Dr. Phil's



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waiddaminnit.... Phyl is Catholic...

..... sounds like Dr Phyllie is pushin a fine line doin wat he does regardless of the bum fight dude.

...psykes can be fired/expunged/sued/pwned if they project any bias religious attitude with a patient...

...so he probably has to tread carefully everyday he does a broadcast...

...pay must be good tho...
I think it is good that you talked to a psychology teacher and not to some moron who treats patients for a living. I'll leave it at that.

Yes... morons who treat patients for a living.

Why are you an idiot?
Ah. Well I'm somewhat hung over, so my sarcasm detector is somewhat shoddy at the moment. So if it was sarcasm, consider the previous post retracted.
Dr. Phil acted as an even greater fool than the idiot. I mean, first he invites the guy, shows his video and then throws him out. It was so damn staged it's embarrassing. He obviously just did it to get good-will from the audience.

But I'm not surprised; he's show is always crap. Usually he ridicules his guest by making the audience laugh at them. I'm surprised it hasn't been taken of the air yet, but I guess there?re still some idiots that fall for his bullshit.
While the bumfights guy should die in a horrible manner involving ants, Dr Phil and his holier-then-thou attitude are getting on my nerves