Dreams about Half Life 2 anyone?? POST 'EM HERE!

PaulStat said:

paul ... why would you second that? what did i do?

anyway ... thanks for contributing to this thread
i saw a dream... and now i'm suffering of arachnofobia :bonce: :bonce:
simmo said:
Ive always wanted a theme park mod for hl ;(, where you can ride loads of kewl stuff with your m8s :D

It's called dod_legoland_2.bsp :D
OK, when I told my wife about this last week, she thought I was the weirdest guy - but...
I've been sick the past week or so, and all stuffed up (nose stuffed, hacking up phlegm) and was having a bad time sleeping one of the nights. Well, one of the times I woke up, I had the sweats, and remembered very little of what woke me up. My nose was full of crusties and still stuffed up. Went back to bed and woke up again later - and remembered my "nightmare". Without a lot of detail, basically, I was downloading Half Life 2... through my nose, and, obviously, not doing a very good job of it. I had gotten frustrated and woke up. I wasn't scared, more of a let down, empty feeling.
Very weird.
True story.
i had one last night after reading this forum...weird eh?
basically i was on the docks, and i looked behind me and there were people in a boat waving at me, and a boat next 2 it had a headcrab and a zombie in it :S. thats all i can remember, it just seems like i was replaying the movie "docks" in my sleep, weird.
The only game dream i had is a Farcryish DOOM3 :X i was shooting a teamate marine with an aug :X.
strange... i shot my buddy but let the IMP go :|.
Had a dream a while back that the game was released and I didn't know it. I was shocked to see it in a store, so, of course I bought it and rushed home. But after I installed it, everytime I tried to play it something horrible happened.

I don't remember everything that happened (it was 5-6 months ago I had this dream), but I just remember it was really bad things...like my mom dying (although in real life she passed away in 1992).

I never did get to play any of the game.
I had a dream that I woke up to find a gleaming HL2 CD Case on my desk, and as I get out to walk towards the CD case and am about to lift the CD case off the desk, I plunge back to sleep. I then wake up and then the process starts over until I really wake up and find nothing on my desk except the usual used condoms and girls' phone numbers stacked up high and mighty.
I had a dream last September that I was actually in the game playing and thinking "Wow! This game is so real! It's gonna give people nightmares."
Head_Crab_04 said:
You guys have dreams about games? Is that normal? :O

Nope, it sure as hell ain't normal. I dreamed that I got hit by a bus while running home from EB. Funny how none of us actually get to play HL2 in our dreams.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
Nope, it sure as hell ain't normal. I dreamed that I got hit by a bus while running home from EB. Funny how none of us actually get to play HL2 in our dreams.

LOL im sorry man, did you get hl2?

ive never had a dream about a game thats not out. Ive had dreams about playing games if i played all day the night before. Or im stuck :p
GuNzABlaZiN said:
Nope, it sure as hell ain't normal. I dreamed that I got hit by a bus while running home from EB. Funny how none of us actually get to play HL2 in our dreams.

Pathetic... So I made my avatar based on your dream?

...I've been a HL2 fan for a year now, and I DON'T dream about HL2...

If you dream about a video game, I really don't have anything at all to say to that because this certain saying is just constatly going through my head: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all".

not to be rude or anything, but just becuase you dream of a video game doesnt mean you are a freak that plays games all day. If you can tell me exactly how your dreaming is effected to how much you play games, then i stand corrected. You dont have total control over your dreams. Some times i will play basketball all day, and not dream about it, and other days i will. You could dream about having morning coffee that you drink everyday, but during the afternoon of that day you won the lottery, but didnt dream of that. Everyone dreams about weird things that you have no idea why you had it, or what was in it. Just becuase your dream of something doesnt mean your obsessed with it.
You wake up, and mid-day you forget you even had a dream.

But to wake up and post on these boards going "I had a dream" seems kind of... -end
I've had a Doom/Half Life dream once. It was in two parts.

First part:

I'm at a wharf, where large container ships come in and get loaded/unloaded. I'm sitting high up on the end of loading crane and I see this one HUGE dark shadow just under the water line swimming parallel to a ship. I run down this gangplank so I can get a closer look on the dock, but I wake up (in the night no less).

Second part, after I fall back asleep:

I'm now in a city, think NYC just on the edge of the finacial district and residential areas (basically tall buildings and brickstone flats). There is a war going on and I'm all of a sudden in a military uniform, there are others too. I'm in a platoon getting prepped to fight in an urban combat zone. I have a machine gun with me, but somehow, I don't feel safe.

Then I start to hear the noises of battle, my squad and I have taken a position in an alley between two large brownhouses. I take a peek around the corner and I see these massive Cacodemons just floating around. Then another squad of soldiers come out and engage it, but they are all killed by some sort of yellow energy beam that the Cacodemons shoot out of their mouths, it disintergrates all the bodies. Now I'm afraid, and I see Sarge has taken out a crate of rocket launchers, some of the other troops start picking them up. I for some unknown reason pick up another machine gun instead of a rocket launcher. Now I start panicking as the Sarge tells us to go out there and fight. We do, but I chicken out and duck into another alley. At this point I brake into house after house as I run from fighting the Cacodemons, sometimes I would stop and look out the window to see how everyone is doing (they're all dying of course). Then the dream ends abruptly as I sit down on some stairs to rest.

That's it. Strange to be sure, but all true.

P.S. Anyone else have two part dreams? I've had several.
OKay, Omni, you dreams kick the crud out of any action movie!
You are so lucky to have awesome action packed dreams like that. Well maybe it wasn't fun being scared, but regardless it's still cool.

Yeah 2 part dreams are pretty common with me.
vegeta897 said:
OKay, Omni, you dreams kick the crud out of any action movie!
You are so lucky to have awesome action packed dreams like that. Well maybe it wasn't fun being scared, but regardless it's still cool.

Yeah 2 part dreams are pretty common with me.

Thanks, my dreams (at least the ones that are of any interest) are pretty vivid. I usually remember most of the details. The reason that I would say that this particular dream is Half Life related is because the urban setting reminds me a lot of City 17 (lots of tan colored or brick buildings). I also remember how the Cacodemons would cast these big shadows over the buildings as they floated down the street.
ya omni, i have part dreams all the time, they are weird actually, especially if you dont like the dream, and you cant stop dreaming about it. Havnt had any in a while tho.