Dose yu wants to se my girlfriend

This thread baffles me.

Too much baffling.

Cut down on the baffling!
Gaah. Stop the Madness!

On the (off)topic of format, it was on the 5th page for me. Also, way to go Koola Mena your sigy quote stretches the webpage beyond my monitors resolution (or something like that).

Gaah. Stop the Madness!

On the (off)topic of format, it was on the 5th page for me. Also, way to go Koola Mena your sigy quote stretches the webpage beyond my monitors resolution (or something like that).


You should probably go higher than 640x480 then.
Stigy, I got your back. If she makes you happy, tap it......just be sure to pull out...on time mind you.
Hey, I'm 15. I can't take a side! :O
So that's, what, four people on my side now? :P
Ah'm onye side, beg man, buta couldnae resest th' temptashenty post suchy responz, consedren th' threadynall.

Gonny marryer, then, KEDmata? Eh?
I'm starting to think sulks been replaced with a townie.