Download: HL2 Playable Tech Demo

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Jul 17, 2003
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EDIT: it seems that no one wants it and i got spammed to hell so i took it down
thanks, but you might want to use the "search" feature.... This was posted monthes ago.
well no one ever talks about it whatsoever....i have been reading here since may and never saw it....
Noone talks about it anymore because it is old news.
EDIT: No one wants it because everyone seems to hate me and has no life so I took it down.
First post on this thread: Speachless...... give the guy a break ;-/
Well, excuse me for not wanting a forum where every few minutes a new thread is created titled "OMG HALF LIFE 2 DELALYED!!!1"

The search function is there for a reason, it's to find answers.

And when it comes to posting news, here's my rule of thumb. If the news is more than 5 minutes old, it's been posted here.
i dont know why the whole hl2 delayed thing is still going on....officially its not delayed...but valve and vu games have not said anything so its very wierd
Jesus christ, cut him some slack, i was not aware of this, and many other werent either.
i wasn't so leave him alone. yea i have seen threads on the HL2 tech demo for HL, but not a thread with the DEMO for DOWNLOAD (((which aint supported so it won't like me dl it.))

but other then that leave him alone ppl
ya i am no newb also btw....i started playing halflife in '98 too....
I think we all want a nice friendly, communal atmosphere around here more than anything, I don't mind the odd thread here of there with a bit of repeat information in it. But anyway, that's besides the point because there is absolutely no reason whatsover to hold that sort of attitude towards someone who's made a simple mistake.

I'm sure d8cam will use the Search function next time won't ya, and guys, I hope you'll be friendlier to the next person?
I think we just need a sticky thread about deceptive or inflammatory thread titles. Think very carefully about what your thread title is, and make sure it isn't misleading. (download, playable, tech demo, and hl2 should NEVER be all together in your thread title unless it's post Sept. 30!!!!!)
lol true...anything with download in it is going to catch attention
are u talking about the leaked demo that everyone is downloading right now on eDonkey?
There is no leaked demo. If anyone is downloading something they think is a HL2 techdemo, its just my map. Some people put my map on fileshareing P2P programs, and of course named it in a mannor that makes it seem like your downloading the real thing... Some people just love being pain in the you know what, with their lame jokes.
I seem to be finding multiple "leaked" hl2 files, I just wish they were real. One is friggen 700 megabytes.
yea, i don't think it's ur map, cuz its size is about 700 mb, many people are downloading right now on eDonkey
very strange, I got a txt file saying that the Half-life 2 beta demo.exe is a fake. Whats strange about it is that there are other hl2 leak files, but this says that only one is a fake. Maybe its wishful thinking, but perhaps valve hasnt said anything about it because they dont want anyone finding out? I am finding these on emule btw, just type in half life 2 and you should get some interesting finds.
dude theres no leaked HL2 demo, if there was this place would prob crash from the tons of threads created within a few minutes of it being uploaded on irc or a bittorrent kazza etc, :)
if theres was a real leaked demo....we would know about it real ****ing fast.......
When doom3 alphan was out, in-game screenshots popped out on every half-way technology and game related site. Now hl2, a technological masterpiece as well, gets leaked. no site has got screens, no one can confirm it and noone seems to have it.
The only thing people used as proof were some faked installation screens, which appeared shortly after the rumour got around. Well, and each pic had another installation screen on it. So valva even bothered to make different installation screens for tech demo, did they?

I, ahm... i deon't really think so.

Seriously, forget the idea about a leak. It never ever was out. A big fat fake.
first things first no need to flame especially on a newcommer also I believe this thread should be deleted as he now knows the answer to his question... can we all just get along :cheers:
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