell wont be buying it!!

The graphics are nice but its too frickin dark lot of the time. So far theres not enough variation in location even in a base on mars i thought i'd get a bit of variety but so far its been corridor/room/corridor/room/vent/corridor bleh I struggled on through the boring alpha labs and when i finally finished i got another level which looks EXACTLY the same!!

when they said a remake of doom i didnt think it would be exactly the same i mean the gameplay (find key-open door-shoot monster repeat till bored) just doesnt cut it anymore. FPS' have moved on a shedload since doom. I enjoyed COD 10 times as much as this :( very disappointed!!
Awesome another Doom 3 vs HL2 thread.

Look, we get it. Some of you don't like Doom 3. Fine. I'm sick of hearing about it, especially seeing as this is a Half Life 2 forum.

Like I've said before, Doom 3 was exactly what it was supposed to be. I love it. Some people don't.
iamaelephant said:
Awesome another Doom 3 vs HL2 thread.

Look, we get it. Some of you don't like Doom 3. Fine. I'm sick of hearing about it, especially seeing as this is a Half Life 2 forum.

Like I've said before, Doom 3 was exactly what it was supposed to be. I love it. Some people don't.

Well said.

Also, I wish people would stop complaining about it being too dark. That can be fixed by changing the gamma levels. (Note: this is not the same as changing the brightness level)
CTTcrew_MrBlue said:
Doom 3 only gets better as you play along, i suggest you rent it out again and play through the rest of the game.

I suggest you to play the whole game first - it is basically the same thing again and again. The end is slightly better (thanks to hell, change of level design), but not satisfying at least to me.
iamaelephant said:
Awesome another Doom 3 vs HL2 thread.

Look, we get it. Some of you don't like Doom 3. Fine. I'm sick of hearing about it, especially seeing as this is a Half Life 2 forum.

Awesome another HL2 vs Doom3 threads are boring me post.

If you don't want to read about Doom3 why did you click on the topic? If it has Doom3 in the title there's a good chance there's gonna be something Doom3 related, and since this is a HL2 forum, there's also a good chance it will have something to compare the 2 games. Anything wrong with that? Not in my opinion. Why have a forum if all you want to read is how fantastically awesome HL2 is going to be? That would be even more boring IMO.

If you knowingly click on a topic that you know is going to annoy you, why post about it? Are you looking for an argument? It's your own damn fault for reading it...
dugly said:
Awesome another HL2 vs Doom3 threads are boring me post.

If you don't want to read about Doom3 why did you click on the topic? If it has Doom3 in the title there's a good chance there's gonna be something Doom3 related, and since this is a HL2 forum, there's also a good chance it will have something to compare the 2 games. Anything wrong with that? Not in my opinion. Why have a forum if all you want to read is how fantastically awesome HL2 is going to be? That would be even more boring IMO.

If you knowingly click on a topic that you know is going to annoy you, why post about it? Are you looking for an argument? It's your own damn fault for reading it...

iamelephant = owned.
If HL2 came out and it was just a remake of the first HL on the source engine i would be very dissapointed. Fortunatley we can look forward to romaing the streets of C17 driving hover craft & cars along beaches :) fighting our way through creepy towns firing barrels at zombies. can't wait :)
iamaelephant said:
Awesome another Doom 3 vs HL2 thread.

Look, we get it. Some of you don't like Doom 3. Fine. I'm sick of hearing about it, especially seeing as this is a Half Life 2 forum.

Like I've said before, Doom 3 was exactly what it was supposed to be. I love it. Some people don't.

You think this is bad? You should see all the 'Doom 3 V's Far Cry' threads over at Rage3D ;(

Will it ever ends??
its too dark. pfft thats what your flashlight is for. or is that little nightlight still too scarey fro you?
ukfluke said:
If HL2 came out and it was just a remake of the first HL on the source engine i would be very dissapointed.

But that was the whole point of D3. It is a remake of Doom. That's what they've always said it was, so no real surprise.
well its dumb calling it doom 3 . they shoulda just called it "doom- on a new spanky engine- dont get ur hopes up its the same old shit!"

tbh i was more impressed with far cry and its gameplay than d3
Awesome another Doom 3 vs HL2 thread.

Look, we get it. Some of you don't like Doom 3. Fine. I'm sick of hearing about it, especially seeing as this is a Half Life 2 forum.

Like I've said before, Doom 3 was exactly what it was supposed to be. I love it. Some people don't.

LMAO. I'm nearly pissing myself laughing at that iamelephant.

I agree with what you're saying, but the abject hypocrisy of YOU saying it after posting about how Doom 3 owns HL2 for the last year just makes me want to fly my roflcopter! :laugh:
Without making comparisons, my D3 opinion so far ...

