Doubtful release date

You mean, the game was released in March!?
/me loves the difference between America and Europe

I just realized, I use /me in every other post. Weee! I'm a third person kinda guy! Anyhow.. retailers.. they know nothing. We've gone over this before.. ;(
dude that means 3rd of september rofl!! take it ur amercian
This must be the 50th post with a link to a retail site that has a release date. They just estimate, they have the same information we do.
Pureball said:
dude that means 3rd of september rofl!! take it ur amercian

Did you not read the top line in my post? I clearly was joking, and I pointed out the difference between American and European dates!
yeah i did so i was being sarcastic aswell if thats not illegal :E
My sarcasm detection unit is off for the night. I believe it went to bed without me ;(

ahoy teh funneh
Shuzer said:
I just realized, I use /me in every other post. Weee! I'm a third person kinda guy!

Yes, it's very annoying.
My sarcasm detector broke thanks to this forum. It's currently away for repairs.
This is a useless thread, which my post obviously isn't
lol Americans, never think outside the country they live in.
/me posts this in a shameless attempt to increase his post count
ummno said:
lol Americans, never think outside the country they live in.

im an american and i dont stereotype people-groups. you? ah..
-JeZ- said:
* -JeZ- posts this in a shameless attempt to increase his post count

HAh! I knew someone would try that. It's not working,, wait
I'm sorry Americans can't understand your crazy European backwards date thing. We're too busy running around in cowboy hats and screaming at people to understand other cultures.
ummno said:
lol Americans, never think outside the country they live in.

Buddy, quit while you're ahead, we've had enough of this, if you don't like how we think get off the site, because it is hosted in America, ASS.
Shuzer said:
Did you not read the top line in my post? I clearly was joking, and I pointed out the difference between American and European dates!

American dates are stupid, I mean it's the 29th day of July now right? So all logic tells me that would be 29/07, the 29th of the 7th month and of the 2004th year. So why the hell then would Americans write 03/29? What's that? The third month of the 29th day? It makes no sense!!! The madness!!

/me sits in a corner rocking back and forth...

Brian Damage said:
I'm pretty sure it's UK in origin, though... isn't it?

It's hosted by Limelight Networks, the same host Valve uses, so I'm sure it's American based (eventhough Munro is british)
Yeah, reading our dates it's like....


The third of the 7th 2004.

American dates it's like:


The 7th month of which is the third day of that month in 2004.

Why the need to change the system anyway? Just to be different I guess ^^
You're all crazy! Stop before my head explodes!!1 Arrghh! OMG WHAT IS IT 7/29/2004 no it must be 29/7/2004 ARGHHH OMG IT'S TOO LATE!1!!1! *a very loud sound similar to four or five bombs exploding at the same time inside a large metal silo with extremely good acoustics*
I have an industrial-strength sarcasm detector. Not only can it detect a smartass little kid with asthma two towns over, it can stand up to the combined onslaught of this,, AND an hour a night of CS.

/Americans rule
PvtRyan said:
It's hosted by Limelight Networks, the same host Valve uses, so I'm sure it's American based (eventhough Munro is british)

Origin. Or-i-gin, I said...

And I just tend not to take most things seriously unless prompted or given a good reason to. 's easier that way.
Brian Damage said:
Origin. Or-i-gin, I said...

And I just tend not to take most things seriously unless prompted or given a good reason to. 's easier that way.

He said that it was hosted, hos-ted in America, you disputed that and I corrected you :hmph:

This thread is so full of hate and OT! Closed!

oh wait, I'm not a mod.. hmm..
Either way, I think everyone kinda over reacted to my joke ;(
Should retail sites put their dates both ways then? That way US stores can go to the trouble of adjusting with the rest of the world, and the rest of the world can post US dates too!
Otherwise it would be the rest of the world being inconsiderate :p

I think its month day year because when someone asks for the date,
Its more common (at least for me) to sayyyy
"March 23rd" rather than "the 23rd of March"
then again most people know the month, and just need to hear "the 23rd"
uhm...damn what's my point?
I thought it was pretty funny. And, to help with understanding American dates, read it as July 29th, 2004. 7/29/2004.

/me picks up PvtRyan from the corner.

Edit: Damn you Orange.
PvtRyan said:
He said that it was hosted, hos-ted in America, you disputed that and I corrected you :hmph:


Uh-uh. Wrong. Sorry. Never disputed that it was hosted in America. Merely said that it was UK in origin, which IMHO would mean that it was a UK site...

staddydaddy said:
Europeans, Never read the rest of a post to understand he was joking.

dud im british and i ****ing h8 it!!! rofl, listening to half life radio, and listening to the ameriacans doing a british accent is soooooooooo funny...u dont get funnier
July 29th means precisely nothing :p

Kind of like Orange 47th.

Now if you were to say the 27th of Orange, that would make TOTAL sense.

Ok now I am just going cuckoo....
Brian Damage said:
Uh-uh. Wrong. Sorry. Never disputed that it was hosted in America. Merely said that it was UK in origin, which IMHO would mean that it was a UK site...


That means your post was completely IRRELEVANT (don't know the syllables of this one ;() cause he was talking about hosting, hos-ting and you were talking about origin, ori-gin (boy this is fun) and you just posted for your postcount, post-count (can't get enough of it) you spamwhore, spam-whore!


Sorry, I had to do that.