Dystopia Demo Released!

xrikazen said:
more good news!

HL2. The best game purchase I've ever made...

^what he said

hell the last game I bought before that was .............. tribes 2/rune
I finally learned how to play and all I got to say is AMAZING work. This is mod is so much fun and still has so much potential. I want more maps now!!!!!!
yates said:
were you the guy with the halflife2.net staff tag?

Why yes I was \o/

Hehe, out of all those servers... what a coincidence :D That was a damn fine match we played. Wait... they're all great matches. I love this mod!
Suicide42 said:
Why yes I was \o/

Hehe, out of all those servers... what a coincidence :D That was a damn fine match we played. Wait... they're all great matches. I love this mod!
It's not fine when there's a newby hacker on the Punk side, and doesn't know that the buttons work like Doom3, and can't click them, thus nothing gets done :p

But all in all, yes, great game.
CyberPitz said:
It's not fine when there's a newby hacker on the Punk side, and doesn't know that the buttons work like Doom3, and can't click them, thus nothing gets done :p

Well if he's on the terminal that hacks into the system core and completes the 2nd objective, chances are the enemy will discover him and kill him, thus allowing someone else to jack in. If not, he runs out of energy after a minute or so anyway, so you can butt in. If it's any OTHER terminal... it's non-essential :p
after playing on a good stable server for a good two and a half hours I have to say this is my favorite mod of all time. Retail product quality stuff here.

I play pretty much all the time as a light guy with stealth so the sheer thrill of katana-ing guys. I got more katana kills than anything else. Stealth is actually a very viable and effective approach in this game.

Plus cyberspace is pretty much the coolest thing ever.

Can't wait for the full verson.
yeah this is a great mod! the way it is designed pretty much forces you to play as a team with others whether you even realize it or not. Since pretty much all the skills complement or counter each other in some way. Can't wait for more!
Just returned from a 3:30 hour hardcore gaming session, and I <3 The Light Shotty. Played on some British server with a ping of 29, and me and some other guy really pwned; we directed our team to certain pathways, and I hacked them open on just the right time. Result : We won in 5 minutes :D
Wow. That was amazing. I played for over 3 hours straight. This mod is wonderful, and it's only a damn beta. Jebus christo. Great work Dystopia team.
i love those intense assaults and defenses on the second spawn room or whatever it is
i dont like the imbalance of weapons the heavy units own the little units easy nomatter what you try:(
The textires on the weapons need work but all and all its a great mod:)

My birthday present to me :E

Happy birthday in 16 days self!

WOOT! DoD:S comes out day after my Bday!


EDIT: Oh and armanguy, heavy units don't pwn the smaller ones. I'm always medium and I pwn heavies all the time. You gotta get your combo just right. I like being Medium with the Assault rifle, the TAC scanner, the Medic set, and the energy boost. What I do, is I hang around heavies, then call out enemy units around us when we're rounding a corner, or when we're bursting through a doorway. Either that, or i'll hang back and call out the units that make it to our stuffs (the stuff they have to hack :p) then I pwn them.
yeah i just got the hang of it i killed 6 guys with my katana in a jack in point. your right you just goto organise your combos and i also get tac, medic and energy boost thats wierd and i always play as medium corp:)
a little confusing but Ok! The grafics are uber but the gameplay can use some work.
Let's hope they don't go out and sell their game now :)
Ennui said:
Excellent quality, but I am not so blown away. My first impression is that it is well made but only decent as far as gameplay goes. I like it, and I expect it will grow on me, but for now I'm not too enamored.

Agreed. The quality of the work is great, (not including some shoddy sounds), lots of polish, slick HUD and interface, but the actual gameplay isn't anything special. I'll keep at it though.
I'm really hopping they add more upgrades, so I can fully customize my character.
A few very minor bugs (like the doors - do they go wonky for anyone else, now and again?) but this is an amazing mod. C'mon people, get to it, download this already.
I get the wonky doors, and going down ladders is a pain. The game will thrust you back up the ladder over and over again before it decides it's a good time to let you go down it.
My first impression was: This is rubbish, I just got vapourised by a Sumo wrestler in a Tron suit. After playing more intensively for an hour or two, I began to better appreciate the mod, and had plenty of fun.

Using the Tac Scanner and Med-Implant is especially entertaining, in my view; just hide behind some Heavies and play Spotter/Medic for them.
CommandoSR said:
A Cyberpunk Counter-strike.

I think it's alot more fast paced than Counter-Strike. Reminds me more of Unreal Tournament with insta-gib weapons and fast paced fighting.
We all get wonky doors, it's a problem with the map.

Please stop calling this cyberpunk. It's got a cyberpunk setting but I'm afraid that despite their amazing work, they've completely missed something that makes it feel cyberpunk. This game has very little atmosphere and cyberpunk is all about atmosphere.
My thermal vision pwnerizes those stealth cloaked mofos. Spider mines pwn.

That thermo-nuclear detonation when you go below 20 health rofl...don't use that!
lol that thing has killed me so much :p i get below 20 and WHAM i self destruct :D
Lots of fun when the person with the self-destruct retreats to his team-mates for health as the things begins beeping. :E
Dystopia is awsome. I can't wait for the full thing to come out :D