Been playing a few hours. I'm now at Alpha Labs Sector 4 (how many sectors does this damn lab have?!) I agree with the eyestrain comment, I get a headache if I play it for too long! And yes, it's dark (read: BLACK, unless you point your flashlight at it). Gamma is no use. Visually? It may well be stunning, but i can't run the damn thing higher than 800x600 so it's all a bit lost on me anyway.

Story-wise I find it very immersive, and the way the computer terminals are implemented is just fantastic. However, from a personal standpoint, i got bored far too quickly. The levels all look exactly the same (thus far) with no variety in theming, or indeed plot. I dunno how many times i've went looking for "Key A to open Door B". I lost count.

Now this is not me saying "omg doom 3 is t3h cr4pz0rs". It's just i personally don't enjoy it. And to be fair, i wasn't expecting too. So, if you're like me (get bored very quickly, need a constant supply of new ideas) then don't waste your money on D3. There is just no pull. No addiciton.

I switch my computer on, see the Doom 3 icon... then go on the internet instead.

That said, there is a whole heap of people that are gonna like this game very very much.
Doom3 was excellent. Reading the e-mails from the staff on the Mars base was very very fascinating and the gameplay was just as I expected. Sure, it was the same old get the keycard and open the previously locked door. But every game is this. Even Half-life. Even Half-Life 2. That's because it's conflict, and resolution. In HL2 it might be turn on the turbine or flip the lever that opens the floodgates. But those are all "keycards" in the end allowing the user to progress.

As for the darkness - they wanted it to be dark. This I applaud - clearly many people don't like the uberdarkness, but that's what gave Doom3, in my opinion, the greatest atmosphere/environment in the history of gaming. The fact that they subjected you to the undesirable and made you suffer. So many times I had my flashlight out because I was scared shitless, then I'd see something, think "Oh ****!", pull my gun out, then the thing disappears in the darkness, so I'd whip my flashlight out - and oh shit, it's crawling on the walls, coming to get me, put flashlight away, whip machinegun out - left with no option but to spray in the darkness at the little glowing red eyes. That, in my opinion, was wicked.

The whole game was just awesome. The way the base got torn apart and the way they came out of everywhere was definately, in my opinion, just how it would happen. The chaos of it all - I mean, can you imagine if the level progression WASN'T linear? If you COULD run all over? You'd never beat the game, you'd perish due to lack of ammo eventually. I was thankful that, generally, if I can go some way, it was the right way :P

And what the hell was that shit about the monsters coming from an experiment out of nowhere being "similar" to HL? Doom3 is a remake of Doom which is from a LOT farther back than Half-life, so if anything, Valve stole iDs idea, not the otherway around. (note: I don't think this is actually the case). And it's not "montsers" from an "experiment", it's demons from an excavation (sic) and of course they're coming out of "nowhere", that tends to happen when demons are travelling from hell to our dimension. The actual 'experiment' or whatever is actually VERY well documented throughout the whole of Doom in the form of PDAs and such. I loved the level of detail they went in to about it.

Half-Life2 and Doom3 are different games FOR A REASON. They offer different things.

Half-Life has superior character interaction and emotions. Half-Life will, if Valve keeps up, have the better story (note to say Dooms was poor, some of you seem to think that it's either 'the best' or 'the worst', no inbetween).

Doom, on the other hand, has vastly superior graphics (Half-Life doens't even have dynamic lighting, does it?) and way better atmosphere/environment. Also, the worldmenus are to ****ing DIE for and it will be a while before we see anything that simplistic yet revolutionary appear in a game. Doom also has the benefit of actually being released.
And if the shadows are all black - why are your eyes straining trying to see them? Crank your gamma up and it makes pretty much everything else well lit.
"tbh i was more impressed with far cry and its gameplay than d3"

"tbh" [i ****ing hate that trendy acronym] far cry's gameplay was the same "shoot things until they stop moving" so how exactly did it superseed doom?
This is the first game in years, that I got a headache from..while not even playing that long.. wtf? :)
MrD said:
Gamma is no use.

Did you try gamma settings or brightness? I've said this a lot, but brightness won't do much and causes bright areas to be too bright. Gamma however is quite effective at lightening the game up a bit. But you have to modify it in the config file.

Here's how I have mine:

seta r_brightness "1.1"
seta r_gamma "1.1"

Try setting gamma from 1.0 to 1.3 and see what you like best.
MrD said:
Been playing a few hours. I'm now at Alpha Labs Sector 4 (how many sectors does this damn lab have?!) I agree with the eyestrain comment,

Gamma is no is a whole heap of people that are gonna like this game very very much.

