Dorms are small

Go somewhere else, seriously. My dorm was about twice that size of that and I was on my own.
Wow, thats absurd. You could live like a king for that much I bet.
That's silly. You want to rent an appartment for a cheaper price with loads more space than that.

I'd love to, but they make all freshmen live on campus. About 75 percent of freshmen live in dorms exactly like these :|

When they asked my house preferences, I put this type of dorm at the very bottom, but they gave it to me anyway.
So I discovered this is the dorm I will be living in next year:


This is worth the $10,000 a year I'm paying for room and board!

At least there is a hint of warmth in that room. When I was at University I felt like I was living in a cell block.
Its a dorm, not a hotel. You cant expect luxury.

My 'dorm' was a corner one, so it was slightly bigger than everyone elses, but you just dont care after a while. It becomes cosy.

Once youve slapped posters up (preferably door posters) the room becomes itself and you get used to it.
Where do you put your computer and fridge?
edit: well I see the computer desk, I thought it was just the end of the bed XD
Its a dorm, not a hotel. You cant expect luxury.

My 'dorm' was a corner one, so it was slightly bigger than everyone elses, but you just dont care after a while. It becomes cosy.

Once youve slapped posters up (preferably door posters) the room becomes itself and you get used to it.

It's not a question of luxury, it's a question of value for money.

theotherguy said:
I'd love to, but they make all freshmen live on campus. About 75 percent of freshmen live in dorms exactly like these

When they asked my house preferences, I put this type of dorm at the very bottom, but they gave it to me anyway.

Enforcing freshmen staying on Campus? Sounds like Chinese university. Anyway, since it's mandatory for you and everyone else, might as well enjoy it.
you put your computer in the fridge. In college is where you learn space saving design.

And effective cooling! Thanks, putting my computer in the fridge would save me from buying a new cooling system. :rolling:
And effective cooling! Thanks, putting my computer in the fridge would save me from buying a new cooling system. :rolling:

hah, when I joined here I was telling people I had this idea - I was thinking of keeping my computer in a refrigerator.

I was pretty excited about the idea, but eventually someone here gave me a link where some guy had tried it, but it doesn't work.

A refrigerator is designed to keep cool food cool, it's not designed to generate enough cool to remove a constant heat source.
Theotherguy, that's outragous.

They are basically forcing you to live in shitty accomadation for an outragous fee. They are obviously just trying to steal money from you.
Enforcing freshmen staying on Campus? Sounds like Chinese university. Anyway, since it's mandatory for you and everyone else, might as well enjoy it.

Like I said earlier, a lot of colleges and universities do it. My brother has to do it this fall, and my cousin had to do it as well at his college.
Theotherguy, that's outragous.

They are basically forcing you to live in shitty accomadation for an outragous fee. They are obviously just trying to steal money from you.

Well, when you're one of the most prestigious universities in the country, you can afford to tick a few freshman off in this way.

Besides, I looked at the bill, and its actually $3k a year in rent, $4k a year for food, water and free bus/train fees, and I assume the remainder is for heating, electrical, and internet services.
Found some more pictures, this is basically the setup I'm going for with the beds and desk:

Communal showers!

Curvy hallways?
I just use the disabled bathroom on my floor. It's massive and has a wooden bench to put my caddy.

I don't feel bad, since we don't have any male disabled students.

Or males for that matter (*>3 to 1 Girl to guy ratio)

Holy crap. What school do you go to? I'm from Texas as well, I just finished up my first year at Angelo State University staying in the cheapest dorms. Luckily my roommate was a friend that I've known since childhood.

It's basically a really large room, but it's split down the middle (not by a wall or anything, just a dividing point where the room starts to mirror the other side). At least there were some shelves between the beds so I wouldn't be right next to my roommate...creepy.

Here's a picture of some ladies in their room from the website:


That's one side of the room, then there's basically a clone of it that extends to the left.

My dorm seems like it was great compared to yours. Hopefully you'll get along well with your roommate. We had to share a bathroom (1 shower, 1 toilet, 2 sinks) with the room across from us (4 people per bathroom), but it wasn't too bad.

Next year we're staying in the nicest dorms on campus, which are basically like a 2 bedroom apartment with a decent sized living room.

Here's the floorplan for those:


I can't wait. My room is basically going to be a project-studio for tracking guitars...and then a bed.
Wow, thats absurd. You could live like a king for that much I bet.

On $10,000 a year? Are you mad - that's ?5,000, and about ?416 a month - which is peanuts in rent terms, especially as he's being fed too.

They are basically forcing you to live in shitty accomadation for an outragous fee. They are obviously just trying to steal money from you.

You don't even have your own bathroom? What's up with that?

Here's a map of the one I'll live in this autumn:

"Hall" means hall, "Bad" means bathroom, "G" means closet and "Rum" means room. It's 18 m2.
A room just to store your bottles of rum? Now that's luxury!
But some colleges require you to take your first semester while living in a dorm, sometimes even the whole first year.

One word. Bullshit.

Seriously how the hell can anyone be expected to be able to work productively in their own workspace with a room that small? That's madness. Kids out my way live at home either with parents or by themselves and simply bus/train into town for University. The American system of "zomg move interstate for awesome Uni blah" is confusing.
Holy crap. What school do you go to? I'm from Texas as well, I just finished up my first year at Angelo State University staying in the cheapest dorms. Luckily my roommate was a friend that I've known since childhood.

