Draw a diagram of how you imagine a year, week etc.

I can't imagine a year. Or a month. Time to me does not flow. It is stationary. It is an absolute.


I find the concept of a diagram of time amusing.

Something like this I guess.
Since i finished school i have lost track of any sense of time and date, all the days just seem to blur together unless a significant event happened on a particular day.
Whatever is in the future is ahead of me and whatever has happened is behind me. Straight lines.
i too have wondered this very thing...funny how you think you're the only person who ever thinks of such things...humans are all alike, none of us are unique one bit, we all think the same and feel the same, society as a whole wants to make everyone think they're different from anyone else, but really, we're all the same.


Whatever is in the future is ahead of me and whatever has happened is behind me. Straight lines.

This is basically how i feel , for some reason dates and times have never really held much significance to me. I guess i'm not very organized.
Vegeta897, be nice to VirusType2! We all know he ain't been exactly 'well' lately.
No girls on the internet.

And as for female artists, they're only on dA.

And why don't you calm the **** down, Kami? You'll get your damn turn soon enough.
Please take a photo of you drinking water like that and post it.
I thought I did a good job. I had to find someone in my house who would take the picture for me.
Looks like you're holding the cam in that pic.

The cup is way too close to you. I wanted to see a stream of water from the cup to your mouth. It just looks like your nose is drinking.
Alright. I'll do it with boiling water tommorow. No mistakes are allowed.
After reading this thread I just realized that drugs probably are not good for you.
We've had a thread like this before.

In any case, I see the week as a never ending set of white circles on a black background, in a straight line. The circles are whitest on the weekends, and fade to a dark black color around Wednesday. They become even darker after they have already occured (ie, last wednesday is darker than this wednesday). Interestingly, I visualize the weekends as being much larger than the week.

I see the year as being a straight line divided into seasons, except the seasons correspond to the school year rather than the actual year. Each year begins and ends in august. There are two enormous gaps in the line, one corresponding to summer and the other to Christmas break. The semesters are different colors from one another.

I see the day as a straight upward line with a giant gap around noon, which begins at about 9 AM and ends at 4 AM, tapering off at both points.
Firstly, Monkey are you tripping on acid?

Secondly, I completely understand what you're saying. Your diagram has the summer months stretched out longer because you probably do more memorable things then? So it seems to last longer.
Firstly, Monkey are you tripping on acid?

Secondly, I completely understand what you're saying. Your diagram has the summer months stretched out longer because you probably do more memorable things then? So it seems to last longer.
Yeah, I guess that could be it. Would also explain December's length, as you always liked that month a lot as a kid.

LOL @ Sunday as the start of the week.
You may have number form synesthesia.

In spatial-sequence, or number form synesthesia, numbers, months of the year, and/or days of the week elicit precise locations in space (for example, 1980 may be "farther away" than 1990), or may have a (three-dimensional) view of a year as a map (clockwise or counterclockwise).


Pretty cool stuff, imo.
The hell is this thread...

Oh screw it, I'm getting a headache.
You may have number form synesthesia.


Pretty cool stuff, imo.
Shit, that makes sense.

BTW, this is how I imagine the 20th Century and forward (I can only imagine about 20 years into the 21st century):

The rest of history isn't nearly as detailed as the 20th century. It's just a straight line up from 0 AD until 1789 (the French Revolution), where it turns right until 1800. It is then a straight up again until 1890, where is again turns right again and then up again at 1900. I don't know why, but it's only on the 90s (roughly) of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries that the line ever goes to the right, everywhere else goes either up or to the left. It's also interesting that the line turns to the left at 2010 while it continued up at 1910.

EDIT: The 1490s goes to the right too, but not the 1590s or the 1690s (they go straight up).
Now that you mentioned the 20th and 21st centuries, I do have something. Not a diagram but more of a mental image.


The towering cliffs represent the 20th century and the ocean the 21st century. Why I imagine it this way I have no idea.
Monkey, what the hell is going on in your brain