Dr. Breen is alive, but not well.

TheDan said:
Perhaps the bubble Breen was in protected him from the explosion of the teleporter. It was protecting him from whatever hazards Gordon was exposed to, it's possible it managed to save him from the blast. Maybe he took a little bit of damage but at least there'd be something left of him to do something with.

That explosion took out the entire tip of the Citadel. :p
Then I don't quite understand how Breen could have survived at all. If nothing could have protected him, he was very close to the point of the explosion. Surely he would have been destroyed, in every way that it is possible to BE destroyed? I doubt the G-Man would have saved him. He doesn't look like very proficient in the use of firearms or explosives :p
TheDan said:
Then I don't quite understand how Breen could have survived at all. If nothing could have protected him, he was very close to the point of the explosion. Surely he would have been destroyed, in every way that it is possible to BE destroyed? I doubt the G-Man would have saved him. He doesn't look like very proficient in the use of firearms or explosives :p
My guess is that the bubble managed to shield Breen from the first Dark Fusion Reactor blast (it could have succeeded, seeing the bubble would have been used to protect Breen from the Combine Home Dimension before he got his host body). Then sometime after, he was able to transport his consciousness into a new host body just in time to pester Freeman and Miss Vance. At any rate the important thing is that Breen survived implausibly like Doctors Vance and Mossman, except in a different form.
Wait, now I am confused. If Breen survived the explosion, why'd he put himself into the body of a slug? To get psychic powers perhaps?
VortigauntLover said:
Wait, now I am confused. If Breen survived the explosion, why'd he put himself into the body of a slug? To get psychic powers perhaps?

*sigh* To survive the Combine's environment.
TheDan said:
Then I don't quite understand how Breen could have survived at all. If nothing could have protected him, he was very close to the point of the explosion. Surely he would have been destroyed, in every way that it is possible to BE destroyed? I doubt the G-Man would have saved him. He doesn't look like very proficient in the use of firearms or explosives :p

He fell gently. You can see him reach the bottom of the chute and the bubble sort of glides before it impacts - it's extremely light. Another, perhaps not plausible theory is that the explosion of the reactor was a singularity collapse in itself, which made it appear as though time had grinded to a halt for those in the vicinity - que G-mans entry, Alyx's frozen state and the Vortigaunts ability to enter and rescue her.
Breen was below, and managed to get out before the explosion continued it's destructive course.

Probably not but I outright refuse to believe G-man stopped time.
xirow said:
Did you?
In Half-Life 2 Breen requests to be taken away from Earth. But the destination in which he's set to arrive at is too dangerous for him. To survive in this environment he needs a host body.
But Freeman destroyed the teleporter and stopped him from escaping Earth. So he doesn’t need a host body anymore.

Very good point
I know he fell gently, I was thinking of the explosion. If it had made time appear to be frozen relative to the people in close proximity; then how come Alyx doesn't move, but you are able to look and move around (to some extent) ;)

I believe the G-Man must have had some intervention with Gordon. He does have abilities which seem to be pretty incomprehensible - such as a tram speeding through space. Just because we don't understand something doesn't go to say that it's not possible :)

I can't come to any conclusion as to what actually DOES happen to Breen. There are two theories that I think are pretty plausable:
- The explosion tore off the top of the citadel. Breen was also caught in that explosion.
- The bubble managed to protect him from the explosion and he was thrown downwards somewhere and survives.

There is no real conclusive evidence in Episode 2 as to what actually does happen to Breen. By the use of the recording playback by Valve, it suggests that he does survive. Otherwise they wouldn't have used the recording. There would be reason for Breen to have a host body though. Assuming theory #2 has happened (Breen was thrown downwards by the explosion and survives), Breen could have been damaged and a host body could become necessary (or mecha-Breen, anyone?).

Thinking about it while writing this post, I do believe that Breen survives. I'm not entirely sure how. And I'm not even entirely sure what becomes of him during those hours that pass before Gordon starts hellraising once again. I hope Breen's fate is revealed in Episode 2.
Both plausible idea's. Obviously, he could have simply been devoured by that explosion. I'd be content with it, if a little letdown that I wouldn't be hearing from him again (his lines were god-like).
I saw the sequence as a way to introduce "Breen's replacement" in a way. The video shows Breen, then suddenly cuts off to the advisor. Kind of Valve's way of saying "You've defeated Breen. Now meet your new enemy."
Samon said:
Both plausible idea's. Obviously, he could have simply been devoured by that explosion. I'd be content with it, if a little letdown that I wouldn't be hearing from him again (his lines were god-like).

