Dystopia Demo Released!

Just finished playing a rew rounds. It's O.K. The cyberspace stuff is an interesting idea, but Dystopia is really just another deathmatch game.
Mountain Man said:
Just finished playing a rew rounds. It's O.K. The cyberspace stuff is an interesting idea, but Dystopia is really just another deathmatch game.
Hoho, not if you've got two decent teams pitted against each other!

Maximum fun and teamplay factor then
Yeah, you gotta have good teams against each other. Its really fun.
Cool mod :thumbs: While Plan of Attack and Hidden are quite fun but look quite ugly, this one has crisp graphics and gameplay. It's very confusing at first, but then when you know what to do it's fun :) My best score so far and now I can't even go near it ;P


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I've found the game plays much better in a clan-oriented scene with 8v8 of good players. The stakes always seem high.
thats going to be a huge problem created strictly by the community potentially. if everyone buys one, then they'll snatch up all the best mods and make you pay for those also. modding is suppose to be for free content, thats the benefit that alot of people buy games like hl2 for, is the free mods.

if everyone buys this one, you cna expect a shitton of other great mods getting charged for:(
if everyone buys one, then they'll snatch up all the best mods and make you pay for those also. modding is suppose to be for free content, thats the benefit that alot of people buy games like hl2 for, is the free mods.
If Valve buys Dystopia out and hires the team it will be free for HL2 Owners...they will just release it retail and buy off steam n things.
Learn Counter-Strikes history. Thats what happened to it. Was an amazing mod, Valve liked it...let it still be free to HL owners, sold it in stores, had mods run off of it to.

Though Dystopia could always try and go retail without Valves help. Valve can't force em to mod for HL2. Dystopia could get funding from a pub(Or have a fund raiser lol), license Source, build on there.
Beerdude26 said:
Hoho, not if you've got two decent teams pitted against each other!

Maximum fun and teamplay factor then
Yeah, just like every other multiplayer FPS. Honestly, I don't see anything in Dystopia that really distinguishes it from the crowd.
armanguy said:
why do the corps always lose?i love playing corps cause thier player models look better lol but it seems that we always lose the game even when were doing better:


Funny, Punks always seem to lose to me, they never seem to be able to get to the core and do enough damage, occasionally a ninja or two gets there and lands a few shots, which sometimes adds up to enough to win.

And I hate that airlock.
Does this demo make anyone else hungry for natural selection source
the first 6 or so version of cyberspace were a lot more complex (one was alot like uplink), but we were having a real hard time getting it to work with the rest of the game because it took too long, and it took people way too long to figure out.

so we took it back to basics and tried to make something a little like quake1 dm, with a little micromanagement energy game so there's some stratergy, and we found that it works well with helping teammates and the pace of the game
SimonomiS said:
Some guy from the DL_ clan told me to "suck his nuts" because I asked them to balance the teams.

Great start Dystopia community. :rolleyes:
LOL. That's funny to me for a whole different reason. :)

(I happen to play a beta mmorpg with them.)
I've experienced something disturbing while playing today. Staying back at docks instead of rushing towards the punks, i found out why the docks is captured so fast - it's some dumb heavy, that's too lazy to walk the long way, opening the dock door. It usually results in two or three stealthed lights storming in, which the heavy sometimes doesn't even notice. It's hard work to secure the docks i tell you, but i suppose that's just what a little light has to do.
Tried this at the weekend; at first I was like wtf? I was so confused by the game play elements etc, but after about 3 hours and leaving it, and going back to it, I was at the top of the scoreboard! After that, I just had to start learning about all the hacking bits and bobs and classes etc.

Cool game :)
I can't understand why people find the game confusing. It's pretty standard deathmatch.
Mountain Man said:
I can't understand why people find the game confusing. It's pretty standard deathmatch.

The deathmatch side of things is standard, but there are a lot of elements about the game to take in when you first play.
Mountain Man said:
I can't understand why people find the game confusing. It's pretty standard deathmatch.
You are confused too - so confused you don't even realise, by the looks of things.
Most of it is straight forward, the rest is just experience and how much you played
Devvo said:
The deathmatch side of things is standard, but there are a lot of elements about the game to take in when you first play.
Yeah, there are some minor variations, but it's nothing drastic, in my opinion. In fact, it plays a hell of a lot like UT2004's "assault" mode which itself was pretty straight forward. I suppose folks see words like "cyberspace" and start over thinking which can lead to confusion.
Great job from Dystopia team. Finally I can play this demo. It become fun when you know the details and what you must to do, looking forward to play the full mod.