Double Gate Barrier


Mar 15, 2009
Reaction score
I just started playing and I just joined this forum. Please direct me to the correct thread, move this topic to where it belongs, throw tangerines at me, etc.

This is my first time through the single-player game. I am reading various walk-throughs online, and am NOT seeing anything that describes what I am encountering.

I have worked my way through the water-hazard part of the game, though I am not certain if I have moved on to another portion or not. My air-boat has been outfitted with a gun. I have been merrily shooting soldiers and tanks on the ledges and banks as I have driven by.

I have now come to a pair of double-gates, both closed, with a resevoir of toxic water in between. I can get my boat onto the ledge on the left, and from there into the water between the gates. There is a room with a power-up or two, but nothing else that seems useful.

I can see stairs and a door on the far side of the canal, with no way to get there.

I have destroyed the tank that was shelling me, so now I am just hanging around pushing crates and bookshelves around trying to build something useful.

Any help?
Approaching the gates:

Inside the first gate, looking at the second:
Um, you're going the wrong way. You've already gone through that area, so turn around 180 degrees.
Well, heck. Thank you, it would have taken me far too long to figure that out. Too many short-sessions of play in a row, and I lost track.