Duke Nukem : Source


May 28, 2007
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Do yall think it would be awesome to re-create Duke Nukem 64 off the Nintendo 64 for the Source engine ?

And if so would any of you modders help make it ?

I honestly think this mod would be a grate Idea, I also heard Duke 3d is still 3D Realms main income of money, so what if they adopted our mod and got a licences for the Source engine and sold our beautiful peace of art :) ( After it is completed anyways ) Cause if Duke 3d is still one of the gratest games today, then it will definitly be grate on the Source engine, espically if we add more missions, monsters, ETC :) that way ur getting something new so its worth the money for 3d realms, cause what would make it any better than the Build engine if there aint anything new, thats why we can re-make it, and have more in the process :)

So there will be -

New weapons as well as the old weapons.
New enemys as well as the old enemys.
New maps and the old maps.
Upgraded graphics of course.
Complete Single + Multiplayer maps/missions.

Multiplayer -
New gameplay modes as well as the ones duke came with, the game modes will be -

1-Capture the babe ( Just as Capture the flag )

2-Co-op ( Full single player expierience online with others up too as many players as you can host. )



5-Boss graveyard ( Is a match where of course the bosses will have alot more health than usual, and its all the players jobs to kill every boss in the game -on diffrent maps of course- )

6-King of the babe ( just as king of the hill ) :)

( If there are any more matches you all would like to request go right ahead I no theres a couple more on Duke 64 but ill have to borrow my uncles N64 I broke mine haha -I got duke on PC thoe but its not the same. )

And if any of you all want to help with this mod come right ahead and help :) Most if not all the textures are already done ( from the Duke high res pack ) which is released under the GNU Public licence :) so the textures are already made :) althoe I would use the models that come with the pack, i would rather the models be more well detailed :) so we need our own models made pretty much :)

I hope you all look forward to this mod ( ohh I scrapped the other mod, no one seems to want to help :( ) But the website wont be called " www.dukenukem-source.com it will most likely be called www.zorakgame.com/DukeNukem-source/index.php ( NO THATS NOT THE LINK, I still have to upload the E107 stuff to a spot, but I hope you all will get interested in this mod, cause I no I am.

PS ( PLEASE ACTUALLY seem like your interested in this mod, cause that makes me more determined than getting put down for such probley to yall " LAME " Ideas. )

Thanks for yalls time -
David Watts.
HAHA, I no tell me about it, im weird, but haha, Duke has always been one of my favorite games, and have always wanted to make a game with duke in it :) Ill start working the mod as soon as the website is done, ive already got all the files uploaded to site now, im just adjusting it to fit the way I want it too lol, which will probley take the rest of the night ( its 3:05 AM here )

But really thoe, DUKE ROCKS :)
you'd probably be asked not to make it because of how close 3d realms is with the completion of duke nukem forever.
Why would anyone want to commit their time and effort for a project lead by someone who doesnt even know what project they want to work on?


Actually, I have been working on it for about a years time just trying diffrent engines, no one ever wanted to help not one bit, I could never understand why, its like I said it was called " Terminator | A new fate " ( And no it wasent cause I switched engines, thats the reason I changed engines, cause if no one wants to help in that community, then they dont want to help, so go right on to another engine, but now im staying with HL 2 I like it :) and ill just change the game then lol.

and working all by your self does not exactly encourage you to do something, it just gives you a bunch of stress hanging over your head trying to figure everything out knowing you have no clue what I your doing. Ive had a friend help once, but he dident exaclt help, I was always over his shoulder teaching him more than I was getting help, every model he made I had to help make, so thats not exactly help, thats just looseing time, althoe I like to teach how to do stuff, just not every day and every night.

But anyways, I have dedicated my self ( No job, no school ) Working on that game, and frankly I am getting bored with not having any help. I can understand why they say making a game is a team job.

So I decided I will try and do Duke Nukem after a year of time wasted ( gotten know where, All I no how to do is model and make maps on some engines ) HL 2 Engine makes maps pretty easy :). Atleast Duke Nukem has a chance cause alot of people like that game. So I might have a chance on getting a team started.
you'd probably be asked not to make it because of how close 3d realms is with the completion of duke nukem forever.

Ohh I dont know DNF has been said it will be released I dont know how many times HAHA. We probley wont see it for another 5 years sadly :(
3D Realms will shut you down.
3D Realms will shut you down.

I dont see any of these other companys shutting GoldenEye, and Perfect dark down, I dont see how PD : Source got permission if the Rare website dont even have contact information.

And GoldenEye I have no clue probley have to go through Nintendo.

But 3drealms dont even have contact info, so I dont know how im suppose to ask them if I can't do it.
3D Realms have shut down more than one attempted remake of Duke Nukem. Most recently, they shut down an attempt to remake it on Source. They won't give permission.
gahh, I guess Ill just keep the name Zorak then LOL, but make it a game " LIKE " Duke Nukem.
I dont see any of these other companys shutting GoldenEye, and Perfect dark down, I dont see how PD : Source got permission if the Rare website dont even have contact information.

And GoldenEye I have no clue probley have to go through Nintendo.

But 3drealms dont even have contact info, so I dont know how im suppose to ask them if I can't do it.

Try their forums.
I dont see any of these other companys shutting GoldenEye, and Perfect dark down, I dont see how PD : Source got permission if the Rare website dont even have contact information.

And GoldenEye I have no clue probley have to go through Nintendo.

But 3drealms dont even have contact info, so I dont know how im suppose to ask them if I can't do it.

Different companies approach it differently. If you don't want to listen to reason, go ahead and try to proove us all wrong. You aren't the first person to have this thought.
Game makers have been coming up with game ideas for years now, it's nothing new doing that.

Copying a game, however - name a commercial game that does that!
Duke Nuken is fantastic. One of the cheats on one of the games is shockingly this: suckmyrocket

How inventive.
you'd probably be asked not to make it because of how close 3d realms is with the completion of duke nukem forever.

you're kidding, right?
please tell me you're kidding.
oh god please tell me.
lmao suckmyrocket I never seen that one before haha, unless someone made a mod for Duke called that haha.

Yea you all were right thoe, I asked teh question on the Forums on 3drealms, and all the people there said it was not legal. So I will just use the name " Zorak : Source " I guess I will be updateing my website, The reason why I dont change the name is cause, well I no my dad wont let me change it, hes like just use the same thing theres nothign wrong with it :( but yea, the website www.zorakgame.com will be getting updated, so nothing im going to put the maintenence flag on, ight.

So I am going to have the story line diffrent towards a Redneck kickin alien as* now :)
but no it wont be the main character duke, Ill name him like Donny bombem HAHA :)
thats a good thing right haha ? The way I see it is, if it is not exactly duke nukem then they cant do jack to me :)
Old news, but there was a Duke Nukem Source mod that was being made for hl2 a couple years back. It had some very good progress, but 3drealms shut it down. Just giving you a heads up, if you try to do this they will probably shut you down too.
Old news, but there was a Duke Nukem Source mod that was being made for hl2 a couple years back. It had some very good progress, but 3drealms shut it down. Just giving you a heads up, if you try to do this they will probably shut you down too.

Way to go, replying just after you read the first post. Or did it just take you long to type that?

I'm up for helping with Zorak as a mapper though :)
It's been a while since my last map, but I can re-learn it fast.
Well, 3D Realm did a good job. One more horrible game remake down!
Your plans make mod designers everywhere weep tears of sadness.

Please try and come up with new ideas. please

Thankyou carry on