Well gamma should do something. Are you sure you're doing gamma and not brightness? Type "r_gamma 1.4" (or maybe 1.6) in the console (the default, "1", is way too dark). Things that get no light will still be pitch black, but not straining to see the things that are lit even partially is a big improvement and even more realistic (because our eyes adjust to the level of light).

Yeah, the biggest simple mistake in the final cut of the levels is making the alpha labs pointlessly long. Its design is the most generic and uninteresting, its gameplay is the most repetitive, and its puzzles/sense-of-purpose are unmemorable. The whole section should have been condensed into something half as long.
Mr Neutron said:
Well gamma should do something. Are you sure you're doing gamma and not brightness? Type "r_gamma 1.4" (or maybe 1.6) in the console (the default, "1", is way too dark). Things that get no light will still be pitch black, but not straining to see the things that are lit even partially is a big improvement and even more realistic (because our eyes adjust to the level of light).

Yeah, the biggest simple mistake in the final cut of the levels is making the alpha labs pointlessly long. Its design is the most generic and uninteresting, its gameplay is the most repetitive, and its puzzles/sense-of-purpose are unmemorable. The whole section should have been condensed into something half as long.

Riiiight! Thanks for posting that actually. I was using brightness so I'll give this gamma thing a go. I assumed it was the same thing. Nice of it to be hidden away in cryptic places. Good stuff.

So, i should press on through the alpha labs then? And it'll get better?

dude your a retard? how can someone answer this question if hl2 is not out , jeez.
Chromix said:
dude your a retard? how can someone answer this question if hl2 is not out , jeez.
Welcome to the forums. You're off to a good start. And no, he's not "retarded". He's talking about DOOM 3, which just so happens to be out in stores.
manny_c44 said:
The fact that your attention span is too short for even Doom is nothing to be proud of.

CTTcrew_MrBlue said:
Doom 3 only gets better as you play along, i suggest you rent it out again and play through the rest of the game.

Agreed! :farmer:
hey Antic2, where abouts in Perth you rent it from? Planet? Jumbo? I bought it the day of release, and was pretty disappointed in it. But I look forward to the mods that will come out for it..
denlife7 said:
hey Antic2, where abouts in Perth you rent it from? Planet? Jumbo? I bought it the day of release, and was pretty disappointed in it. But I look forward to the mods that will come out for it..

Hey dude. Heh, didn't think this thread would make it this far, but it seems to be padded out by ppl saying how pointless the thread is. Excellent work. :)

Got it from Champaigne Video in Dog Swamp. Yes dudes, here in perth we actually have a suburb called Dog Swamp.

Bummer about buying it and not being happy! Seriously, Champaigne gets stuff on their shelves for rental about the same time as the shops do for sale. Try there first to test out a new game before you buy. Saves a lotta dosh!

P.S. I still hold by my opinion that Doom3 is not worth the time. If they want us to fork out AU$90 for a game, it should offer something new. Movie sequels are largely worse than the originals, but at least it's only the price of a cheap meal. If was supposed to be an "upgrade" to Doom, then charge a f*ing upgrade price.

Who cares if HL2 doesn't have dynamic lighting? It's an entirely NEW game, based on a brilliant storyline, and it will be worth every dollar!
MrD, I finally got those awfull alpha lab levels out the way and went onto the communications levels. Theyre much more interesting to look at you get a grander sense of scale with big reactors and wot not. Ive done them and now onto the monorail. I'm going to keep at it in the hope it will get better :/

daveinsurgent, i was more impressed with far cry for the sheer size of the jaw dropped ( i map for CS) also you can zoom round the island in a boat and scout it out with ur binoculars, decide which way u want to attack from etc. much more interesting than d3 for me at least .
Antic2 said:
Well, I rented out Doom3 from the local video library (yep, we can do that here in Perth!) just to see if it's worth the dosh.

I played it for a total of 2 hours before getting bored with running around shooting monsters again for dubious reasons, going from level to level... blah blah same old blah.

Also got eye strain from trying to see what's going on, when half the polygons on the screen aren't even lit from any light sources. :) No wonder it has great frame rates. :)

Ironically, the way the monsters came from some experiment and explode out of thin air kinda reminded me of the original Half Life.

Well, I guess it's a shooter, but why waste great rendering power on a shooter, where you have to run around and shoot so fast you can't even spend time exploring and looking around? May as well play Unreal Tournament or something with more play options.

Hopefully, Half Life 2 will be driven by an immersive story, supported by immersive graphics, and will see me lost in weeks of exploration and discovery, not spending a couple of hours waiting for something new to happen.