I'm moving to Pittsburgh to go to Carnegie Mellon.

If I had gone to the University of Texas, or to Oklahoma University, they would have given me an absurdly nice honors dorm with living room, individual bedrooms, kitchen, two baths and maid service.

Damn northern universities. ;(
One word. Bullshit.

Seriously how the hell can anyone be expected to be able to work productively in their own workspace with a room that small? That's madness. Kids out my way live at home either with parents or by themselves and simply bus/train into town for University. The American system of "zomg move interstate for awesome Uni blah" is confusing.

Well, I could drive 20 hours to commute every day... or pay $1000 for a plane ticket every morning.... :cheese:

At this particular dorm, the idea is that students will use their dorm only for sleeping, and they will use communal "study rooms" for studying. The dorm has several small, private conference rooms for people to use for studying, a couple of computer labs, and of course we can go to the library.

The idea is to get the freshman exposed to campus life, more dedicated to academics, and less likely to host private parties. But honestly I think they're just using this system to cut costs.
I'm moving to Pittsburgh to go to Carnegie Mellon.

If I had gone to the University of Texas, or to Oklahoma University, they would have given me an absurdly nice honors dorm with living room, individual bedrooms, kitchen, two baths and maid service.

Damn northern universities. ;(

The honors dorms are pretty nice. We don't get individual bedrooms, kitchens, baths, or maid service though..... :eek: That would be pretty ridiculous
On $10,000 a year? Are you mad - that's ?5,000, and about ?416 a month - which is peanuts in rent terms, especially as he's being fed too.

Its 10k for a school year. Meaning he can only stay there for 8 months or so. Meaning its $1,250 a month. Thats some big peanuts in rent terms.
My university had a two day orientation in which we were required to stay in a dorm.

It sucked. It's like a cheap motel you share with a stranger.

I'm living at home for a little while, I might get get an apartment after a semester or two.
Its 10k for a school year. Meaning he can only stay there for 8 months or so. Meaning its $1,250 a month. Thats some big peanuts in rent terms.

He's also fed for that amount.. and ?600 a month is nothing in rent terms over here.. my room in a house was close to that.
Hehe, my sister got stuck with the smallest dorm on campus for one whole year. This was like her freshman year, which was like 6 years ago. And she got the building that was slowly sinking into the ground! $90,000 gets you that!
On $10,000 a year? Are you mad - that's ?5,000, and about ?416 a month - which is peanuts in rent terms, especially as he's being fed too.

In the UK student accomadation is 3000-4000 GBP with full catering in the halls of residence.
He's also fed for that amount.. and ?600 a month is nothing in rent terms over here.. my room in a house was close to that.

I was renting an 2 bedroom apartment in Orlando for 400 bucks. Add food on to that its about 650 a month, add electricity and utilities and its about 800 dollars a month for living expenses. Thats still more than 400 dollars less than what he is paying, plus I got a kitchen, large common room, my own room that was bigger than his dorm room, and had to share a bathroom with just one other person rather than a whole dorm floor's worth of people.
In the UK student accomadation is 3000-4000 GBP with full catering in the halls of residence.

Without catering, mine was 4000. I do know people who's rent was well over 5000..

I was renting an 2 bedroom apartment in Orlando for 400 bucks. Add food on to that its about 650 a month, add electricity and utilities and its about 800 dollars a month for living expenses. Thats still more than 400 dollars less than what he is paying, plus I got a kitchen, large common room, my own room that was bigger than his dorm room, and had to share a bathroom with just one other person rather than a whole dorm floor's worth of people.

I guess the UK's just expensive, it's skewed my perspective. I'm looking at dropping 800 quid a month on rent in London.. :/
Without catering, mine was 4000. I do know people who's rent was well over 5000..

I guess the UK's just expensive, it's skewed my perspective. I'm looking at dropping 800 quid a month on rent in London.. :/

Were you at uni in london or something? Like I said in Glasgow catered halls are about 3 grand a year.
Without catering, mine was 4000. I do know people who's rent was well over 5000..
For srs? D:

I'm looking at about 350 per month next year but I'm sharing a house with 3 other people. My first year's living expenses have been pretty cheap - about 850-900 a term, which if I'm not very much mistaken has included rent, utility and catering.
Were you at uni in london or something? Like I said in Glasgow catered halls are about 3 grand a year.

The near-to 5000 a-year flats had a flatscreen tv with freeview, double beds, 8meg broadband, ensuite bathroom, all sorts! Those were proper luxury student flats.

Mine was pretty basic, and ran to just over 1000 a term. My third year house wasmore, but that included full Sky TV package etc :)
I had a choice this year of moving to an apartment or dorms. I chose the dorm because it was made in 2002 but the apartments are 1980s (and look like it too). Here's some pics of my single room dorm that I stayed in last semester and will be staying in a similar one in the fall.



dinner for most nights (because I'm vegetarian and the shit at the cafe was ass):

loved playing games or watching stuff like this

The 2x smaller size compared to the doubles was worth my own room, not having to put up with an annoying **** 24/7 is nice.