I believe that Breen's speeches will be back in Episode 2. They will just be delivered telepathically this time, and if so, there is no reason why his projected voice can't sound just like it did when he was human. We just won't have as good a face to put the voice to, now that he's a big slug.
Eh, truthfully I think Breen was transported to a host body overall. I'm not 100% sure it was the creature in the escape pod the slid under you and out, but I think that that is a good possibility. It links up with the recorded transmission and such, and does seem to flow well into each other. While I don't think Breen would really be happy in that sort of body however, he might be one to put up with it, just to survive.
I think it is very fitting that Breen is an Advisor now. He dreamed that the human race would become part of the Combine, and now he is one of them.
I posted about this before but here's my theory about those ships.

They are the "host bodies" that breen mentions. They take the conciousness of whatever being they mean to withold and turn keep it in the host body which is better suited for Combine activities. The pain you receive from them is the reaction of their conciousness-grabbing. That would explain Breen's location and the reason they fly out at the last moment from the Citidel.
Did no one play with commentary on? It says all advisors can (i can't remember the exact wording) consiously or telepathically attack you. Thats why it happens after each ship is escaping from the doomed citadel in the closing scene.

It is the first time we (freeman) come into physical contact with an advisor (whether or not it is breen) we don't know if the "telepathic attacks" would have happened if the advisor was not breen. But we already know that they are capable of mind control/influence so this should not be much of a surprise that they could also "wreak havok" in your head so to say.
Of course, there is always the somewhat remote possibility that the Vortigaunts saved Breen, possibly on the order of Eli and/or Kleiner. He was at BM after all, and Breen on the rebel side could definently boost resistance numbers. Besides I don't really see why exactly they would give Breen a body. He doesn't "need" one to stay on Earth. He failed, and though he is still useful if they want to subjugate the people of Earth, I find it doubtful that they could have saved him in the seconds before his body was destroyed.

Assuming there are other Citadels on Earth:
It's incredibly doubtful that any other citadels were destroyed. The sole reason that Gordon took out the Reactor, and later saved the Core (temporarily) was the souped up gravity gun. As far as we know, only 2 "scientists," (+ Breen/Gordon) and possibly Rosenberg, are still alive from BM. I doubt other random resisitances could have made a Gravity Gun, and a force of rebels strong enough to take out a Citadel. There's minimal chance that the BM rebels could have gotten a second gravity gun out of C17 and into another city with the Combine everywhere.

So with that in mind, why exactly would they need reinforcements. I mean, besides to simply bring the ultimate smack down on the rebels for blowing up a citadel. They took out the underground railroad, which was a large part of rebels, in minutes. The coast outposts were also obliterated, in minutes. The only ones that survived were the one Cubbage protected, and the first base Gordon reaches, where you obtain a combine rifle. Cubbage's only lived because of the G-Man. The resistance would never have made it through the plaza (The multi-strider battle) to the "Suppressor" without RPGs, which the BM scientists apparently made. How hard could it be to stick some striders, gunships, and choppers on a train, ship them off to the outskirts of C17, and take out the reassembling resistance.
Someone did. They're much more advanced than any modern weapons, and the Combine have no need for them. The only other possibilty I can think of, if they were not made by Eli/Kleiner, is that they are leftovers from the few combine killed in the seven hour war.

There are very few RPGs, though the ammunition is somewhat commonplace. There is only one RPG in all of ep1, and only a handful in HL2.
Infern0 said:
There are very few RPGs, though the ammunition is somewhat commonplace. There is only one RPG in all of ep1, and only a handful in HL2.

There's only one RPG that the player can use in ep1. There's definately a few used by resistance members too.
Robert Culp

He's the voice actor for Breen. If you can find out what his upcoming projects are you'll know if Breen is going to be in Episodes 2 and 3.
According to IMDB he`s got no upcoming projects.
Infern0 said:
Of course, there is always the somewhat remote possibility that the Vortigaunts saved Breen, possibly on the order of Eli and/or Kleiner. He was at BM after all, and Breen on the rebel side could definently boost resistance numbers. Besides I don't really see why exactly they would give Breen a body. He doesn't "need" one to stay on Earth. He failed, and though he is still useful if they want to subjugate the people of Earth, I find it doubtful that they could have saved him in the seconds before his body was destroyed.
Breen is so hated by the Resistance that it would send conflicting messages if he'd serve their side. Many would feel betrayed that he didn't recieve justice for allowing the genocide of the human species to go unchecked. The reason Breen got his host body anyway was because the Combine Advisors probably were too reluctant to waste someone who knows all about Earth.

