Drinking Stories


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
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Most of us have stories from a long night of drinking. heres the place to share. Ill start:

I was in Faneuil hall in Boston at a bar. I got there at 10 and was already half in the bag. By the time we left at like 2, I was absolutely retarded. So my friend is driving me and another one of us home and we see in front of us a bunch of cars stopped in the middle of the highway, which is odd because it was almost 3 am. We get a little closer and see a mangled SUV in the middle of the highway as well as a few people standing over a body. We stop the car and run over and find a girl unconscious, laying in the middle of th highway, bleeding a ton. My fried who was driving is a firefighter so he had a med bag with him and did whatever he could before the police and ambulance got there. Apparently the girl was in the passenger seat and was ejected out of the passenger door. The driver of the car was completely fine, which was weird. I never found out exactly how the accident happened, but it had to of been bad.

Anyway, I heard a few days later she lived but her face was kind of messed up.
I went drinking last week.

That's all I can remember. But I think I ate some Tacos.
I don't get drunk, but I will indulge in alcohol. Mi papa has a Skull Splitter (scottish beer) I plan on stealing:)
Few years back I was at a house party and a friend and I went about seeing how much alcohol we could steal from people. After getting fairly plastered we had severe beer munchies so we decided to march into town to get some food.

To cut a long story short I awoke in a bush outside the house, semi-naked with an empty bottle of white wine next to me that I had stolen from some deranged south-African girl.

My liver wept for days.

My other mate also climbed a 9 foot wall to break into someone's garden and steal their football. Absolutely stupid but still hilarious all the same.
Got drunk in Mexico, got robbed by the Mexican police. :)
After about 10 pints of guiness, got back to my halls where people encouraged me to throw my shoes into open windows, managed to get upstairs to my room, was sick on my bed, went to sleep on the floor, was sick on the floor. Went to go throw up in the toilet again then woke up a couple of hours later naked on the landing half covered by a sleeping bag after a housemate had come in. Went down the next day and according to my other housemates had 'I love cock' scribbled on my back. I hate not being able to control my vomit. Managed to get my sheets washed but just decided to turn my mattress over and pretend nothing had happened.
Ever woke up on a toilet with five people piled on top of each other next to you?

The image is stranger than you think.
New Years Eve. Got wasted. Decided a jog around the block would be fun. friend hands me a bucket and says, "YOU NEED PROTECTION!" i put bucket on head, realize it's too lose to save me! I take my shirt off, and wrap it around my forhead for that extra padding. After 30 minutes of walking/running/peeing/spinning/yelling, I decide it's time for home! I get home, collapse on the ground, and here is the resulting image at home!

On second thought, no picture of that moment, buty I do have another one.

Me was piss drunk. roomates said I slapped a beer bottle on my head and told them to "put this on hot or not" I hope they didn't.

HEEYY I have crooked nipples in this picture.
and I'm whiter than usual. damn....I rock in that pic. BLASTED HICKIES ARE SHOWING TOO!
Epic. We've seen that picture before though.

I have a lot of weird drinking stories because I tend to drink with strange people. A memorable one is when we got drunk, broke into an elementary school for kicks, wandered around for a little while, and then an alarm went off.

I veritably flew down those hallways. Then I fell down the stairs.
If you have a drinking story, you clearly haven't had enough to drink.
All i'm going to say is 1 liter of Jack Daniels, 1/2 liter of Crown Royal, 2 liters of skyy, 14 rounds of quarters and puking on a guy's mom's jeep.

What a night.
my favorite liqour out there is by far everclear. Its illegal in Virginia, but my brother went to myrtle beach last year and bought alot and brought home two half gallon bottles. That stuff annihilated me. A couple days after he got back, we bought a couple hits of acid, and a shitload of bud. I took 3 acid gel tabs, and did'nt feel shit for about an hour, so I was starting to think i got ripped off and whatnot, so i decided to start drinking. bad idea. i took maybe 1 or 2 shots of the old captain, and decided to take on the everclear. Now, I hear alot about how you can drink as much as you want and not feel a bit of drunkess when your on acid, and I was'nt feeling any of the flaming shots of everclear. I ended up taking 7 shots of the damn stuff, and feeling more sober than I did before I took them. I sat down, and decided to take a couple gb's (best way to smoke :)). The second I took the first gb, I instantly felt every single bit of the everclear. I also, badly enough, starting feeling the acid even stronger than the drunkness. I ended up on the floor in front of the tv just laughing the whole night away. I really could not move, I tried and tried. I had the blurry swirls of drunkess, but the wavy and ****ed up vision of acid, and the craziest feeling in my body. i could do nothing but laugh, haha. I could'nt go to sleep because I was wired, so I stayed up till I had to go to an interview at like 8 or so. I felt like ****in balls by that time, but I still got the job.
No, and I sure as Hell don't plan on it. How bad is it?

