DPMS Classic


Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Here it is with a rounder grip.


Samio said:
C&C's are welcomed.

absolutely excellent as always.

you model a LOT, you've got new threads every few days and that car wippie you showed me musta taken a while.
that looks awesome :D

(I think it might look a tad better if you rounded the barrel grip area out a little more :))
the handle looks teeny for some reason too, but that might just be how the gun is.
you really need to team up with a good skinner btw :)
You know Hazar, you read my mind. I can never find a good skinner to skin my models so I'm trying to learn how to skin myself. But I can't find any good Phoroshop video tutorials on skinning weapons. Reagular printed tutorials are good but you all know how better a video tutorial would be. I've been looking for weeks but can't find one. About the grip, it looks so small because the scope is huge, it's the same way on the actual gun. And about the barrell, some people at a different forum really wanted the barell to have more sides so I'm going to redo the grip with maybe 12 sides instead of 8.
Yes, making the grip more rounded would look better.
you are a really good modeller samio. For how long have you been doing this ?. If you keep working like this you might end up as a professional modeller. When i began i really loved it and i made new models everyday but now, about 2-3 months later i havent modelled alot, which is sad because i love modelling but i dont know why i stoped.

Samio said:
You know Hazar, you read my mind. I can never find a good skinner to skin my models so I'm trying to learn how to skin myself. But I can't find any good Phoroshop video tutorials on skinning weapons. Reagular printed tutorials are good but you all know how better a video tutorial would be. I've been looking for weeks but can't find one. About the grip, it looks so small because the scope is huge, it's the same way on the actual gun. And about the barrell, some people at a different forum really wanted the barell to have more sides so I'm going to redo the grip with maybe 12 sides instead of 8.

Ive been working with photoshop for over four years. I learned myself because i had no internet back then. Also began with macromedia flash and learned all by my self. I dont say im a good skinner but i think its easier to just playaround with photoshop, that way you learn your own methods
that is a great model, I only wish i knew how to model as well as you do, yeah the grip would look better if it had more sides, i was woundering if I wanted to get into modeling, where could i read about doing so. like where did you learn from? i've only used VHE 3dstudio maya and gmax a little bit, and i liked VHE but all the oter have different feels to them.
Its allways easier if someone teaches you, or if you ask how to do things you dont know. Thats the way i learned, but it ended up quite bad, i asked too much and the guy got pissed off :(
Haha video tuts are also great. but my internet connection is to slow for things like that :(
Garfield_ said:
Its allways easier if someone teaches you, or if you ask how to do things you dont know. Thats the way i learned, but it ended up quite bad, i asked too much and the guy got pissed off :(
Haha video tuts are also great. but my internet connection is to slow for things like that :(
Samio's the modeler I mentioned who's on the Xenos team :p
Thanks everyone, Check the update for a smoother barell. Enui, all my friends only had 3 days spring break but I had the whole week, so until monday I have alot of free time to model. =P

Yea Garfield, I usually play around here and there with Photoshop but when I see other skins I don't understand how they did it. You are right though, messing around and trying new things on your on do help you learn alot. And pEchep, the BEST video tutorial that I've seen so far is this tutorial on modeling a Beretta 9000 ( http://tutorials.moddb.com/16/ ). It teaches the same method of modeling that I use, poly by poly modeling. If you finish that entire tutorial I asure you, you'll be making some good models soon enough.
ploy by poly... is that making every single face seperately?

edit: rounder grip looks way better.
poly by poly...cripes. if i modeled poly by poly i wouldnt be modeling. do you not get tired?

i hardly ever make more than a few polys by hand, i use all the tools lightwave has to offer :D splines included

and btw, how long have you been modeling Samio?
I've been modeling for around a year. Yeah, poly by poly modeling can get kind of boring but it gives you FULL control of what the model turns out like. It also doesn't use as much polies as primitives because You only model the polys that people will see. After you model alot with this method, you'll be able to work faster and if you'll know what your next move is so it will get done alot quicker. ;)
yea i can see the benefits. but i enjoy using tools and other methods to get the job done.

your a good modeler though samio, you churn out a great deal of models too and you seem to enjoy it a lot. maybe you could turn it into something more than a hobby.
looks sweet i was waiting for a gun like this to get modeled. how did u create more subdivisions on the grip or did u delete it an do it again or sumthin?