dusty vents.



This was an old idea i had.... have no idea if theres been a thread like this, but who cares.

Would'nt it be possible to have dirt and stuff in the vents? Logically, they should be dirty, and in HL1, Gordon did partake in very much vent-spelunking.
And with the amounts of dirt that should at least collect in there, there should be a little dirt on his gun, or he leaves dirty footsteps ( or smudged in the vent )

anyways.. Would'nt that be interesting?
It would probably work in the same way as MGS, what with the dirty footprints and all.

I'm no good explainer, but someone should see what I'm hinting to.
It should be possible.. decals and overlays of dirt obviously around the vents.. then some entity coded to create dusty looking decals where the player walks, in the same way decals are created if you hit something. I suppose a clever programmer could have it change to shuffled looking marks when crawling/crouched
mm are vents really that dusty? arent they used to like circulate the air or whatever? therefor wouldnt dust not collect there that much? maybe I'm wrong..
Kon said:
mm are vents really that dusty? arent they used to like circulate the air or whatever? therefor wouldnt dust not collect there that much? maybe I'm wrong..
Depends on the vents.. dusty could mean accumilation of dirt thats blown through and catches onto screw heads of between panels, gradually it builds up, especially near the fans *looks at his deskfan* yup especially on the fan blades and grills heh.

There's almost always a thin layer of dirt inside them covering most surfaces which usually sticks because of the oils often left on the metal, which is there to help avoid it but usually just gets all gunky after a while. Really it just depends on the building and how cared for they are. If you see one one day, open the grill at the front and wipe your hand around inside, it should pick up a nasty looking layer of icky stuff, made up of general pollutants, cigarette smoke, dead skin, fluff and so on.. So yeah I guess all but the pretty new ones are usually a bit nasty inside.
I hope Valve delays the game for another six months, just to add "grime-accumulating-in-vents" physics. Each particle of scum will be rendered in passionate, loving detail. It would add to the gameplay for sure!
Yeah, it wouldn't be like dirt that is in the streets...but the build-up layer of dust/dirt and other particles.

One thing I am crossing my fingers for (and pretty sure it is true) that smoke will not go beyond walls. Look at HL1 or CS. Throw a smoke nade behind a wall and it goes right through.
Non-Sequitur said:
I hope Valve delays the game for another six months, just to add "grime-accumulating-in-vents" physics. Each particle of scum will be rendered in passionate, loving detail. It would add to the gameplay for sure!

Oh hoho the sarcasm. My eyes,...it burns!
I was thinking about some other innovatory ideas that Valve should implement - firstly, an oxygen system that manages Gordon's breathing - whereby the player must press a certain key to inhale, and another to exhale. Fail to do so at least every ten seconds... and you die!

I also would like to see itchiness implemented as a factor in gameplay - I mean, those hazard suits can't make things easy to scratch! Imagine, in the middle of heated battle with the Combine, Gordon experiences an extreme itch in the groin area - we are alerted by loud klaxons and the hazard suit graphic in the corner of the screen suddenly turns into a flashing red scrotum. The player must quickly take cover and relieve themselves. Don't forget to use the breathing keys at the same time though!

And while we're rendering dust, how about Gordon's allergies?
Hey! Those are my MOD ideas! Anyway, the dust system is a good idea though, like walking on the beach could generate sands particles... just some animated sprites besides the foot would do the trick
I like the idea, but it's not something worth spending a lot of resources on. Just enough to set the mood and look convincing. Nothing fancy.
I think your going abit over the top.

However having marks in a vent where youve been would be cool. Like footsteps in the snow.
I think, realistically, you should die of a lung disease shortly after entering the first air vent.
And rusty guns backfiring.

Then again, the Combine probably would be a little more high-maintenance.
I'm not sure why half of you cockjockeys are bitching the guy. It might seem like a daft suggestion, but his heart is in the right place with regards to creating an immersive atmosphere. Frankly I'd be rather impressed if after crawling out of a vent gordon did a little pad down to brush off the dust his suit and gun. Certainly it wouldn't improve the gameplay, but it would enhance the atmosphere of the game. Small things add up, take a look at H&D2 for example, that has numerous atmospheric touches throughout ,that don't make the nature of the game any better but add to the immersiveness of the experience.
coughing and/or sneezing because of the dust would be nice, too. Immersionwise..
I'm totally with Mr. Polokov here. It's always the little, nicely crafted details that add a huge amount to immersion and atmosphere!
Kadayi Polokov said:
I'm not sure why half of you cockjockeys are bitching the guy. It might seem like a daft suggestion, but his heart is in the right place with regards to creating an immersive atmosphere. Frankly I'd be rather impressed if after crawling out of a vent gordon did a little pad down to brush off the dust his suit and gun. Certainly it wouldn't improve the gameplay, but it would enhance the atmosphere of the game. Small things add up, take a look at H&D2 for example, that has numerous atmospheric touches throughout ,that don't make the nature of the game any better but add to the immersiveness of the experience.

*batons down the hatches*
HybridM said:
I think, realistically, you should die of a lung disease shortly after entering the first air vent.

Yeah and positional damage should be effective. Like if your leg gets bitten off or blows off in the first level you have to drag yourself through the rest of the game.

Or if you get hit with a flame thrower you get bonded to a nearby barrel and have to drag it through the rest of the game. Or you could choose to naw that part of your body off and continue without it. You'd only get 10 feet or so and die from blood loss. Unless you somehow found a way to cauterize the wound as you nawed though the blood vessels.