Guaranteed face melter. Even the hardest drinkers cough uncontrollably and have their eyes watering. Some people throw up immediately, others can't breathe very well for awhile. It's a tough shot with anything in it. Imagine it with Everclear... :x
Not okay. Also, straight Everclear can be pretty dangerous I think, because of how pure the alcohol is (burn yourself etc).

I mostly stick to vodka and rum shots.
something that I have to STRUGGLE to drink like that isn't worth it \=
my favorite liqour out there is by far everclear. Its illegal in Virginia, but my brother went to myrtle beach last year and bought alot and brought home two half gallon bottles. That stuff annihilated me. A couple days after he got back, we bought a couple hits of acid, and a shitload of bud. I took 3 acid gel tabs, and did'nt feel shit for about an hour, so I was starting to think i got ripped off and whatnot, so i decided to start drinking. bad idea. i took maybe 1 or 2 shots of the old captain, and decided to take on the everclear. Now, I hear alot about how you can drink as much as you want and not feel a bit of drunkess when your on acid, and I was'nt feeling any of the flaming shots of everclear. I ended up taking 7 shots of the damn stuff, and feeling more sober than I did before I took them. I sat down, and decided to take a couple gb's (best way to smoke :)). The second I took the first gb, I instantly felt every single bit of the everclear. I also, badly enough, starting feeling the acid even stronger than the drunkness. I ended up on the floor in front of the tv just laughing the whole night away. I really could not move, I tried and tried. I had the blurry swirls of drunkess, but the wavy and ****ed up vision of acid, and the craziest feeling in my body. i could do nothing but laugh, haha. I could'nt go to sleep because I was wired, so I stayed up till I had to go to an interview at like 8 or so. I felt like ****in balls by that time, but I still got the job.

I foresee an early death for you. :|
Not okay. Also, straight Everclear can be pretty dangerous I think, because of how pure the alcohol is (burn yourself etc).

I mostly stick to vodka and rum shots.

Everclear is very dangerous. I've known a few people who have made a trip to the hospital because of it. Most people here use the "buddy system", where one more or less sober person keeps tabs on how much Everclear his buddy has ingested, or they just stay away from it entirely. Which is probably the best thing to do.

Rum is okay. I can't stand vodka. Jager, however... :cheers:
Everclear is very dangerous. I've known a few people who have made a trip to the hospital because of it. Most people here use the "buddy system", where one more or less sober person keeps tabs on how much Everclear his buddy has ingested, or they just stay away from it entirely. Which is probably the best thing to do.

Rum is okay. I can't stand vodka. Jager, however... :cheers:

my bro made me stop after the last shot. only reason i wanted to smoke, the alcohol was cut off. he told me later that i was actually begging for more after i was already laid out. cant remember anything that followed the shots. i really pushed it, and got pretty damn lucky.
I'm usually a very lucid, controlled drunk when I want to be, even if I'm really hammered. I don't usually inhibit myself because of this but it's nice to have tabs on myself most of the time.

Vodka shots are nice because they get you very drunk very quickly and aren't too bad... the taste is kind of gross but it goes down like water. Rum is fiery and badass, which is why I like it. I stick to liquor, usually.

And **** whiskey. Christ, it's nasty.
I hate beer. With a passion. Only Corona is halfway drinkable.
I don't have very many drinking stories.

I recall a few high times with me and a friend. I remember once, we were at this party, and while everybody else was outside playing beer pong, me and my friend were in the den, looking at prons on this guys computer, when suddenly somebody behind us went "it's time for you boys to go home".

So we turned around and the mom was staring us down, as we heard the dad throw a beerbottle across the room.

She told us "pack your bags", and we ****ing ran as fast as we could.

