Draw the forum

SimonomiS said:
Another. :D
Those little things are mines, thats Ennui standing around.
I need to learn how to draw...

EDIT: Hahaha! Thats evil but great.

Re-host it
I hope people actually got what I was talking about in that Ranga one :|
Danimal said:
I hope people actually got what I was talking about in that Ranga one :|

i get it... unfortunately.

you are giving me a hint, that instead of taking people's n00bishness into consideration, i should immediately say "that is crap" to anything that was not drawn by somebody who has more posts than myself. :P

What it means:

Ranga is complementing something great IRL, but I made it the opposite for fun... I could also refer to my first pitcure too. :|
Danimal said:
What it means:

Ranga is complementing something great IRL, but I made it the opposite for fun... I could also refer to my first pitcure too. :|
EDIT:Nevermind, showed up now.
Danimal said:
What it means:

Ranga is complementing something great IRL, but I made it the opposite for fun... I could also refer to my first pitcure too. :|

You shouldnt give it all away like that, make them think! :p

i can't help but feel that fun is being had at my expense.

oh well... i always knew i was a funny guy :D

/me is plotting revenge on danimal, but still wondering who to draw him with :D
Haha, this thread is a great idea.


Oh yeah, you forgot Vegeta(insert numbers here) and Feath in the forum portrait. I still laugh every time I see Pressure though, you did such a great job on his grin :D
Bad^Hat said:
Haha, this thread is a great idea.


Oh yeah, you forgot Vegeta(insert numbers here) and Feath in the forum portrait. I still laugh every time I see Pressure though, you did such a great job on his grin :D

I know, I know ;(
How did you miss Feath? Its literally "Feath" written out, near the middle.
Well "Feth" with the little thing above the e.
I know he's in it, I'm saying his name wasn't written there... you know, except where it was already written. Shut up :(

Tried to get some flashy disco lights going, but couldnt move the centre so it came out of his belly. Hence, no lights!
*experiments and tinkers with filters in the Gimp.*
Actually, vegeta was the random stick guy getting churned up by cybersh33p. It's ahrd to tell, but the intention was there! It was based on his old, yellow avatar.
more good stuff :)

keep 'em coming :)

(I didn't lable feath 'cause he's already labled ;))
Danimal said:

I kid because I love :D
ahahaha! i think I said "without" but it's the same meaning. lmao.

SimonomiS said:

Those little things are mines, thats Ennui standing around.
I need to learn how to draw...

lmao, when I saw him say that I wanted to draw it too :D
Lolzur, this is awesome!

EDIT: This quote might be a laugh to draw:
CrazyHarij said:
Don't you guys remember the circus before the game was released?
we need more drawings :D

the great thing about this is that you don't have to be a great artist :p
Wow! I am :D
Just noticed. Wrong way round though lol

Just noticed my avatar was still upside-down! meh, I'll only have to switch it round again :rolleyes:


What?! We have to start somewhere!