Drinking Stories

Nice work. I woke up outside in the grass once (it was cold as hell that morning), but thankfully I still had my clothes on.
From another thread:
So, me and some friends went to this pub where we got really, really shitfaced. Then we went out on the streets, barely being able to walk and just strolling in a random direction (I also bought hashish from a weird fellow, but it turned out to be plasticine). Anyway, our road lead us to a strip club. We sat down, but I couldn't enjoy the show as my sight was all blurry. Anyway, three minutes in, a friend and I threw up at exactly the same time all over the table. The stripper then bend over to the table to ask if we wanted a private show. The stench of the vomits then reached her, and she almost threw up herself. Then we ran away as fast as we could (which wasn't fast considering the state we were in). It's amazing they didn't catch up with us. I threw up some more when we got back to the hotel, and when I woke up in the morning a friend had puked all over my clothes.
so tuesday last week, i thought **** it lets get wasted!

got in to town aroung 9:00pm went to a mates houe after raiding the local sainsburies. came out with 8 pack carlsberg export and 2 of the massive bottles of becks, Chugged those as fast as we could an dwent to wetherspoons (across the road) had guiness some pear cider and something else that really didnt taste liek anything

Got to the club i knew the barmen upstairs( and the woman who i subsequently found out fancies me! :P)

Had 3 shots flaming sambuca,

Henry barman 1 said i poured these 2 half pints bloke said they dont taste great, ir u down them ill give u another shot

So like the good drunk i was that got knocked back too

Pretty wasted stumbled to dance floor foun d abig boobed blonde danced all night, Left at 2AM

Walked through Viccy park at 2 am, tripped up fell asleep as i hit the floor, (later i found out that i hadnt been mugged my stuff jsut fell out of pockets)

Woke up thought **** ! and kept going

stumbling along i made about half the journey home sat on a wall no idea what happened now but i was woken up when i was light by someone cycling to ****ing work! stumbeld home everyoen was in bed realised my stuff had been lost went to bed

I was meant to be working a 9-8 wednesday however i wokeup at 12 in the noon.mornign

i had no idea if id been mugged or not, wallet and phone missing but still housekeys, reported phoen stolen and blacklisted it, cancelled cards reported my phone missing, a mate at work told me to report my wallet, The polcie had it!:D and my phone was insured for loss so all in all i came out with only a hangover!:D

was a good night, im going back to vodka redbull tho so i dont fall asleep on the way home
I know I have a lot of stories, but it's like I can hardly remember most of them. Or I just don't find a lot of them to be that great any more.

Getting pissed nowadays is becoming a bit of the same ol'.
Well, being a year or two younger, that affords me a couple of years of great drinking prospects.

For instance, I'm going to the beach in an hour and staying there without internet for a week. But I have a nice fat baggie of beautiful weed (named strain, very very pretty) and a few handles of alcohol... and it will be my friend's 18th while we're over there.
I used to like drinking myself to the point of oblivion... I still kinda do. But it eventually gets hard to resume heavy regular usage when weed is a far kinder substance.
I smoke weed far more often than I drink. I drink usually only a few times a month, more like once or twice a week now because it's summer... but I smoke almost every day. Getting drunk is fun but vomiting and passing out are not. Weed just gets better and better the more you smoke, and in addition to that it's better for you, cleaner feeling, makes food, movies, and music five times as awesome, and I can actually be productive with it (writing or mapping usually).
I didn't like weed. It always put me in a pissed off mood.
Well, I can't say I've ever been mad. But mighty annoyed if people disrupt my chill or put the fear in me.

Perhaps that was it. Because most of my anger stemmed from the fact that I thought that everybody around was being far too loud while I was watching my cartoons.

The other times I smoked it didn't do hardly anything for me at all. And I smoked some high-quality stuff too, it wasn't just shwag.
weed is great. i know what yall mean by how if you keep drinking, you'll evetually throw up and get sick, but if you keep smoking, your smile will get bigger. i can jam while high and make far more technical and better sounding riffs than when im sober. i love the creativity it adds. and damn, everytime me and my girlfriend are in a fight and its getting nowhere, the second we smoke, we just talk it out calmly and smoothly and have the best day possible afterwards.
I can't say I really like alcohol. Because it changes people into someone they're not. It really changes someone's personality while affected by it, I don't like that, the people just seem so fake, temporary. Although I don't really behave any differently, just drowsy, numb and uncoordinated. Fun times waking up wondering where that piece of glass lodged in the palm of your hand came from.
weed is great. i know what yall mean by how if you keep drinking, you'll evetually throw up and get sick, but if you keep smoking, your smile will get bigger. i can jam while high and make far more technical and better sounding riffs than when im sober. i love the creativity it adds. and damn, everytime me and my girlfriend are in a fight and its getting nowhere, the second we smoke, we just talk it out calmly and smoothly and have the best day possible afterwards.
Weed - Solves all your relationship problems!

Now with extra creativity!
weed is great. i know what yall mean by how if you keep drinking, you'll evetually throw up and get sick, but if you keep smoking, your smile will get bigger. i can jam while high and make far more technical and better sounding riffs than when im sober. i love the creativity it adds. and damn, everytime me and my girlfriend are in a fight and its getting nowhere, the second we smoke, we just talk it out calmly and smoothly and have the best day possible afterwards.

