doom3 players ONLY reply!!!! doom 3 THOUGHTS


May 27, 2003
Reaction score


So far after half an hour of playing, i've came to the conclusion that this game is excellent, and hopefully it will keep being that way. ID really took their time and made this game great (judging so far and from reviews and other players) I wonder when game developers will realize that the most polished game sells the most, the exception being licensed games (harry potter, spiderman, bla) which actually might sell more if the games were top notch.

the best parts of the game have to be...

the detail to the levels (so many secrets already!)
the psychological "scary" factor

I really can't play much more of this game tonight, it's way too scary and i have work this morning.

All I can say is I regret not having my 5.1 sound system here yet. Doom 3 is running comfortably on my computer, though fast (3200+,1.25gigram,9800pro) my computer may be, it can't handle anything more than 800x600 without being sluggish when moving. I want to replay the first 15 minutes again, there was so much to do!

what bothers me is that one of the scientists names means traitor in german =(

btw... when traveling between the two buildings early in the level, are there any secrets outside (mars) ? it would seem like there would be but i was afraid to run out of air :(
There were some armor shards, I believe, nothing special out there.
And there were also a buncha air tanks so you COULD explore
Shuzer said:
There were some armor shards, I believe, nothing special out there.
And there were also a buncha air tanks so you COULD explore

He tells the truth.
here are a few screens :D





Oh yah its a great game! Very Tense!
i thought doom 3 wouldnt run that good on my comp..3200+ 512 pc3200 9800 pro..but i can run good on 1024 on high so i was pretty first impression of the game was wow..i like the graphics..and the sound..anyways after an hour an a half..the monsters came i went further into the game..oh hell..its creepy..especially with 5.1 surround does give a really creepy experience when the zombies sneak up behind u..well anyways im kinda scared to play it again right now..since its night! ill play tomorrow
It took you an hour and a half to get to the "all hell breaks loose" part of the game? Wow..
Shuzer said:
It took you an hour and a half to get to the "all hell breaks loose" part of the game? Wow..

well i like to take my time :D
It's pretty cool, the graphics suit the game perfectly and no one looks plastic.
The multiplayer is fast as, like Quake 3 style fast.

I've been playing for about 2 hours and i've just gotten back to the Marine HQ and i'm about to go through the Adminstrations to the alpha labs
fav scene so far:

after hell break loose, you go to HQ, on the way there is a bathroom look in the mirror and the screen turns dark red and u turn into this creature (+ noise) I jumped...better then most horror movies.

Also...enter PINKY!
I've been quite dissapointed so far. The gfx haven't really 'wowed' me, nor has the experience been particularly challenging/exciting/scary/enjoyable. A bit of a none event.

I hate to say it - but I enjoyed Far Cry more than this (and I didn't think Far Cry was that good either)

Doom 3 doesn't feel like a Doom game to me. Nostalgia aside, I genuinelly had more fun playing Doom 2 a week ago.

Gonna stick with it, though.

Lastly, it doesn't appear to run very well. My Barton at 2.6, 1 gig memory and 9800 pro has trouble keeping a decent framerate at 1024*768, medium settings. That HardOCP report was a load of rubbish imo. As I mentioned earlier, I think some money has exchanged hands here (also in the reviews - there's no way this is the 'best fps' ever. Or anywhere near that)

Sorry for being such a grump :/
For some reason i'm not getting scared either. I think i'm just too emotionally numb from over exposure to this sort of thing.
Warbie said:
I've been quite dissapointed so far. The gfx haven't really 'wowed' me, nor has the experience been particularly challenging/exciting/scary/enjoyable. A bit of a none event.

I hate to say it - but I enjoyed Far Cry more than this (and I didn't think Far Cry was that good either)

Doom 3 doesn't feel like a Doom game to me. Nostalgia aside, I genuinelly had more fun playing Doom 2 a week ago.

Gonna stick with it, though.

