Dress up

Behold, agent smith:


No dressing up involved, people just see a resemblence between me and agent smith.

Wow i do see it, i think its a combination of those glasses and what you are doing with your mouth that makes it Smith-esque.

I would love to do one, but my ideas of beng 47 or Crash Bandicoot are a little hard to do.
If I had a digital camera I would blow all of these pictures away with my awesome skill/shexiness! :laugh:
i'll throw one in just for good measure..


edit: dalamari suggested i look a tiny bit like the far cry dude :o
ah **** off dude, i've suffered from pizza face for years and it's finally clearing up. :p
Pffffffff, i still have pizza face. Damn 2nd round of puberty. Some days are better than others.
I've been very lucky, I've never actually had any great amount of spots... most I've ever had was like 5 small ones, mostly under my fringe :p
Hey. Just be thankful it hasn't gotten this bad.

I had some. Nothing major. Now my skin is like 2% milk, creamy and smooth. Mmmm, milk.

*licks skin*

Anyway, I too have been blessed with good skin. Smoother than a baby's bottom (albeit not as arousing).
Shippi is the best so far. I was going to do one but didn't want to try to get my camera working.

Look, I'm Gray Fox from Metal Gear!


Disclaimer: That is not my room