So with that in mind, why exactly would they need reinforcements. I mean, besides to simply bring the ultimate smack down on the rebels for blowing up a citadel. They took out the underground railroad, which was a large part of rebels, in minutes. The coast outposts were also obliterated, in minutes. The only ones that survived were the one Cubbage protected, and the first base Gordon reaches, where you obtain a combine rifle. Cubbage's only lived because of the G-Man. The resistance would never have made it through the plaza (The multi-strider battle) to the "Suppressor" without RPGs, which the BM scientists apparently made. How hard could it be to stick some striders, gunships, and choppers on a train, ship them off to the outskirts of C17, and take out the reassembling resistance.
The Overwatch had one week to crush the mass rebellion that flared after the Nova Prospekt incident before Anticitizen One came back. Yet when faced with heaiver than usual combat and when it counted the most, the Overwatch failed to contain the human infection. It's obvious the garrison forces of the Overwatch failed their mission in the end, thus the need for reinforcements.
Glenn the Great said:
I believe that Breen's speeches will be back in Episode 2. They will just be delivered telepathically this time, and if so, there is no reason why his projected voice can't sound just like it did when he was human. We just won't have as good a face to put the voice to, now that he's a big slug.

It would be interesting if we heard his thoughts echo through the hallways as we're killing Combine and Antlions.
I was kind of disappointed about the end of Ep1, because when I was snooping around in the GCF before the game was released, it looked like I was going to be on the escaping train, fighting a final boss battle against Breen, who is flying after you, continually uttering speeches telepathically.
Glenn the Great said:
I was kind of disappointed about the end of Ep1, because when I was snooping around in the GCF before the game was released, it looked like I was going to be on the escaping train, fighting a final boss battle against Breen, who is flying after you, continually uttering speeches telepathically.

In retrospect, I think it kind of sounds silly. :|

So wait, they put Breen in the host body because his human body was damaged or was about to be destroyed in an explosion? I had the impression that it was a much more lengthy process. Sorry, just a little confused.
Why does Breen need a host body? In Half-Life 2 Breen requests to be taken away from Earth. But the destination in which he's set to arrive at is too dangerous for him. To survive in this environment he needs a host body.
But Freeman destroyed the teleporter and stopped him from escaping Earth. Surviving in the dangerous environment in which he was set to arrive was the only reason he needed a host body. But now he can’t escape earth, he is trapped here. So he doesn’t need a host body anymore.

What other reasons are there for him to transport his body into a host body? None. He doesn’t need a host body to escape the Citadel. If he managed to escape the tip of the Citadel (a host body doesn't increase his chances of escaping the tip of the Citadel in time), he had plenty of time to escape the entire Citadel in time.

Breen: "A host body you must be joking, I can't possibly...oh all right dammit if that's what it takes. Just hurry, he's right behind me!"
This quote indicated Breen doesn’t like the idea of a host body. So he will never voluntary let his body be transported into a host body. Not even to become one of the Combine. He’ll only use a host body if there is no other way.

But there is an other way. He could just simply leave the Citadel by foot and train, just as Alyx and Gordon did. Or do you think he is so afraid of the rebels he doesn’t dare to leave the Citadel and chooses to become a giant slug instead? Personally, I don’t think so.

But if Breen did become an Advisor in Episode One, my only explanation it that he was caught in the explosion and his wounded body or the remains of his body where transported into the host body. Or maybe there is some other strange reason we don’t know of for Breen to transported his intact body into a host body.
Considering if he hadn't transported into the host body the explosion would have destroyed him...did you not see the top of the Citadel and what it did?
Samon said:
Considering if he hadn't transported into the host body the explosion would have destroyed him...did you not see the top of the Citadel and what it did?

However, this is assuming that the host body is far away from the top of the Citadel and that you can instantly transport into a host body.
So you’re suggesting Breen instantly transported his body from the top of the Citadel to the host body near the bottom of the Citadel? That’s ridiculous.

Please enlighten me as to how Breen could have survived that then.
Samon said:
Please enlighten me as to how Breen could have survived that then.

I don’t know íf he survived it.

I also was expecting a clear answer from Valve.

But if Breen ís an Advisor now, I think the blast nearly killed him and his wounded body or the remains of his body where transported into the host body by the Combine. (even though they are not happy with the failed Breen). Instantly transported his body from the top of the Citadel to the host body near the bottom of the Citadel sounds to ridiculous.
Not nearly as ridiculous as his half wounded remains in an explosion of that magnitude.
Samon said:
Not nearly as ridiculous as his half wounded remains in an explosion of that magnitude.

To be honest, I think it ís even more ridiculous. He did have a protective bubble ;)

But maybe he’s just dead. Or maybe you’re right. We don’t know.
The reactor was tiny, a spire atop the tip of the Citadel. That explosion took out the entire upper portion. No protective bubble is gonna save him :p
Samon said:
The reactor was tiny, a spire atop the tip of the Citadel. That explosion took out the entire upper portion. No protective bubble is gonna save him :p

I know :)
But Breen instantly transported his body from the top of the Citadel to the host body near the bottom of the Citadel still sounds ridiculous. I think Valve can come up with something better.
Samon said:
The reactor was tiny, a spire atop the tip of the Citadel. That explosion took out the entire upper portion. No protective bubble is gonna save him :p

You're confusing.