Downloading full version of HL2 before its released

A fun thing to do would be to get to the file just after it's finished downloading, but before he's had a chance to extract it.

Fire up a hex editor, scroll randomly through it and make 20 or so changes to it's contents, and the file should then be invalid and not work.

Then he'll probably go "**** it, I can't be bothered downloading that again" and you win :)
Look see where I'm located ---- Want me to knock on the door a and sort him out??

They can't do anything, live with it. Your brother will find it. I can, he will too.

It's sad, VALVe and Blizzard games should not be dld without being bought afterwards, both companies listen to the community, and both aren't ignorant pompas assholes...
obiwanquinobi said:
Look see where I'm located ---- Want me to knock on the door a and sort him out??


Are you serious? because there's been a van parked across the street for two weeks now and I haven't seen it move. Do you have a large dish on top of the van and a govt. licence plate?
CB | Para said:
Are you serious? because there's been a van parked across the street for two weeks now and I haven't seen it move. Do you have a large dish on top of the van and a govt. licence plate?

I can't divulge such information - I'd have to kill you if I told you! :D
Don't worry bout a ting kid just gimme your address and I'll come over and... sort tings out you know what I'm sayin'?
Yeah sure, me and two-teethed Tony the twisted thumb will come over and we'll have a nice, long, quiet chat. okay kid? Hey by the way, you got a bat at home? Coz if ya'dont, I gotta remember to bring one to our little discussion... Capisci?
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
report him to FBI or any other anti-piracy group...that'll teach him...

You know what, that's a damn fine idea. I know people who download games all the time, and I think it's stupid.

One day FBI come knocking at his door and he gets caught. Then he'll have to pay like hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages, and later I'll call him and be like "Guess what, I told FBI you pirate games. Hahahahhaa, isn't that funny or what, heheehe"
I have a friend who DLs all the games that he wants, and his reasoning is this: He doesn't have much money, so he wouldn't be buying the games anyway. So he's not really taking any money from the developer. I to be honest, I see his point of view. It's not like he passes out copies to people or anything. I don't know how he gets all of these things, but I really don't see anything wrong with that. Just my opinion.

P.S. I personally plan on buying two copies of the game (one for me and one for him).
how is he gona get it after it goes gold? u mean after its released? i expect steam protection will hold of the warez teams for a while, it might even be crack proof like toca race driver seems to be. i hope so. i dont see how he will have it before u.
when he is dloading the game.. valve would prolly be getting stoned and stuff.. gabe will be dancing on a table and every1 will cheer him on etc.. :> .. i hope they take pics
Seppo said:
You know what, that's a damn fine idea. I know people who download games all the time, and I think it's stupid.

One day FBI come knocking at his door and he gets caught. Then he'll have to pay like hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages, and later I'll call him and be like "Guess what, I told FBI you pirate games. Hahahahhaa, isn't that funny or what, heheehe"
What if that dude has secret contacts with bigger pirating organizations who are in contact with mafia and other underworld gangs?.. you might find fingers from your mother in matchboxes :S

Not so good idea huh..
you open teh files with notepad and you add random 1337 everywhere
noluck said:
when he is dloading the game.. valve would prolly be getting stoned and stuff.. gabe will be dancing on a table and every1 will cheer him on etc.. :> .. i hope they take pics

I hope they don't.

Bad games deserve to be pirated though, I pity the fool that buys them.
just stay out of the room that hes in and just yell over his voice when hes talking, so he doesnt spoil it for you, or tell ur mom. lol.
unplug his computer then ru naway with the plug, or take out a chip in it!
N0N1337H41 said:
I have a friend who DLs all the games that he wants, and his reasoning is this: He doesn't have much money, so he wouldn't be buying the games anyway. So he's not really taking any money from the developer. I to be honest, I see his point of view. It's not like he passes out copies to people or anything. I don't know how he gets all of these things, but I really don't see anything wrong with that. Just my opinion.

P.S. I personally plan on buying two copies of the game (one for me and one for him).

Come to think about it, that does make sence.

And you must be a really good friend if you're buying him a copy of Half-Life 2. You must have a lot of friends :)
To all those people who keep saying HL2 will not be pirated right away, most games that take awhile to get cracked are low level games that not many people care about, a big game like HL2 and Doom 3 will get cracked much faster then other games with similar protection.
Schm0zy, grow up. Your brother can download whatever he wants. Asking people on a forum dedicated to the game in question is, of course, going to net you multiple responses of "KILL YOUR BROTHER AND THROW HIM OFF A BRIDGE LOLZ!!!" The only real solution to the problem is to let your brother know that this game has been in development for 6 (going on 7?) years now, has a budget that's $25+ million (I think), and is basically guaranteed to rock your socks off. If he can't respect the developers enough to pay $50 for something they've been working on with that kind of dedication, then I don't see him paying for music or movies either.

Sometimes I download games that I have interest in buying, but then I will always go out and purchase them. There is one exception to my ethics, which was Halo. It was a piece of shit, a lousy port of the Xbox version that was coded badly, and didn't look very good for the performance that I was recieving. So I stopped playing it, deleted the files, and moved on. Other games, such as Max Payne 2, I downloaded, played for a while, realized I liked them, and bought.

HL2 is a different story for me, however, as I already preordered it and know I'm buying it right off the bat. I think that a pretty good percentage of warez downloads can be contributed to fans who are looking for a demo before they buy, since a lot of developers these days don't even need demos to start hype. They just need pretty screenshots and E3 showings.