Lastly, it doesn't appear to run very well. My Barton at 2.6, 1 gig memory and 9800 pro has trouble keeping a decent framerate at 1024*768, medium settings. That HardOCP report was a load of rubbish imo. As I mentioned earlier, I think some money has exchanged hands here (also in the reviews - there's no way this is the 'best fps' ever. Or anywhere near that)

Sorry for being such a grump :/

I know how you feel warbie - I'm spoilt by tactical A.I. FPS (s) like Far cry. I played some more at my friends', and it indeed it a amazing experience (something like passion of the christ) that FPS gamers MUST have. But you can't call it good or bad in the end - D3 really made me feel like after I watched POTC - critically acclaimed and mixed reviews from movie goers. At times it scares the living crap out of me - at times it's just your regular "shoot the monster up kind of game" - especially if you have more enemies on screen. It's a mixed bag :(
The game feels fairly linear after playing some more. Its true you can predict when things are going to happen but it doesnt make them any less scary. Its very formulaic
so far.

Run, gun, flashlight and find PDA, repeat process

Its still quite fun though, those imp's are bitches. Although i gotta say i am expecting it to be scarier then it is
My friends played the game. So far they found it the greatest game ever both SP+MP. By the way they are 100% pure Quake3 fans just like me :E

For the people who dedicated their lives for CounterStrike, they will find playing D3MP, Quake3, and the upcoming Quake4 quite not fun. So For the people who dislike fast mp games please don't complain and say the game was completely crap. :P
Gorgon said:
My friends played the game. So far they found it the greatest game ever both SP+MP. By the way they are 100% pure Quake3 fans just like me :E

For the people who dedicated their lives for CounterStrike, they will find playing D3MP, Quake3, and the upcoming Quake4 quite not fun. So For the people who dislike fast mp games please don't complain and say the game was completely crap. :P

Fair enough.

I personally love Q3 and the original Doom games. Not Doom 3, though. It doesn't really stand out in either SP or MP . It's not a bad game - but certainly not worth upgrading for.
Doom 3 Is Scaryand Freaking Insane!!!!
I played a minute or two of the deathmatch earlier and its quite full on. I never got into Quake 3 DMing but i think i'll catch onto this
Sparta, if you are willing to make a model player for Doom3, then make one just like the one in your ave :E that would be so flipping funny :laugh:
Shit yeah it would :D, Actually i probably could, i've been doing 3d modelling for a couple of years now.....hmmmm
Sparta said:
Shit yeah it would :D, Actually i probably could, i've been doing 3d modelling for a couple of years now.....hmmmm

Off topic:

Sparta, since you have a 9600 pro - I was wondering how does it perform on that card? what settings have you tuned into?

My brother has a 9600XT and would like to know, thanks! :)

I'll be getting his and mine copy tonight, so just wanted to know this.
800x600, High Quality
runs like a dream
every detail in the advanced options is on except for V-sync but i don't want that on

Only stutters when loading sounds briefly at the beginning of gameplay

the game sets the settings for optimal performance. I haven't tried setting it to 1028x768 yet, at least on single-player. Multiplayer it run like crap with High Quality and 1028x768 resolution
I LOVE THE SHOTTY! It's so much fun to pump slugs into the demons. The levels are really scary. With the lights flickering, or completely out, you can't see everything, but sometimes you hear the zombie moan, groan, or if he's close enough you feel the bitch slap he just gave your cheek. Not too into the MP, but hey, mods will definitely come out, this is a powerful engine. I just wish some of the mod teams were farther along than they seem to be. I'd like to see a modern combat mod come out, something like CS for D3 maybe ;)

I haven't played much of it yet because I had some friends over last night and I have work today. My one friend wanted to check it out who doesn't play PC games much and him and his girlfriend were amazed out how scary the environment is and how realistic everything looks.

My PC specs are in my sig and the game runs fine without any frame loss or anytihng like that as of yet. I don't know exact frame rates because I haven't been able to get the console down ;/ I'll get you the fps with the x800Pro but I truly am impressed with id and D3.
I like it, I like it indeed.

and it runs great on my 2.4 GHz P4 and 9800pro 128mb on High.
Ok i just changed from my crappy 4.1 creative speakers to my brothers sennheiser of difference.