That's true too. I played a whole lot better when I was stoned. At least it sounded a lot better.
Well, I've only used hashish, never weed, but my experience from that was not funny at all. I just saw circles, and then the ground wobbled, then it passed away 5 min later. I'll much rather be drunk, as it makes you a better person socially. I also don't get hangovers, so that's a plus.
I can't say I really like alcohol. Because it changes people into someone they're not. It really changes someone's personality while affected by it, I don't like that, the people just seem so fake, temporary. Although I don't really behave any differently, just drowsy, numb and uncoordinated. Fun times waking up wondering where that piece of glass lodged in the palm of your hand came from.

its graet to loosen you up though in social situations, everyone is your friend when your drunk lol(sometimes everyones your enemy 2 tho)

anyway a few weeks ago i got completely smashed with 2 buddies of mine and we went to this resturant that has been closed down for years. It was a nice place, big, right on the waterfront. so we went behind it and smashed a window and we all went inside. we started lookin around and went in the basement area where there was litteraly TONS AND TONS of liquor bottles everywhere. Im talking about milk crates full of bottles all over the place. So we started lootin the shit out of it and took so many ****in bottles it was great. I got so ****ing drunk that i forgot this all happened until like 5pm the next day(i finally remembered what we did and was like ****KKK YEAH FREE LIQUOR ALL WEEKEND).

Then the next day i see cops sittin in the parking lot durin the afternoon. But that night i went back there with a friend and saw that they boarded up the window. We were just about to break that shit down again cause there were still tons of bottles down there but all a sudden i hear a fishing line get casted. Some ****in DT looking mutha sucka was fishing right behind there and we didnt even notice him. If we broke in there again we would have been ****ed.

..i think this was the longest post ive ever made

another story- last night i got twisted and was chillin outside this bar where a bunch of firefighters were drinking. And i was beeing completely polite and shit saying God Bless our NY state firefighters and stuff. I asked a few of them to get me a beer but none of them would. So i went inside the bar with another friend of mine and i was just talking to them and shit some of them were dickheads(ie. i try to shake one of there hands, introducing mysef and everything but he gives me one of those not-even-half-assed handshakes and barely looks at my face. So im like w/e) And im no adult so i guess the firefighters were getting pissy. Anyway one fat bald firefighter sitting across the bar from me calls me out and calls me a punk and some other shit. So i yelled out "F*CK YOU" and flipped him off. Little did i know tho there was a 350lbs pound firefighter sitting right infront of me with his back towards me. INstantly he got up and got right in my face. I was like CHILLLL dude i mean no disrespect to the FF's but that dude over there is a bitch.

anyway i left before gettin junped by 30 firefighters.
I'm doing a "better drivers course" and it says that 23,013 people die in alcohol related crashes a year in Florida... Just thought i'd let you guys know.

I'm doing a "better drivers course" and it says that 23,013 people die in alcohol related crashes a year in Florida... Just thought i'd let you guys know.


Sounds like bull. Wikipedia teaches me Florida has 16 million inhabitants, pretty much the same as the Netherlands, and we had 817 deaths in car accidents in 2006. Only a portion of which is naturally alcohol related.
I think it's bull too. Just to make me fear driving drunk.

Screw that shit.
booze is a bastard. i used to be a really good drunk. i would either be calm or hyper to foooooooooook

recently though, its getting me into trouble and as ultimatley it is a depressant, thats how a night ends up sloping for me

so far, because of drink, i've...

- had to run away from a bouncer because i thought it'd be funny to run into a restaurant window and disrupt all the customers

- got in a fight with a taxi driver over short change when he blatantly didn't. he threatened to dump me somewhere if i didn't shut the **** up and get out

- tried to walk home and very very mysteriously ended up going in a big circle and ending up in at the nightclub i'd just left

- told my ex-manager to go **** himself

- woke up the next morning with 999 in my dialled numbers for no reason

- been suicidal

- picked a fight with someone because they kicked a can of coke that i'd finished and threw on the floor

- thrown my burger and chips at a bunch of students for being cocky with me and me mate

- told one of me managers now that i might get raped walking home when i tried to blag a free taxi off her

list is endless. this is why i've gone totally cold turkey on drink for at least a month or so. its all about knowing limits, something i struggle with
Sounds like bull. Wikipedia teaches me Florida has 16 million inhabitants, pretty much the same as the Netherlands, and we had 817 deaths in car accidents in 2006. Only a portion of which is naturally alcohol related.

Sadly, that's probably correct. The US has a massive amount of car-related deaths, particularly involving alcohol :/
^That's probably because your limit of allowed amount of alcohole in the blood is 0.08%, compared with 0.02% in most European countries. You have to be quite drunk before you pass the limit in the US.
^That's probably because your limit of allowed amount of alcohole in the blood is 0.08%, compared with 0.02% in most European countries. You have to be quite drunk before you pass the limit in the US.

lolwut? .08% is ONE beer. Do you really have trouble driving after having a f*cking bud light? D:
I'll admit, I drove completely trashed once, which at the time seemed like a good idea (my friends and I were hungry, and the nearest McDonald's was only a few minutes away) but in retrospect was pretty stupid. I'm not going to do that again.

I've had a couple of friends badly messed up or killed in drunk-driving related accidents, so I don't want to follow down the same path.