Dr. Breen on the screen


Jul 19, 2003
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He looks like a really nice guy, doesn't he? Sean Connery like outlook, soft accent, he's really that kind of character that makes you feel trustworthy (although the reality shows right the opposite).
"Now we see the violence inherent in the system!" ;)
What does he say actually?
Little did I understand of what he said :)
Dr Breen said:
Welcome. Welcome to City 17. You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban settlements. I thought so much of City 17 that I elected to establish my administration here, in the citadel so thoughtfully provided by our benefactors. I have been proud to call City 17 my home. So, whether you are here to stay or passing through on your way to parts unknown... Welcome to City 17. It's safer here.

And I bet someone else will have posted this before I managed to finish this post.
A.I. said:
He looks like a really nice guy, doesn't he? Sean Connery like outlook, soft accent, he's really that kind of character that makes you feel trustworthy (although the reality shows right the opposite).
This just proves, what the facial animations add to the game
The only thing could make out for sure was "Welcome to City 17. It's safer here." Why am I not convinced? He also said something about the Citadel and the city's "benefactors". Couldn't really make out the rest of it.

Edit: I see Feath has provided the entire transcript. It's a great little speech and really sets the tone. Breen's calm, reassuring voice saying calm, reassuring things while it's clear that reality is the exact opposite. That kind of incongruity is a classic mainstay of post apocalyptic science fiction. I love it!
It's a great little speech and really sets the tone. Breen's calm, reassuring voice saying calm, reassuring things while it's clear that reality is the exact opposite.
That's why people call it propaganda.
It's very well written, I love the disparity between how comforting and pleasant Breen looks vs. how junky and worn down the whole train station looks. It really looks like a world nobody cares about anymore, the station is just there to herd people around.

I like the undertone of the "It's safer here" moto/tagline. Keeping people in line by promising security from some kind of ambiguous, outside force is classic.

"Chosen, or been chosen", "finest REMAINING urban settlements", "provided by our benefactors", its a small clip/speech but it tells so much about the game world.

Also, referring to City17 as a settlement helps explain the name... apparently a bunch of settlements/cities were created (as part of some kind of migration?), and this is the 17th.
Actually Breen sounds similar to Xerxes from System Shock II (I haven't seen the full Fileplanet trailer, but I assume it's the guy who speaks at the beginning of the mini-trailer in the rail-way station).

In his interview Doug did hint towards elements taken from other games and movies.
I love breens speech. Really sets the mood.

I suppose I can post this now...

A really crappy version of the trainstation level was in the stolen build. When you looked at the monitor with breen on a message appeared saying: 'Breen monitor spews propaganda' (there was no sound). Just shows how amazing valve can make the simplest thing.
Dr. Breen reminds me of the guy in NOLF, Hugo i think his name was (he gets shot near the start of the first game)
Murray_H said:
Dr. Breen reminds me of the guy in NOLF, Hugo i think his name was (he gets shot near the start of the first game)

No man, Dr.Breen is like Dr.Proton from duke nukem...
where as he will constantly taunt you from within his blasted video screen!
the bastard!
He sounds like Kurtwood Smith!
I think he did the voicework for Breen.
Murray_H said:
Dr. Breen reminds me of the guy in NOLF, Hugo i think his name was (he gets shot near the start of the first game)

Dr. Breen is obviously the creator of the Matrix...

...except what Dr. Breen says makes sense.


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"is there a point to this thread?"

Is there a point to your existence? Discuss.

Random thought: I was playing Far Cry today and I realised, somewhat sadly, that Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 wouldn't surpass it graphically. My next thought was that the touches like the opening Breen propaganda would blow it away in terms of immersion regardless. Awesome.

Hope it actually comes out before I die.
Iconoclast said:
"is there a point to this thread?"

Is there a point to your existence? Discuss.

Random thought: I was playing Far Cry today and I realised, somewhat sadly, that Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 wouldn't surpass it graphically. My next thought was that the touches like the opening Breen propaganda would blow it away in terms of immersion regardless. Awesome.

Hope it actually comes out before I die.

Graphic lies in the eye of the beholder.
I don't know, from what I've seen of FarCry, it has some strong points and some weak points graphically. The mercenaries look like they were designed in the mind of a 12 year old boy, and they move like robots on speed. In the HL2 videos you can see subtle effects everywhere, the flash of the explosions, sparks, smoke, bullets zipping by, splinters, it really looks great in motion. And it's much more artfully done. If you're talking about comparing the technical features of two screenshots, I suppose FarCry and HL2 are close, but if you're talking about the art and animation and watching the game in motion, HL2 is in a completely different league.
But what VALVe recently said in the Info thread, I realy hope that the HDR comes into the game since my card will handle it.