Sparta said:
800x600, High Quality
runs like a dream
every detail in the advanced options is on except for V-sync but i don't want that on

Only stutters when loading sounds briefly at the beginning of gameplay

the game sets the settings for optimal performance. I haven't tried setting it to 1028x768 yet, at least on single-player. Multiplayer it run like crap with High Quality and 1028x768 resolution

Thanks :D
Bit dark, but that just means I've gotta be careful...



Shine flashlight!


QUICK! Switchtoshottyswitchtoshotty!


AAAAAARRRGH! Notthepistolnotthepistolnotthepistolnotthepistol! Shottyshottyshotty!


OW! Quick! Shootshootshootshootshoot!


Phwooooo... Imp dead... imp all gone...




Okay, quickload... and this time remember that there's one that pops up behind me...
i am enjoying it and have almost the same setup as dassbab (3000+) i still run it on high 1024x768 fairly smooth. anyway iv played for about 10 or so hours and im still going strong.
the game's pretty fun, i got the arcady feeling i was looking for at some points, i just wish it wasn't do darn easy, i mean the monsters are great and all and you have to move a lot to get them down but the health and armor stations are waaaay to frequent sort of looses its tense feeling knowing that health is close by not matter what.

btw i'm playing the game on medium difficulty if anyone's interested
My specs are as follows:

1900+ AMD
ATI 9600 256MB
512 MB pc2700 ram

Right now I'm running it on Medium at 800x600 great. It runs better than I thought it was going to. I tried it on my friend's computer...and to my surprise...he can run it in SP smoothly on low detail. I forget if it's on 640x480 or 800x600...but I think it actually is at 800x600. MP for him starts to lag a bit. His specs are as follows (actually my old system...he wanted it when I was selling it):

1333 mhz T-Bird
GeForce Ti4200 64mb
512mb sd ram
the game gets to you after awhile i cant play it for very long alone the sound effects are great with out the sound the game is nothing really, the lighting is really good, textures up close are MEH but when you get far away they are realy nice. i love the interactable screens :bounce: and did i mention i hate those friggin 10 eyed freaks they come up on me outa no where, the babies are also scary :imu:
I think the game is fantastic. Its the best fps shooter ive played since, err, ever. The people that aint liking it are'nt appreciating it for what it is, its not a tactical fps or highly interactive fps. Its just doom and its main job is to be head on action and scare you (yes original doom1 and 2 was scary at the time)

I cant wait to get some mods for it and i cant wait for ati or ID to fix the damn random crashing problem which ive summed down to either sound related [creative cards] or its ati, every person bar very few that are having these problems, and its alot of people, are using ati gfx cards and the 4.9 drivers dont do shit. I personally think its the soundcard, several people have disabled the soundcard and not crashed once. Im not gunna test it though. This game without sound is nothing.
Holy crap! Doom 3 sound design is amazing.

Yesterday, I played with 2 speakers (because me and my friend were taking turns playing). Doom 3 was scary with just 2 speakers.

Today, I played for 30 minutes with my Zalman 5.1 surround headphones (by myself). I played up till the maggot introduction. That was scary enough for me to quit out of Doom 3 after I survived that battle.
I am loving Doom.
No time to post, must play!

Expect a report later :E
played it.


Goes back to FarCry, and waiting for HL2.

AKA It didn't do a thing for me, and needs high res textures.I forsee other companys (As in, companys that know how to make games, not engines) having MUCH fun with this engine though, I can't wait for good games using this engine to release)
A2597, does Doom threaten you, or something? It's as if you can't enjoy it simply because it's not HL2.

I think you're about the only person I've heard from thus far that says it sucks..
A2597 said:
played it.


Goes back to FarCry, and waiting for HL2.

AKA It didn't do a thing for me, and needs high res textures.I forsee other companys (As in, companys that know how to make games, not engines) having MUCH fun with this engine though, I can't wait for good games using this engine to release)

Wow. You remind me of the people who play the first 15 minutes of Half-Life and then declares that it is a sucky game.

If you honestly think Far Cry is better than Doom 3, I'm really amazed. Far Cry pales in comparision to Doom 3.