Dragunov SVD


Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score


1900 triangles/polys
looks pretty good, though scope could use some work near where the eye goes.

Also, lookign at the wireframe, it looks very messy, triangle wise. mostly on the bottom, those are flat, and can be done with many fewer polys.
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
looks pretty good, though scope could use some work near where the eye goes.

Also, lookign at the wireframe, it looks very messy, triangle wise. mostly on the bottom, those are flat, and can be done with many fewer polys.

Im still a little new at the low poly thing. I used to do all nurbs modleing with rhino. Bu now how would I go about getting rid of those?
if you're useing max, you could do it the old chop method.
select all those polys on theflat surfaces, and delete them.
Then draw a few triangles in to replace them.
I just remembered that I never optimized it. I got it down to 1300.
Low poly or not, the scope needs more than 6 sides to look presentable. The trigger guard and trigger should be wider and the handle looks a little sloppy. I think it just needs to be rounded a little better at the back to make it look right. Other than the optimization issue which you already took care of, there isn't much else to say.
ok yes i'm new to 3d max so plz don't call me a n00b, but is there a tool for 'optimizing' it or do u just simply do this by turning the side segments, etc.. down?
I would hope that the people here are mature enough not to call someone a "n00b" for asking a question, so you don't need to worry about that.

I can't speak for the other packages, but 3ds Max has the Optimize and MultiRes modifiers. They do work, but it is always much better to go in and optimize by hand, since those modifiers can really make a mess out of your mesh.
hideous amounts of polys r wasted on the stock and generally underneath. also, looks like ur smothing groups r a little messed on the scope.
Originally posted by spin
I would hope that the people here are mature enough not to call someone a "n00b" for asking a question, so you don't need to worry about that.

I can't speak for the other packages, but 3ds Max has the Optimize and MultiRes modifiers. They do work, but it is always much better to go in and optimize by hand, since those modifiers can really make a mess out of your mesh.

Spin for that first comment, you've earned my respect as a person...

Any descrimnation, for Race, Sex, Sexuality or being new to the whole scene, will be clamped down apon within these forums...

And I also agree that it is better to optimise by hand...

Some times deleting whole sections and builing them from scratch is also a good idea too...
WOW! thx ALOT guys i just applied that Optimize modifier to 1 of my models and took polycount from 2000 to 900 :D, thx again, lol :cheers: :afro:
I model for BF42 specificly Turfwarz. but i knoticed smoothing groups dont work ingame. will they work ingame for HL2? BTW nice model, what model number is for MAX?
yes, AAA, they worked within the original HL, so I see no reason why they should remove support for them....

....only time will really tell...