Which Video Library is that? Where is it? I live in Perth, the one I used to hire games out from closed down because of that new railline they are building, and I have been looking for a replacement one since.
oh and dave u cant say d3 has better atmosphere than HL2 coz u havnt played HL2 :p

i had more fun with the HL2 leak (very very unfinished) than i have had with D3. I bet the boys at Valve were delighted after playing d3. They must have been thinking " is that it?" Its now up to HL2 to save us from mediocre fps!
Bah, my earlier post was actually a quick re-type of an initial post that was lost. I had covered a lot more ground. Anyway:

"P.S. I still hold by my opinion that Doom3 is not worth the time."

It's good to see you hold on to your opinions regardless of any sort of point/fact raised.

"If they want us to fork out AU$90 for a game, it should offer something new."

Well, you know ahead of time that it's a remake. As well you have to consider the mod potential. When you get in to the realm of T-C the actual "game" itself becomes irrelevant and the fact is, Doom3 has vastly superior graphics.

"Movie sequels are largely worse than the originals, but at least it's only the price of a cheap meal."

Not in Canada? Price of two or three cheap meals? Relevance? Any? The cost of your average game is 5x or so more than the cost of seeing a "brand new" movie (mind you, I doubt you'd know which movies are actually brand new and which are re-makes of older ones, and that kind of makes your whole little analogy go to shit)

"If was supposed to be an "upgrade" to Doom, then charge a f*ing upgrade price."

It wasn't supposed to be an "upgrade". It was supposed to be delivering the same story as Doom one with current day technology. Quite frankly I didn't have much of a clue what was going on in Doom except that I had to shoot the things that movied. Doom3 or "Doom: Super Pretty" whichever you'd prefer, actually explained a HELL of a lot. Pun intended.

"Who cares if HL2 doesn't have dynamic lighting?"

I do, considering I was comparing graphics. Thanks for being irrelevant, yet again.

"It's an entirely NEW game,"

Not really. It's all "been done", and I bet you I can tell you exactly what happens in Half-Life: Conflicts arises. The player is given various situations that resolve said conflict through means of shooting things, using things, and shooting more things that come after things have been used. Then the game ends.

"based on a brilliant storyline, and it will be worth every dollar!"

Wow, so you've played it? For all you know, Xen is invading Earth to steal all of our Sitcom actors.

"MrD, I finally got those awfull alpha lab levels out the way and went onto the communications levels. Theyre much more interesting to look at you get a grander sense of scale with big reactors and wot not. Ive done them and now onto the monorail. I'm going to keep at it in the hope it will get better :/"

I think it does.

"daveinsurgent, i was more impressed with far cry for the sheer size of the jaw dropped ( i map for CS) also you can zoom round the island in a boat and scout it out with ur binoculars, decide which way u want to attack from etc. much more interesting than d3 for me at least ."

First there was a comparison about gameplay. Now it's level size? Pick one? Far Cry was designed for - gasp - outdoor levels. The indoor levels were not 1/100th of the detail of the levels in Doom. Here's a shocking revelation: Different engines specialize for different things - you can't have it all! Doom3 - indoor. Far Cry - outdoor. Half-Life 2 - mix of the two without any specific dedication. Make sense? And what does mapping for CS have to do with anything? Wow, a 6 year old + engine vs. a modern day engine? What is it with you people and not being able to stay relevant?

"oh and dave u cant say d3 has better atmosphere than HL2 coz u havnt played HL2"

Well, seeing as how some people can go as far as to say half-life 2 will be amazing and worth every dollar and have a great story - I think I can infer that, sine Doom3 blew my mind away and even beat the previous recordholder, System Shock 2, that it's going to be Pretty Damn Hard for Valve to beat that. Especially since Half-Life isn't a horror game.

"i had more fun with the HL2 leak (very very unfinished) than i have had with D3. I bet the boys at Valve were delighted after playing d3."

I bet they were too, because it's not like they'd be rushing to finish a game that they said would be released a while ago. They've got all the time in the world to play the latest games.

"They must have been thinking " is that it?" Its now up to HL2 to save us from mediocre fps!"

Doom3 doesn't even come close to being mediocre. Even if you didn't particularly enjoy it, you can't say it's mediocre. There was a level of detail put in the way the player is introduced to the environment and the story that no other game has even bothered to do before. Everything that made half-life great plot-wise was in Doom3. Everything that made System Shock scary was in Doom3.

I love how when the Half-Life 2 leak suits your argument to make Half-life sound GOOD, it's a valid topic. But if someone says the HL2 leak looked like shit or was crappy, OH IT WAS A LEAK ITS NOT FINISHED. Utter, hypocritical, bullshit.

Half-Life 2 is going to be a great game. It will be great in many ways that Doom3 was not. It will be poor in many ways that Doom3 was great. If you can't look past rabid fanboyism to realize this, then that's too bad. Go back to your leak and wait for your vapourware to materialize. I'm going to go play through Doom3 again since the tweaks let me run it on high detail now.