Doubtful release date

PvtRyan said:
That means your post was completely IRRELEVANT (don't know the syllables of this one ;() cause he was talking about hosting, hos-ting and you were talking about origin, ori-gin (boy this is fun) and you just posted for your postcount, post-count (can't get enough of it) you spamwhore, spam-whore!


Nope. Wrong again. Sorry. My post was just as relevant as his. My point of my point, was to point out :)E) that just because the site is now hosted in America doesn't mean that it has totally American values, ideals, or even a mostly American population (though it probably does have the latter, America being what it is and having the high population that it does...). It's not necessarily an American site, and people shouldn't hold it up as such.

You seem to have something in your eye, by the way...
Brian Damage said:
Nope. Wrong again. Sorry. My post was just as relevant as his. My point of my point, was to point out :)E) that just because the site is now hosted in America doesn't mean that it has totally American values, ideals, or even a mostly American population (though it probably does have the latter, America being what it is and having the high population that it does...). It's not necessarily an American site, and people shouldn't hold it up as such.

You seem to have something in your eye, by the way...

But... but... but.... I HATE YOU! ;( :frown:

/me throws his high heel shoe at Brian

I never wanna see you again!
Just wondering... Can people with in the UK mimic American Accents?
PvtRyan said:
But... but... but.... I HATE YOU! ;( :frown:

* PvtRyan throws his high heel shoe at Brian

I never wanna see you again!

I don't hate you. But if you don't wanna see me you'd best close your eyes while reading threads... :p

Vegeta, I reckon almost anyone who's been exposed to a lot of American stuff (IE: Anyone with a television) can do an American accent :E...
Brian Damage said:
I don't hate you. But if you don't wanna see me you'd best close your eyes while reading threads... :p

Vegeta, I reckon almost anyone who's been exposed to a lot of American stuff (IE: Anyone with a television) can do an American accent :E...

There are WAY too many sub-accents in America. IE. New Yorker compared to a southerner
Just wondering... Can people with in the UK mimic American Accents?

Yes, but you probably wouldn't want to hear it ^^

Besides I have to do it all the time whenI got to Washington, just so I can be understood :LOL:

All Americans sound the same to me, I know it's terrible.. When someone calls I can't tell if it my girlfriend, her mother, or someone calling to sell me a speed-boat. :E
Make a recording of yourself in your normal voice, and then whichever American accent you wish. *curious* (Just, please don't use "Y'all", and "We'sa comin to git ya")
Oh man.. that rules me out...
You can do an American accent without saying "Y'all"?

Or "Tubular!"

or "Cowabunga!"

Damn... :(
lol, tubular and cowabunga are SO 80's (and maybe early 90's) ;)
Shuzer said:
There are WAY too many sub-accents in America. IE. New Yorker compared to a southerner

Yes? And? I never said there was one overriding accent... I said AN American accent, not THE American accent.

Tonight is the night of The Wrong End Of The Stick :E !
I have never heard someone from the UK trying to sound English... What main features are there to mimic? With the UK you just say certain vowels differently and stuff.

Someone make that recording. :)
Brian Damage said:
Yes? And? I never said there was one overriding accent... I said AN American accent, not THE American accent.

Tonight is the night of The Wrong End Of The Stick :E !

Perhaps, but you implied (in my eyes, anyway) that there's one generalized American accent! SO NYAH! :p
But the original topic wasn't HALF as interesting ^^

I keep trying to record me doing an American accent, but then people walk past the door and I think better of it.
This thread is so funny. And once again I realize what keeps me coming here nearly every day. From a release date speculation the discussion has moved to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

I want to thank... all you guys for such a great time..*sniff*...I have...*sniff* I'm all right.
i remember when americans spole like like like ya know like like ya know like like like this like like...and its aluminium (if thats how its spelt :S) not 'ALUMINUM', and yogurt not 'YOWG-HURT' :D
I have never heard anybody say yowghurt. I don't know who you talk to.

And for your information, it is spelled Aluminum... over here, although I love the pronunciation al-oo-minium.
poseyjmac said:
im an american and i dont stereotype people-groups. you? ah..

have a cookie.

i on the other hand will have pie.

its a general rule of thumb that All retailers dates are wrong.
I like accents...but I always chuckle in side when I hear a word that I'm like 'What?' and then I change the pronouciation and realize what it is... or realise for you olde english folks
Dougy said:
have a cookie.

i on the other hand will have pie.

its a general rule of thumb that All retailers dates are wrong.

ill take a cookie and your pie, biatch! :imu:
ShadowFox said:
I have never heard anybody say yowghurt. I don't know who you talk to.

And for your information, it is spelled Aluminum... over here, although I love the pronunciation al-oo-minium.

rofl m8 its spelt 'a l u m I N I U M' not 'a l u m i n u m'. the eng dictionary says it is and is THE ENGLISH SPELLING DICTIONARY, there is no amercian dictionary is there...NO! immigrants...:D jk, and i luv the way u guys say it cracks me up so much
Pureball said:
rofl m8 its spelt 'a l u m I N I U M' not 'a l u m i n u m'. the eng dictionary is THE ENGLISH SPELLING DICTIONARY, there is no amercian dictionary is there...NO! immigrants...:D jk

AND.. said:
al·u·min·i·um Audio pronunciation of "aluminium" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ly-mn-m)
n. Chiefly British

Variant of aluminum.

Oh oh.. which is the variant, and which is dominant!?
Chiefly British.. that makes me giggle! :LOL:
if it isnt in the dictionary BOOK then its not right...hehe, and anyway thats an american dictionary...oh **** i feel sheepish...
lol, Americans speak English, but you whacky British people speak YE OLDE ENGLISH!

hahaha, yes, this is a pretty stupid argument. Quick, let's get it back on topic!

HL2.. yeah, September 1stish.. sounds reasonable to me :cheese:
rofl, btw u americans are immigrants in a way (no offense...omfg that sounds harsh), and noooooo one in the uk speaks like 'thy should not speaketh ye olde english infront of thy king' blah blah blah...whatever. if it werent for us...there wouldnt be america....think about it.

anyway yeah hl2, what a game, its gonna suk....doom3 forever man!! (stop screaming at the monitor...i cant hear you).

and americans speak american...
I meant, you've stuck with the spelling of many olde English words. America just tried to move on from the past. I don't see what the big deal is over one letter per word anyway
it just makes saying it sound wrong...but tbh i dont give a **** :E
Englishmen speak English.

Welshmen, Scots and the Irish speak Gibberish.

Aussies speak Strine.

Yanks speak Wanker.

PvtRyan said:
American dates are stupid, I mean it's the 29th day of July now right? So all logic tells me that would be 29/07, the 29th of the 7th month and of the 2004th year. So why the hell then would Americans write 03/29? What's that? The third month of the 29th day? It makes no sense!!! The madness!!

not really, its July the 29th (thats how you say dates over here), 2004

you say tomato, i say tomato ^_^ (wonderful how that works out in chat)
This America vs England/Europe argument is just going around in circles. Please hate each other privately. Enough is enough.

It doesn't matter to most people on this forum anyway, most of you can't even get the hang of using capital letters and full stops (periods to the Yanks), let alone spell half a sentence right.