For all of this process it should switch to a 3rd person camera view as well.
Non-Sequitur: If your not mature enough to post something sensible like the others, then I suggest you post nothing atall. Nobody is impressed with your kindergarten comedy and frankly your look a bit of a tit. So I'll leave your posts up


I think Kadayi has the right idea, means very little to the gameplay but little touches do make a bigger difference than people realise.. Reminds me of a few years ago when games started including bullet damage/decals or weapon reloading animations. A few people complained about that. Now there would be an uproar if they were removed and complaints about how unrealistic it would be.. Same with physics I bet now.
Meh I dove on the funny bit. No point to prove. If I look like a tit than so be it. I'll go off somewhere and squirt myself at people.
Kincaid said:
Meh I dove on the funny bit. No point to prove. If I look like a tit than so be it. I'll go off somewhere and squirt myself at people.

Fenric was referring to another poster dude.
Kadayi Polokov said:
Fenric was referring to another poster dude.

Yeah I know. But my post was similar to his. Although different motives it was still nitpicking on the details. That's kind of what Fenric was referring to.

And maybe I'm a tit for other reasons.
Fenric said:
Non-Sequitur: If your not mature enough to post something sensible like the others, then I suggest you post nothing atall. Nobody is impressed with your kindergarten comedy and frankly your look a bit of a tit. So I'll leave your posts up


I think Kadayi has the right idea, means very little to the gameplay but little touches do make a bigger difference than people realise.. Reminds me of a few years ago when games started including bullet damage/decals or weapon reloading animations. A few people complained about that. Now there would be an uproar if they were removed and complaints about how unrealistic it would be.. Same with physics I bet now.

Jesus, don't take it so seriously. I'm just thinking that at this point in development, I think the best thing they can do is get it out the door and not waste time on things like that. Not that I'm against immersiveness in any way. :)
I'm not sure why half of you cockjockeys are bitching the guy. It might seem like a daft suggestion, but his heart is in the right place with regards to creating an immersive atmosphere. Frankly I'd be rather impressed if after crawling out of a vent gordon did a little pad down to brush off the dust his suit and gun. Certainly it wouldn't improve the gameplay, but it would enhance the atmosphere of the game. Small things add up, take a look at H&D2 for example, that has numerous atmospheric touches throughout ,that don't make the nature of the game any better but add to the immersiveness of the experience.
I totally agree.
SidewinderXEDIT: Enough with the spoilers. You've been warned multiple times.

You have been given a 1 moth ban.

So yeah add a little dust here and there. :)

I think smoke will go through walls, but not completely, like when the sprite hits a designated wall or "brush" in the level it will fade out. So you will see some coming out, but it won't be anything too bad. Who knows though, Valve always has a way of doing things that blows our ideas away so I trust them.
Also, I doubt smoke will go through walls. It would take a ton of CPU power for particle effects to check for collison.
vegeta897 said:
SidewinderXEDIT: Enough with the spoilers. You've been warned multiple times.

You have been given a 1 moth ban.

Sweet. Two moths would ruin my good sweater. :E Don't ban me
jimbones said:
coughing and/or sneezing because of the dust would be nice, too. Immersionwise..

So much for killing the guard with the crowbar...

Oh wait....

That was Manhunt.
Asus said:
Yeah, it wouldn't be like dirt that is in the streets...but the build-up layer of dust/dirt and other particles.

One thing I am crossing my fingers for (and pretty sure it is true) that smoke will not go beyond walls. Look at HL1 or CS. Throw a smoke nade behind a wall and it goes right through.

I couldnt agree more with you. Smoke going through the walls is a pet peeve of mine.
there's absolutely no reason for anyone to flame this dude's idea. any old fps has the 'global shake' trigger somewhere to coincide with an explosion and there's always debris falling to go with it. this'd just be another step towards realistic detail. gordon bumps the side of a vent and dust falls from rivets overhead. gr8 idea in my opinion. also, we see loads of movies that incorporate people hiding in vents - they're always given away by making too much noise as they crawl. why not implement a 'vent noise' when gordon bumps the sides as well that way if he's heard guards can attack ala hl1's vent attack in that garage bit.
im postive it would be modable....but probaly not in the game. yet....sry if this has been posted
The Terminator said:
I couldnt agree more with you. Smoke going through the walls is a pet peeve of mine.
pet peeve...definetly...i love that guys avator thou....the upside down smily face...cool dude!
Non-Sequitur said:
I was thinking about some other innovatory ideas that Valve should implement - firstly, an oxygen system that manages Gordon's breathing - whereby the player must press a certain key to inhale, and another to exhale. Fail to do so at least every ten seconds... and you die!

I also would like to see itchiness implemented as a factor in gameplay - I mean, those hazard suits can't make things easy to scratch! Imagine, in the middle of heated battle with the Combine, Gordon experiences an extreme itch in the groin area - we are alerted by loud klaxons and the hazard suit graphic in the corner of the screen suddenly turns into a flashing red scrotum. The player must quickly take cover and relieve themselves. Don't forget to use the breathing keys at the same time though!

And while we're rendering dust, how about Gordon's allergies?

lol :LOL:

yah.. and what about when nature calls? if u gotta whizz, ya gotta whizz right? :upstare:

seriously tho.. i know u were being sarcastic, but for anyone who seriously thinks these things should be included... i just think this is a part of reality that we can all live without.. :dork:
dust particles in the vents wouldnt be that difficult to implement, not like it would "delay the game another 6 months", a few hours at most.
all this talk about vents reminds me of a story on the news a couple of months ago where some guy got stuck in a vent he was trying to crawl through to rob a shop. they showed a video of him stuck in there--he looked uncomfortable/angry, heh...

well, anyways, i think tracks in the dust would look neat for like the first few times you saw it, but after that i'd probably just ignore it.
dfc05 said:
well, anyways, i think tracks in the dust would look neat for like the first few times you saw it, but after that i'd probably just ignore it.

It would have done its job well in that case.. Like people who work in the sewers, after a while they get used to the smell and don't notice it