We ended up in a little diner, and my friend thought he was gonna die or something. He just kept saying "i'm so ****ed up, i'm so ****ed up, i'm so ****ed up..." over and over, so I started eating his pancakes :P

I remember another time, we were at my house blazing, and as I was lying on my couch, just spacing out (my friend was on my computer), I heard the door lock click, so I ran to the bathroom and hid while my mom stood in the living room smelling the whole place down, and when she had her back turned, I ****ing BOLTED outside, droped some visine, and called my friend (still on the computer), and told him "ok, meet me outside", went back in, and told him "oh that was raymond, we need to go...".

I eventually ended up telling my mom that he was the one smoking, because I figured she wouldn't give a **** if he smoked in the house, but would care if I did (and sure enough, I told her "oh yeah I let my friend burn in my house" and she basically went "whatever").

We ended up seeing 300 (I don't even remember half the movie, I started zoning out because it was so damn boring), and going to some kids house later, where my friend ended up smoking a little more than he could handle. I remember, I was sitting on the bustop while he walked around in circles saying he thought he was going to die.

:(, moar stories, but I shall wait till HL2.net shares moar.
my favorite liqour out there is by far everclear. Its illegal in Virginia, but my brother went to myrtle beach last year and bought alot and brought home two half gallon bottles. That stuff annihilated me. A couple days after he got back, we bought a couple hits of acid, and a shitload of bud. I took 3 acid gel tabs, and did'nt feel shit for about an hour, so I was starting to think i got ripped off and whatnot, so i decided to start drinking. bad idea. i took maybe 1 or 2 shots of the old captain, and decided to take on the everclear. Now, I hear alot about how you can drink as much as you want and not feel a bit of drunkess when your on acid, and I was'nt feeling any of the flaming shots of everclear. I ended up taking 7 shots of the damn stuff, and feeling more sober than I did before I took them. I sat down, and decided to take a couple gb's (best way to smoke :)). The second I took the first gb, I instantly felt every single bit of the everclear. I also, badly enough, starting feeling the acid even stronger than the drunkness. I ended up on the floor in front of the tv just laughing the whole night away. I really could not move, I tried and tried. I had the blurry swirls of drunkess, but the wavy and ****ed up vision of acid, and the craziest feeling in my body. i could do nothing but laugh, haha. I could'nt go to sleep because I was wired, so I stayed up till I had to go to an interview at like 8 or so. I felt like ****in balls by that time, but I still got the job.

and you survived?!?!
Just wanted to say Whiskey rules. Vodka eradicates all memory though. But then again that might be cause of my friend who insists that we all take shots of vodka out of normal drinking glasses that he fills to the brim.
Worse than Absinthe? Which reminds me, I can't wait until Absinthe sees this thread.
One time i didnt drink, and realized that i was posting in a thread about drinking, so i didnt have a story to post. I was sad.
It involves 9th graders with alchohol and cigarettes, them offering me a glass of "peach juice", and me subsequently drinking and busting them to the Student Department.. Fun times, fun times.....

But other than that little trick, I don't drink. :D :) :| :( ;(
It involves 9th graders with alchohol and cigarettes, them offering me a glass of "peach juice", and me subsequently drinking and busting them to the Student Department.. Fun times, fun times.....

haha numberoned
I hear absinthe makes you hallucinate. sounds fun :)

I need to party with you :D

Anyway, last night, I had half a bottle of Early Times whiskey in half an hour (as well as a bowl of headies). It was ****ing great- I was nowhere near falling over, but everything was beautifully tipsy, and my reactions were just slow enough.

Then my friend announced she was going on a beer run, and I gave her a 20 for a bottle of Goldschlager. When that got here, I drank a quarter of that, and then went on to win a game of Beirut against Team Homo (these two awesome lesbian girls who have a reputation in my town).

I'm not entirely sure what happened in the next half-hour, but I know somebody showed me their tits... no idea who, though. After that, I fishbowled the bathroom with a few friends (using up the last of my weed in the process :( ), came downstairs, tried to play GoldenEye, and settled for lying down on the picnic table looking up at the sky.

That one night pretty much sums up the last two weeks :)
I drank a lot last night and I have no ****ing idea what happened, except I woke up naked outside my friend's house in the bushes.