Dreams about Half Life 2 anyone?? POST 'EM HERE!

PaulStat said:
I'm sorry but if you've had a dream about a game you really are a sad bastard and need to get out more. Get a girlfriend, go to the pub, have a wank for christ's sake but don't have wet dreams about a fecking game. Geesh!!!!!!!

Paul ... DUDE ... shut the **** up ... why do you assume i dont have a girlfriend , and why do you assume I, or all people who have had a dream about HL2 for that matter , dont have social lives? You're an idiot. Ok? Who said anything about wet dreams? Just in case you forgot how to spell **** ... Theres no E, moron.

This is not a forum about going to pubs , or getting girlfriends. This is a freakin HALF LIFE 2 FORUM. So discussing dreams about a game the forums about is not out of order. Paul, you're lame. Shutup ...

Sorry ... but he's stupid. :afro:
OK i'll give up! :dork:

I had a wet dream about HL2. I was dreaming back in 2003 that I bought the game in store. It was packed in a really large box (sizes like a 19" monitor)! The box felt empty and when I came home the box was wet because it was raining on my way back <--- that was the wet part :p . Inside there was only a little note saying:

From Gabe Newel: The game is delayed YOU MOTHER****ERS!

Last night I had a dream that HL2 was released without any official announcement. I remember that the box art looked pretty strange, but I didn't really care, it was HL2!! Unfortunately, it was only a dream, and I barely played the game before I woke up :(
Am I the only one who's dreams had actual gameplay in them? :p
PaulStat said:
I'm sorry but if you've had a dream about a game you really are a sad bastard and need to get out more. Get a girlfriend, go to the pub, have a wank for christ's sake but don't have wet dreams about a fecking game. Geesh!!!!!!!

You don't have control over what dreams you have... I had a dream about having sex with a rotting corpse of an old man. I am not a necropheliac though.
I've had one where I was just walking around some place and everybody had exactly the same monotonous voice. They kept saying over and over, "Welcome, to city 17. It's safer here" nothing else.
PatPwnt said:
You don't have control over what dreams you have... I had a dream about having sex with a rotting corpse of an old man. I am not a necropheliac though.

Lol! Okay PatPwnt... no offense here, but having sex with a LIVING old man is still a disturbing dream. Sorry, but it just amused me for some reason. :)

Yes... I am strange.. I accept that.
PatPwnt said:
You don't have control over what dreams you have... I had a dream about having sex with a rotting corpse of an old man. I am not a necropheliac though.

:eek: omg...you should make a therapy
i mostly forget my dreams when i wake up...some times i remembeer some weird dream, but i won't remember them for long! fortunatly i dont dream about ****ing dead people or so...if i had, i would be pretty worried about my psyche.
i keep having a recurring nightmare. i go to these forums for halflife2 hoping to see interesting topics but instead i see the same dumbass threads over and over started by different people. its really crazy.
I had a dream, HL2 got released on time...
quiet ...

acme ... if you dont like it ... dont read it , asshole ... is that avatar of yours a picture of your sister or your mom? eihter way ... shes ugly ... :cheers: :D
ok ok im sorry for disrespecting your mom and your sister ... still , you're an asshole ... go make your own forum ... the NAZI way ... S/S S/S S/S ... you crazed nazi!!! that goes to all the other jerks who patrol this forum DECIDING whats a good topic ... or a good response ... since YOU'RE the MAN and everything YOU like is cool ... go make your own ****ing forum ... and call it ... http://www.HL2-Nazi-Forumzzzz-Gay.com ...

Later , hitler ...
I have had plenty of Half Life 2 dreams, I only remember one though.
Well it starts with me and my friend standing in this infinite corridor then some woman come into it from a door. She says she's from vAlVE and then she asks me to give them the program I had written that allowed you to have round corners on buildings and stuff. Well, I don't know !"¤# about programming so I told her I had no idea what she was talking about. Then she said that if I could give it to her, they would have the game out by July the 7th. And then I relly wanted to help her, but I had to admit both to myself and her that it was noting I could do :( .
And after that I had plenty of other !"#¤%& up dreams.

BTW, if you want to have EXTREMELY realistic dreams that you remember well, try out nicotine patches at night.

I hope you can forgive my crappy english, it's my second language.
acme420 said:
i keep having a recurring nightmare. i go to these forums for halflife2 hoping to see interesting topics but instead i see the same dumbass threads over and over started by different people. its really crazy.

are these dumbass threads started by you?
wakkywheel said:
I have had plenty of Half Life 2 dreams, I only remember one though.
Well it starts with me and my friend standing in this infinite corridor then some woman come into it from a door. She says she's from vAlVE and then she asks me to give them the program I had written that allowed you to have round corners on buildings and stuff. Well, I don't know !"¤# about programming so I told her I had no idea what she was talking about. Then she said that if I could give it to her, they would have the game out by July the 7th. And then I relly wanted to help her, but I had to admit both to myself and her that it was noting I could do :( .
And after that I had plenty of other !"#¤%& up dreams.

LOL. Thats such a random and believable dream. I love the "round corner" program.
I had dreams about it in 2003 when i was peaking my interest for the game... i am just hoping they get cs:s out on the tenth, or ill be dissapointed..

meh prolly delayed anyway :dozey:
acme420 said:
im flying my roflcopter wearing my lollerskates and drinking lmaonade.

