Dr.Virus': Headache and Nasal Congestion CURE


Feb 3, 2005
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Well, For about 10 years I've had a headache pretty much every morning when I wake up (which may last the entire day), and have been unable to breathe through at least one nostril while sleeping, causing difficulty getting a full nights sleep. Sometimes I was completely unable to breathe through my nose, which went away soon after getting out of bed.

It wasn't congestion from mucus, but my nose would just close up. I guess some kind of inflammation.

Well, I've found the cure, bitches! I sleep with my head elevated and all problems are gone! Yes, simply using a thicker pillow.

Perhaps I was getting headaches because I wasn't getting enough oxygen (because of my difficulty breathing while sleeping).
Well, I'm glad you made this thread to tell us, otherwise I'd be up late at night wondering if you were able to sleep, or if you couldn't breath through one nostril, or if you had a headache.
Virus, I've had the same shit every Spring and Fall when the major seasons change. I use the Neti Pot to clean my nasal passage but I sleep alot better on my side and when it rains my breathing is like 80% better. when its dry out I suffer terribly. I bet its from being antisocial though, because of all the dust i breath in and electronics plugging me up. also if i don't masturbate before sleep i can breath easy
I have that problem at times...I've always blamed it on Allergies *which I still think is probably the case*

This is still good to know, thank you!
Well, I'm glad you made this thread to tell us, otherwise I'd be up late at night wondering if you were able to sleep, or if you couldn't breath through one nostril, or if you had a headache.
Yeah, it just so happens that people have asked me to let them know if I figure it out.

Because that's why I made the thread, because I knew everyone was concerned about my nostrils. You smart ass (who suffers from migraines BUT DOESN'T KNOW WHY) I'm sharing information that could be helpful to some people on here, or their friends and families.
this is interesting because I get awful headaches sometimes, and my grillfriend gets terrible headaches often (She even had to go on morphine at the hospital because one was so severe)
Yeah, I know some people that are like that including my gf. I often just wonder if it's because of diet and sleep.
I had bad headaches for 10 years.
I always used to get back headaches, and sometimes still to.
I get seasonal headaches
Seriously, you've never heard of migraines? They're like, the worst pain imaginable. I've had one the past two days. Whenever I get one, I pretty much throw up, bury my head in a pillow, and pass out for a few hours.
So for some people, like perhaps ZT's grillfriend, all you have to do is sleep with your head elevated, and these problems are gone?

Wow, that's pretty great information; thank you Dr. Virus, you saved me from lots of pain and suffering, and you took the time out of your life to share that information with us. You are a great and caring person that changed my life.
I have that problem at times...I've always blamed it on Allergies *which I still think is probably the case*

This is still good to know, thank you!
Yes, you are absolutely welcome Pitz. I hope it does the trick for you too.
can you draw a picture though. i have no idea how elevated you mean
Yes, you are absolutely welcome Pitz. I hope it does the trick for you too.

I wonder, though. Depending on the elevation, do you get headaches when your head is "too" arched? I can't double my skinny pillow cause of that.
there are also hypo allergenic pillows that help. but i really love the feather down pillows. to me though, breathing hasn't been an issue until about 3-4 years ago when i went on vacation and came back feeling sick with Vertigo and breathing issues


Burger & Fries Worsen Asthma, Study Suggests
A burger and fries are not only bad for the waistline, they might also exacerbate asthma, a new study suggests.

Patients with asthma who ate a high-fat meal had increased inflammation in their airways soon afterward, and did not respond as well to treatment as those who ate a low-fat meal, the researchers found.

The results provide more evidence that environmental factors, such as diet, can influence the development of asthma, which has increased dramatically in recent years in westernized countries where high-fat diets are common. In 2007, about 34.1 million Americans had asthma, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. From 1980 through 1994, the prevalence of asthma increased 75 percent.

While the results are preliminary, they suggest cutting down on fat might be one way to help control asthma.

"If these results can be confirmed by further research, this suggests that strategies aimed at reducing dietary fat intake may be useful in managing asthma," study researcher Lisa Wood, of the University of Newcastle, told LiveScience in an e-mail.

The results will be presented at this year's American Thoracic Society's International Conference, held May 14-19 in New Orleans.

Asthma is a condition in which inflammation in the airways can lead to breathlessness, wheezing and coughing. Symptoms can be triggered by a variety of irritants, including air pollution, smoke and allergens, such as pollen and animal dander.

Previous studies have shown eating fatty foods can trigger the immune system, leading to an increase in cells in the blood that are responsible for inflammation. But no one had specifically looked at the effect of a fatty diet on asthma.

