Duke Nukem 3D Mod CANCELLED



News from the mod's site:

Due to copyright, and requests from 3Drealms, Duke Nukem Source has been canelled. Instead the mod is changing its name to Los Angeles, California

:sniper: 3DRealms

Isnt this worth a news post on halflife2.net ?
It was a bit silly expecting to use other people's copyrighted material in a mod :)
Too bad, I just wished I could wear cool shades and say cheesy lines once more....
Back to Serious Sam, then...:p
Sure, but why should 3drealms care? Its a 7 years old game no1 is playing anymore, other companies released the whole game after that big time (see GTA). Also, people could get more excited on DN4ever if they play the old DN with good graphics, physics and stuff.. So IF (yea IF) DN4ever is released, this could mean more ppl would buy it..
If you have no idea about copywrites please don't comment on how "it's not fair" or "they aint making anymoney on it"
Sure i have a clue about copyrights (yea, its really spelt that way). But it still shows me how 3drealms su**
the games use such generic ideas that you could do something VERY similar and get away with it, it's all fighting alien bad guys really, even though the DOOM ones are supposed to be from hell, they could easily have made it the plannet Inferno or whatever!
and the guns and other things like that are even more un-copyrightable as they are regular guns for the most part
3DR need to protect their intellectual property, it's as simple as that. Any other company would do the same.
well, they wouldnt want to spend 10 damn years making a game, only to be upstaged by some mod before it's even released (if forever really will be released) Personally I have no faith in 3dRealms. I think Duke Nukem 3D was a hit on accident, hell they put in the voice overs way late and weren't planning on it anyway.
it could be argued that as it is a mod and therefore not being sold for money that it does not infringe copyright law. but knowing yanks they have a helluva alot of crap laws so its probably illigal in that country to video tape something off the TV
The guys running the mod were idiots with no knowledge of or respect for copyright law or intellectual property rights. If there were ever a mod that deserved getting shut down, it was this one.
Think about it seriously...we have no right to see Duke Nukem in our lifetime.

That's why DN4 will be released several generations down the line.
Mountain Man said:
The guys running the mod were idiots with no knowledge of or respect for copyright law or intellectual property rights. If there were ever a mod that deserved getting shut down, it was this one.
I remember them going on about how they'll be allowed and how they aren't hurting anyone and not breaking the law and wont get stopped from making it.... hehe
wtf is with signatures like that? phucks up my page, phuck!
they could just do the mod in secret and then just release it on bit torrent then it would be impossible for 3drealms to sue them.
Hah, I was wondering just yesterday why 3drealms hadn't closed them down yet...
Great Grizzly said:
but its not copyright infringment, it is not bieng sold for money
They do not have the right to distribute the IP in any way, shape, or form. Whether or not they charge for their work is irrelevant.
why do you care so much mountain man? I saw your post on the other site, and i dont understand. This isnt your game, you didnt make it.
just think in this way

you make a game and you want the game get sold to get money

but someone make the same game but better and distribuyes free

what you think the people will prefer? buy your game or get the same game free?
ragnar said:
Sure i have a clue about copyrights (yea, its really spelt that way). But it still shows me how 3drealms su**

Those are some cheap shots, don't you think?
I would've been surprised if 3DRealms had let anyone create a DNF mod, especially on a well-known game engine like Half-Life 2. It would be like letting someone make a better version of your ambitious creation, which you are still working on, with tools he/she got from one of your rivals, which had created her tools with tools from yet another of your rivals.
And it would also remind people of DNF, causing laughing that would forever echo in the creators' minds.
Mountain Man said:
The guys running the mod were idiots with no knowledge of or respect for copyright law or intellectual property rights. If there were ever a mod that deserved getting shut down, it was this one.
*gets whip and chair* Chill...

Actually, if I had things my way (sadly not), I'd trade the mod's closing for status on some things 3DRealms are taking....forever?
Only way, other than downloading the game from a website, people will get DN3D would be through buying from some unpopular store, or online.
That's why you gotta make the mod, don't let anyone know about it, and when you finish it, get as many people as possible to host mirrors for the DL. Then, even if the mirrors get shut down, people will host their own. It's like warez. Except legal.
As illegal as it is I still don't like how some companies are closing down mods because of intellectual rights. Yes they made the original and yes it is isn't the mod authors story but why so many companies aren't giving permission to mod teams is beyond me. If anything mods are basically free advertising for them.

If someone made a Duke Nukem 3D mod don't you think there would be an increase in interest in the original Duke Nukem 3D again? Not that 3d realms would make any money off of it considering they no longer sell it, but it still gives them a good name.

Of course from what I hear this particular mod team was alogether not all that bright. I mean you can't just start working and EXPECT a company to give you permission to use their property. Thats just idiotic.
Angry Lawyer said:
Wrong - just because it makes you harder to catch doesn't mean it's legal.

-Angry Lawyer

Well, you got be there.

By the way, can a company sue a mod developer if he does something like that? Release something with a name owned by a company? There's got to be limits on sueing people who can't afford a lawyer, right? Or does that whole free lawyer thing jump in then?
Intellectual property reasons aside, if I were 3DRealms and I knew that DNF wasn't just gonna forever be vaporware, I'd think that this mod would be stealing some of my future game's thunder. If it means flexing some legal muscle in ways that illustrate the "joys" of our country's legal system, I'd still want to do it. Anything's better than being touted on the forums as the professional company that couldn't get a game out faster than a crack team of modders (not saying they avoided it competely, or that modding the original Duke into HL2 is the equivalent of DNF, etc, etc).