Dystopia Demo Released!


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
Dystopia; dark future. When players fight in the gritty urban streets, overhanging hi-tech viewscreens illuminating the dull graffiti sprawled across concrete walls- they don’t fight for a high score or a hard dollar, they fight to jack into the vast computer network that is Cyberspace. In comparison to this forbidding city overshadowed by a horizon of bristling skyscrapers, Cyberspace is a whole new world. Neon streaks of raw data flow through a sea of information, abstract blocks surround you like a web. Dystopia, a Half-Life 2 modification based around the complex Cyberpunk genre, is literally a game of two halves. [br]They say that Dystopia is coming. But they're wrong. It's already here.

To show you how eager we are to let everyone check out Dystopia, we've released the demo files early! In this day and age where it's common for professional developers to slip on release dates, we proud of being amature game developers who can not only create a game as cool as Dystopia, but get it out ahead of schedule.

[br]It’s certainly rare for a mod team to release a playable demo of their project rather than an early build, but that just goes to show how prominent Dystopia has grown to be. To download this demo, click here to visit their website for a full list of mirrors.
more good news!

HL2. The best game purchase I've ever made...
Anyone got any comments on how this plays? im unalbe to get at my rig atm
\o/ downloaded in 15 mins. See you online :bounce: :cheers:
Keeps crashing for me whenever I spawn. :(

Nevermind, doesn't appear to like rebinding keys much.
It's very hard to get into a server. There's far more player than there is player spots in server. The only servers I can get into have a high ping. I'll see a server with 15/20 spots... So I join, only to 3 seconds later see it's 20/20. I played a little on a public server, but then changed to a private server where I was hosting it myself and I was the only one in it. Just to get a feel for the map, and the game play. It's a little weird at first, and I don't have a full grasp on it yet, but this seems like an awesome mod that I can't wait to spend a lot of time playing.
Game is confusing to play. I have no idea what the controls are lol. How do you hack in? How do you know you can hack in? Where are the F'n objectives? God im so confused and lost. Please help me!!!
PLZ POST MIRRORS! Dystopia site is so bogged.

But I guess I'll find a way through on my own. Hope I'll be able to play :D
Well I played it for about 30 minutes and so far its a GREAT mod. It's a bit confusing at first but once you know what your doing its a blast. Gotta be the best mod so far.
Excellent quality, but I am not so blown away. My first impression is that it is well made but only decent as far as gameplay goes. I like it, and I expect it will grow on me, but for now I'm not too enamored.
played around on my own, manage to get some MP in too, jsut need to find some low ping servers.
The stealth feature is excellent. Once I was in the hacking room, stealthed, and sitting still so nobody could see me. An enemy strode inside just as I was about to start hacking, and I was forced to sit still until he left the room. He was looking around for a few seconds, and then I fidgeted. He must have saw a shimmer when I did so, because he camer RIGHT OVER to me, face to face. My energy was running out... in a matter of seconds, I would melt back into plain view, and he'd shoot me into tiny pieces.


Silence. He continued to stare at nothing.


Shrugging it off, he left.
My stealth flickered out, and as I saw his back exit through the slide doors, I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Another time, in the same room, a similiar thing happened, only with Ennui as my enemy :) Unfortunately for him, he turned his back to me... within a few seconds I had struck, and he was bleeding over the floor. I was laughing so hard at my ownage.

This mod rockz0rz my socx0rz.
actually it didnt happen quite like that. Sui pwned me twice. First time, he was invisible, I walked out looking all nonchalant (as I had 4 kills and no deaths at that point), calmly and methodically firing in a sweep in front of me with the minigun so I could hit anyone (aka Sui) hiding invisibly.

Then he shot me point blank in the back of my head with a shotgun.

Second time, which is the one he described, I had a rocket launcher. I walked into the room, since I knew Sui was there, and waited for him to melt out of the air and attack me - turns out he was right next to me, and after punching him in the face once, I tried to take him out with a rocket (which would have killed me too), but it wouldn't fire at such close range and I died :(

I knifed qckbeam twice though.

Still, I'm not totally thrilled about this game.
diluted said:
Is the gameplay really jerky for anyone else? :(

Not at all. Its actually really smooth for me, and my system isn't even that great. Maybe you were just in a laggy server. There seems to be alot of those around at the moment.
! ! ! A M A Z I N G ! ! !

I like it when you get hit by an grenade, great effect !!!!!

And of course CYBERSPACE is great i like to hack and make traps , great!!!

EDIT: OMG There are 71 Servers open and on eath are players, OMG
Glad to see there's no terrorists, SWAT, or WWII soldiers.

Too bad I can't play it :(
I hate how this news post is completely obscured by the Steam Update news.
Any chance of a HL2.net server? With a password preferably.
can't wait to test this mod... :D
hope gameplay is great and i have enough fps... ^^
go for source!
26 min. left...

really nice to see the more complex mods start popping up!
ausgamers.com has a bittorrent link up, if you are in Australia. And there's a bittorrent link on the news article above this one.

Looks like a great game, can't wait to get into it later on today.
I've been playing for some time now, its fantastic is my initial verdict. Thermal vision, stealth mode i've been abusing so far. Minigun, laser rifle, ion cannon, rocket launcher all great. Cyberspace is amazing. Just get the demo and play it!
I wish i could play this :( Dont have my new comp or net yet!
I want to give this mod a good run through to see how i tplays but it keeps crashing as I spawn in, so I cant really say either way. The other guys in my house give it an average feel at the mo, but its early days...
Just wait until we can get some good clan play going on this game! Once there are a few custom maps released, it'll be possible to do and have lots of fun. And this is just the demo! The full version is going to have even more awesome stuff, like vehicles.

Any server admins should really consider getting a copy up and running! We need a lot of good, non-laggy servers running.
Man, all the -200 ping servers are full, and the 700+ ones suck ass. Hard to get into a good game, but from what I played it looks really kickass.
It's very unique, very detailed & very stable. I'm in shock; going to drool in the corner now.

I saw a lot of servers, just that a large percent were password locked.
Incredible stuff!

I'm not sure what's going on, but this is quality.
I really want to play this- 32% on the download, although I'll have to go to bed soon or risk dying :x

Problem is it'll probably be unplayable on my connection... ack I say!
Man the mod rocks, the weapons rock!

Need some low ping servers, I was playing with 150ping...