Wood and her colleagues had 40 asthmatic patients eat either a high-fat meal, consisting of burgers and hash browns, or a low-fat meal of yogurt. The high-fat meal was 1,000 calories (52 percent of calories from fat), and the low-fat meal was 200 calories (13 percent from fat).

Analysis of sputum samples revealed that those who had eaten the burger meal had an increased number of immune cells called neutrophils in their airways. Neutrophils play a role in triggering inflammation.

The high-fat diet patients also showed less improvement in their lung function in response to the asthma medication Ventolin (generically known as albuterol) three to four hours after the meal.

The researchers aren't sure why the drug didn't work as well after the high-fat meal and plan further studies to tease out an answer. It could be the fatty acids interfere with the drug in some way, the researchers say.

there are many causes me thinks
I wonder, though. Depending on the elevation, do you get headaches when your head is "too" arched? I can't double my skinny pillow cause of that.
Well, to be specific, I was using an average quality memory foam pillow that admittedly should probably have been replaced after about 3-5 years. The high quality (and expensive) memory foam probably would last 20.

Anyway, they are pretty stingy with this special material, so the pillow was pretty thin. I simply bought one of every pillow the store had, and tested them all. I ended up keeping 3 of them. The one I'm using takes some getting used to compared to the uber memory foam, but it's pretty damn comfortable to be fair. Anyway, so the pillow is just a thick pillow of some sorts.

With the memory foam pillow, it was almost comparable to having no pillow at all in terms of thickness... So now, the pillow is just a normal thick pillow. Actually I sort of stack the two (the thick new pillow with the retired and thin memory foam pillow) sometimes, depending on what feels comfortable.

And yeah, all of my pillows have allergen barriers, as one of the things I tried to alleviate my symptoms.

I don't see why you couldn't just elevate your entire upper body if a thick pillow is uncomfortable for you. Like a hospital bed, for example.

The important thing, I believe, is that your head is higher than the majority of your body. I'd guess if you had foot circulation problems of some sort, you could elevate your feet as well.
So for some people, like perhaps ZT's grillfriend, all you have to do is sleep with your head elevated, and these problems are gone?

Thanks! I actually told her immediately after I read the thread.
Yeah, I don't know. I hope it works for others. I have sorta high blood pressure. You know, like hanging upside puts a lot of pressure on your head, so elevating your head above your body slightly should reduce pressure, and so I guess that's all there is to it. Reliving the pressure on my head reduces headaches - who would have thought, right? Yeah.

I'm curious if any others also wake up in the morning unable to breathe through one or both nostrils. It's quite strange, but that's gone too. :D That was hell. This actually might be the reason my headaches are gone (lack of oxygen), so I'm not sure if elevating the head will help otherwise.
Yeah I have nostrils close up from time to time. Dr. Virus. Best super Villain and/or punkband ever.
Sleeping with your upper body elevated has been recognised as being good for the head and chest for a long time. In the 1700s and 1800s people's beds were shorter because everyone used to sleep sitting up; it was supposed to stop them from getting TB.

When I have a cold I sleep with three or four pillows. It stops me from feeling like utter crap when I wake up. A bit of lavender oil on my pillow is also helpful.
I've got a headache right now and I finally peeked inside this thread hoping to find a quick cure. Alas.

Warped said:
Burger & Fries Worsen Asthma, Study Suggests
This is bullshit. I used to have severe asthma. Not like, "Oh, they just give you some albuterol and send you on your way" asthma, I'm talking, "Goddamn this kid is hooked up to what looks like a sinister fucking giant mechanical accordion pumping oxygen into his lungs while nurses hold him down" asthma. But I haven't had asthma since I was a child. I don't even need to worry about asthma, ever; the only time it ever comes up is when I have to list my medical history. But for all intents and purposes, it's like I never had asthma.

You know what the majority of my diet has consisted of for the past 25 years? BURGERS AND FRIES. So, this study is full of shit.
I wonder how people slept in pre-language times.
I've had problems with headaches recently too and I also suffer from allergies and post-nasal congestion. I think my headaches are caused more by the muscle I sprained back in junior high gym class though and not my allergies. I even had to go to the chiropractor too.

You know, many people say that once you have a muscle injury, it'll never be the same again, and headaches do suck. It makes it hard to focus on anything, even when I just want to relax for a bit and play a game or two on my PC or 360. I've had some stress and tension in my life of late, and also working in a hot, humid climate everyday seems to make it worse.