It would realy be the cream on the mashed potatos in the Source.
CrazyHariij, if anyone would complain, you can back me up. :p
dscowboy said:
I don't know, from what I've seen of FarCry, it has some strong points and some weak points graphically. The mercenaries look like they were designed in the mind of a 12 year old boy, and they move like robots on speed. In the HL2 videos you can see subtle effects everywhere, the flash of the explosions, sparks, smoke, bullets zipping by, splinters, it really looks great in motion. And it's much more artfully done. If you're talking about comparing the technical features of two screenshots, I suppose FarCry and HL2 are close, but if you're talking about the art and animation and watching the game in motion, HL2 is in a completely different league.
Polygons are less important than the design, so I say HL2 wins


anyways, yes, he doesn't really look like the kind of person who will end up sending an army after 1 man. Hopefully in the end you confront him in his office and put a round through his head.
Notice how you enter City 17 off a train?!?! Valve's going to do a massive train intro, I just know it. They've cut it out for the vids, leaving you with the start of the game, but I bet that's where the famous train intro version 2.0 will end up.
The wish we could hear what he was saying in the ATI demo. I heard things like "The future of the species" and "... your concerns rather than to answer everyone's questions".

That sounds more like Propaganda than the train station one.
I would like a train intro like HL1 that showed his position

Gordon Freeman
Status: Employed
Age: ??

Stuff like that to tell me what is going on, and maybe look out the windows and see C17 living around you, Combine executing rebels on the street. Fun stuff that adds to the immersive-ness.
A.I. said:
He looks like a really nice guy, doesn't he? Sean Connery like outlook, soft accent, he's really that kind of character that makes you feel trustworthy (although the reality shows right the opposite).

real life Breen's... Mr Bush , Mr Rumsfeld , and Mr Blair :E

except ... 'welcome to Iraq, its much safer here' just doesnt sound right :eek:
Is Dr. Breen the dude that in H-L 1 is refered to as "the administrator"? Hmm, kinda makes sense.
Who's to say that Breen is definately bad? There could be a Combine Soldier pointing a gun at his head for all we know.

As for Breen being The Administrator, it could be likely.
clarky003 said:
real life Breen's... Mr Bush , Mr Rumsfeld , and Mr Blair :E

except ... 'welcome to Iraq, its much safer here' just doesnt sound right :eek:
lol right on dude.

"Chosen, or been chosen", "finest REMAINING urban settlements", "provided by our benefactors", its a small clip/speech but it tells so much about the game world.

Also, referring to City17 as a settlement helps explain the name... apparently a bunch of settlements/cities were created (as part of some kind of migration?), and this is the 17th.
dude, remember it's propaganda! also remember everyone seems to have forgotten everything .. so breen can say whatever and give you false impressions :naughty:

now, I dunno how valve has done the story, but in a real life situation, I would take what he is saying and reverse it :D
foir example "provided by our benefactors", well, who are these benefactors? Nah ..I don't buy it!! It's just that he and the combine, who are probably under his command, invaded it and made it part of his empire/administration/what ever.

now, why would Breen want people to come into city17? becuase it's safer??? my foot!!
he has some sort of a plan apparently (lol I'm a conspiracy theorist), I'm not in a mood to come up with theories right now, but I tell ya, he's got a purpose for wanting to 'choose' people to enter the city.
Harvey said:
Dr. Breen is obviously the creator of the Matrix...

...except what Dr. Breen says makes sense.

Interesting, that's what it came to mind when I saw dr. Breen for the first time. I think we're talking about an archetype (->C.G. Jung), like Darth Vader ("I'm your father." :D :naughty: ) or The Architect from the Matrix for example.
1st post - yeah i know it's stupid.

I don't know about you guys, but everytime I hear Breen's speech I think of this.

The ridicule of such a thought just lessens the emotional impact Breen's speech should have on me. Oh well. I'll live.
Hooray for Breen-o-Vision!! This program was brought to you by CBS, the Combine Broadcasting Station!
The comparison to the system shock series is very appropriate becuase Gabe has said that that series is one of his direct influences for the Half-Life series. My money is that the citadel is a direct suprise borrowing from there.
Daegon said:
The comparison to the system shock series is very appropriate becuase Gabe has said that that series is one of his direct influences for the Half-Life series. My money is that the citadel is a direct suprise borrowing from there.

The 'citadel' as known in HL2 is that big thing eating away at the buildings in the center of City17. It would be cool if it was directly inspired by SysShock though. As someone said earlier about Breen being HL2's version of the Xerxes AI it'd make you wonder who the G-Man was...

Imagine the scene: you've fought your way through half the levels to finally confront the GMan in the flesh only to find his body, and that it's been dead for some time... then the walls pull away virtualreality-like to the chilling sound "The GMan-form is dead, inse...nsect..." It'd explain the G-dudes weird speech patterns anyway.

Don't suppose Warren Spector would ever go for that though -- even if it meant saving the SysShock franchise from himself.
It cant be the matrix because everything in the matrix had a green tint to it and H-L2 doesnt