Your brother sounds like he's not going to pay for the game, and that's his choice, but it also sounds like he doesn't know the impact his decision could have. Piracy in computer/video games and movies has officially overtaken piracy in the music business (Link), and this means that games/movies that could have been made never happened solely because of pirates. Try to explain all this to your brother, I'm done typing now.

P.S. - Even if you're not interested in warez, IRCSpy is a pretty good site for news in the games/technology industries.
TheSoupNazi said:
Schm0zy, grow up. Your brother can download whatever he wants. Asking people on a forum dedicated to the game in question is, of course, going to net you multiple responses of "KILL YOUR BROTHER AND THROW HIM OFF A BRIDGE LOLZ!!!" The only real solution to the problem is to let your brother know that this game has been in development for 6 (going on 7?) years now, has a budget that's $25+ million (I think), and is basically guaranteed to rock your socks off. If he can't respect the developers enough to pay $50 for something they've been working on with that kind of dedication, then I don't see him paying for music or movies either.

Sometimes I download games that I have interest in buying, but then I will always go out and purchase them. There is one exception to my ethics, which was Halo. It was a piece of shit, a lousy port of the Xbox version that was coded badly, and didn't look very good for the performance that I was recieving. So I stopped playing it, deleted the files, and moved on. Other games, such as Max Payne 2, I downloaded, played for a while, realized I liked them, and bought.

HL2 is a different story for me, however, as I already preordered it and know I'm buying it right off the bat. I think that a pretty good percentage of warez downloads can be contributed to fans who are looking for a demo before they buy, since a lot of developers these days don't even need demos to start hype. They just need pretty screenshots and E3 showings.

Your brother sounds like he's not going to pay for the game, and that's his choice, but it also sounds like he doesn't know the impact his decision could have. Piracy in computer/video games and movies has officially overtaken piracy in the music business (Link), and this means that games/movies that could have been made never happened solely because of pirates. Try to explain all this to your brother, I'm done typing now.

P.S. - Even if you're not interested in warez, IRCSpy is a pretty good site for news in the games/technology industries.

That was a very well thought out and mature post :p I love you.
Take a really big broom stick, wait till he enters the room. Then swing away meryl.
TheSoupNazi said:
Schm0zy, grow up. Your brother can download whatever he wants. Asking people on a forum dedicated to the game in question is, of course, going to net you multiple responses of "KILL YOUR BROTHER AND THROW HIM OFF A BRIDGE LOLZ!!!" The only real solution to the problem is to let your brother know that this game has been in development for 6 (going on 7?) years now, has a budget that's $25+ million (I think), and is basically guaranteed to rock your socks off. If he can't respect the developers enough to pay $50 for something they've been working on with that kind of dedication, then I don't see him paying for music or movies either.

Sometimes I download games that I have interest in buying, but then I will always go out and purchase them. There is one exception to my ethics, which was Halo. It was a piece of shit, a lousy port of the Xbox version that was coded badly, and didn't look very good for the performance that I was recieving. So I stopped playing it, deleted the files, and moved on. Other games, such as Max Payne 2, I downloaded, played for a while, realized I liked them, and bought.

HL2 is a different story for me, however, as I already preordered it and know I'm buying it right off the bat. I think that a pretty good percentage of warez downloads can be contributed to fans who are looking for a demo before they buy, since a lot of developers these days don't even need demos to start hype. They just need pretty screenshots and E3 showings.

Your brother sounds like he's not going to pay for the game, and that's his choice, but it also sounds like he doesn't know the impact his decision could have. Piracy in computer/video games and movies has officially overtaken piracy in the music business (Link), and this means that games/movies that could have been made never happened solely because of pirates. Try to explain all this to your brother, I'm done typing now.

P.S. - Even if you're not interested in warez, IRCSpy is a pretty good site for news in the games/technology industries.

The thing is I siad he could load it on his comp when I get it. he just cant play online its my cd key. But no he wants to get it before its releaced and piss me off and tell me everything that hapens.
genocide604 said:
Take a really big broom stick, wait till he enters the room. Then swing away meryl.

heh, Signs :p
sHm0zY said:
The thing is I siad he could load it on his comp when I get it. he just cant play online its my cd key. But no he wants to get it before its releaced and piss me off and tell me everything that hapens.

Good I hope he does, and don't come back here posting about it...or I will get Badger to put his foot down, and you WON'T like that.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Good I hope he does, and don't come back here posting about it...or I will get Badger to put his foot down, and you WON'T like that.

Don't you mean Badger's paw?
warez kind of suck but people seem to simply download games they would otherwise not buy. I've only seen a couple of people downloading games that they would buy had the download not been available. For the most part people enjoy purchases that much more.
has a budget that's $25+ million (I think),

40 million dollars as of last year...

Oh and really there ain't much you can do and honestly if that was the cause with my bro I wouldn't give a flying donkey kong (I'm cutting back on swearing aight!) about it.... I mean shit free will... I know he will love it when he plays it... just tell him when you get yours, legally, to buy his own damn copy since your copy is legal....... oh and knowing what he would do hide the cd key somewhere :p weee random stuff
You all Americans...

Someone doesnt have an opportunity to buy the game, because he doesnt have enough money. I live in Eastern europe, where the salaries are many times smaller than yours, but the computer games cost the same money and sometimes much more than, for example, in USA.
If you have a salary of, lets say, 150$ and game costs 50$, do you mean its possible to buy the game? Yes, you can say "If you dont have enough money to buy it, dont play it", but its very bad opinion. I dont say that I'm downloading leaked games, but my friends do. They are not doing it for fun, but simply because they dont have another chance to play that.