Haha, you were flirting with the corny line on that one :). And yeah, that was quite funny.
Platinum said:
ok ok im sorry for disrespecting your mom and your sister ... still , you're an asshole ... go make your own forum ... the NAZI way ... S/S S/S S/S ... you crazed nazi!!! that goes to all the other jerks who patrol this forum DECIDING whats a good topic ... or a good response ... since YOU'RE the MAN and everything YOU like is cool ... go make your own ****ing forum ... and call it ... http://www.HL2-Nazi-Forumzzzz-Gay.com ...

Later , hitler ...
What right do you have to call a complete stranger who you don't know a Nazi, let alone refer to him as Hitler?

I'm Jewish and I take extreme offense to that. Not only is his avatar extremely funny if you understand the reference, but you're also incredibly immature and disrespectful.

dude ... ship ... I didnt mean to disrespect you or any jews. I was only making a reference to Nazis because they watched every move the jews made. They were the ultimate controllers. It was just a comparison. Sheesh. I didnt mean to offend you ..
Peace brothers, let HL2 reunite you. I think anybody who has been on this forum for any length of time has his/her toe steped on by someone (intentionally or not). Just ignore these posts and don't start an opinionated flame war.
I'm very sorry man ... didnt mean to offend you at all.
I have noticed something... The majority of ppls dream are about something bad hapening. This is a good look at human pychology. We have been waiting for HL2 for so long, our worst fear is to actually have the game and for something to then happen to prevent us from playing. Our PC blows up, they run out copies, we can't get there, something else happens... it is a nightmare for most gamers. They say we have dreams in order to "prepare" ourselves for real life situations we may face, this thoery is proven in this thread.

I had a dream last night that I got HL2 and it was a SEVERE disappointment. The graphics were plain and flat, and the physics was a dive. This dream was undoubtedly triggered by a post i was reading on this forum. It was about someone who had played the leaked HL2 and was expressing his sever dissapointment over the graphics. This is probably a worst fear for most HL2 fans, and this "nightmare" was probably a subconsious effort to prepare me for the worst... It didn't work, I'm still nervous!!!
I'm actually , come to think of it ... I admit i am nervous about the release of this game. It's one of the most important games in PC gaming history. Who knows how good it could be. Imagine if it turned out to just be mediocre. The disappointment in the video gaming world. Wow. But I'm sure Gabe and the crew are making sure this doesnt happen :cheers:

psychology is very interesting ... I'm taking it as a class next year. My Junior year in high school. I dont know. I think it might be a bullshit class though. Like all we do is watch movies the whole time. Oh well , another boost to
my GPA ... w00t ... oh wait ... there will be HL2 ... nvm ...
HL2 + School / Chicks + Automobile = GPA suffering ...
I thought HL2 could not possibly be bad, since they have spend so much time developing it, but then Doom 3 came around. It was a good game, but it lacked a lot of things that playtesting should have pointed out rather easily (for me, for me, for some people it was perfect). So now I'm worried that HL2 is going to do the same thing. It's gonna do a lot of things right, but again miss the small important things, just making it a great game, when I want it to reinvigorate first person shooters.

yes i agree with lazic ...

Pamela Anderson : Small boobs as Half Life 2 : Shitty game

dno .
lazicsavo said:
I thought HL2 could not possibly be bad, since they have spend so much time developing it, but then Doom 3 came around. It was a good game, but it lacked a lot of things that playtesting should have pointed out rather easily (for me, for me, for some people it was perfect). So now I'm worried that HL2 is going to do the same thing. It's gonna do a lot of things right, but again miss the small important things, just making it a great game, when I want it to reinvigorate first person shooters.
Don't make me worry lazicsavo :eek:

But I agree. Doom 3 was great, but there are some things they missed that affected the gameplay. Hopefully VALVe is able to sidestep these mistakes.
oke my dream, sorry for the sucky english :)

i was driving over the parking lot of a big game shop (and big i mean BIG BIG BIG) and i was holding the hl2 box in my hand outa the window and people were clapping there hands.. and that was it than my mom came screaming in saying it was 2 pm =/
heheh, i remember my dream 2 days ago.
I dream that i speak with G-Man and then he loud at me : RISE AND SHINE, DAVID.
Then i wake up, and i saw my brother, he told me i was speak with someone in my dream.
But i cant remember what i ask G-Man...
Heh. I only visit these forums once every two weeks or so, and really don't think about Hl2 at all, but I saw this thread yesterday, and for some reason dreamed about it last night. In my dream, I logged on to the internet and found that Hl2 was being preloaded into people's Steam caches, and everyone was going nuts because it had just been announced gold ten minutes before, and those that had ordered it on Steam were now getting it. I remember thinking 'shit, this is a dream.'

That's pretty much it.
I had a dream a while ago that HL2 was FINALLY released, and I finally got it. But, when I played it, I was so sadly disappointed! The game was really terrible for some reason, the physics were removed, the AI was not there, the graphics were bad. It was terrible! And then everyone was complaining about it, and Valve went bankrupt, and left the scene. It was a sad dream, more of a nightmare. As soon as I walked up I checked to see if I had a HL2 CD on my desk. I was happy to know that it was all just a dream...

Let's hope that doesn't come true... :O
I just had a HL2 dream last night. It was short and all that I did was go to hl2.net and saw on the front page that HL2 was gold and coming out september 9th! I can hope! :p
I had a dream where me and my g/f were walking around at her place but instead of her dog, she had a phat, 3d rendered antlion that looked really out of place, and she was all petting it and saying "Awwww, Good allie, you're so cute." (Allie is her dog's name). So i'm sitting there terrified of this thing, when all of a sudden, Gordon busts in through the window Bourne Identity style with the mp5 and decimates it without saying a word, and my g/f is covored in antlion parts/blood and is like "AHHHHHHHHH MY DOG!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

It was funny.