dynamic lighting problems


Mar 29, 2005
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maybe some of you have come across this problem before. ive noticed you cant put in too many dynamic lights first of all or some lights wont even process in-game. thats not really my problem though (but a way to fix it would be nice too). so i have a dynamic light and point spotlight pointing down on the ground. there is a pillar (brush) nearby. the pillar wont cast a shadow that shows that the dynamic light is being obstructed by my pillar, and it makes the whole scene look mighty cruddy. how can i make my pillar cast a shadow with my dynamic light? regular lights work fine when it comes to casting shadows on all my pillars.
Im almost posotive the Source engine does not calculate real time shadows with dynamic lighting. But the a regular entity light itll have shadows. Might want to also get a second opinion.

yeah ive heard that said before in the past too....but i just wanna make sure first and not just say screw it without actually knowing if its possible
Why not add a static light in the same position of same color?
the dynamic light is a must have. i made several of those "hanging light" contraptions. you might have seen the tutoriall video on how to make those.

What is a pillar?? If it's an object made of prop_static it will not cast shadows.. try prop_dynamic...

i cant tie that entity to my brush. is there any entity i might be able to tie to my brush to cast the shadow?
Isnt there a 'blockslight' brush entity?

Dont know if that would do the job.
dont see any blockslight entity....and the prop_physics entity isnt on the list of entities for brushes. I did find a brush entity that casts a fake shadow....like the one you see on the buggy or by an AI...but thats as close as I came. I dont think there is an entity guys....there might be a setting for an entity that will enable a brush to cast dynamic shadows....otherwise no go. Its all good though...thanks for your help guys.
nope cant figure it out....how is this thing supposed to work?

Edit: well i figured it out but it only seems to work on non dynamic lights.