E-D 3D glasses

Let's think about that head-turning sensor for a sec. Turn your head away from you monitor. Can you see a different view on your monitor? NO! Dare I ask why? Because you've turned your head away from it, genius! Maybe if you hung the monitor in front of your face with a connection to a large hat contraption... but I mean come on - look at that gif animation they have. Doesn't it strike you as not quite right?!
Originally posted by FictiousWill
Let's think about that head-turning sensor for a sec. Turn your head away from you monitor. Can you see a different view on your monitor? NO! Dare I ask why? Because you've turned your head away from it, genius!

Try doing some reading....

The idea of turning your head left to look left sounds great on paper but you’re probably wondering how this is going to work when your monitor does not move with your head.

I loved this part in a review about the glasses and head tracker...

In most games I use the TrackIR along with eDimensionals 3D glasses and it really makes it easier to get completely drawn in. One word of warning though, do not play Alien Vs Predator 2 in the dark with surround sound, 3D glasses and a trackIR. Now when I did my review of the Sonic Fury I found this game damn scary. The 3D glasses improve the look of the game but the Tracker tips the immersion over the edge and requires self cleaning reinforced underwear. I don’t know what it is but there is something about looking around by moving your head that really gives you a feeling of being there. Now this is great when “there” is somewhere nice, but when “there” is alien infested with certain death lurking in the shadows and around every corner it is an entirely different matter. If you do play this game under the above conditions make sure there are no women around to hear you scream :-)
Originally posted by ph34r t3h cute
sounds like a gimmik, I hate gimmiks.

So do the reviewers...

If there was a religion dedicated to skepticism, UGO would be its savior*. Any product that comes through the door is first looked upon with scorn, then hatred, then curiosity, and then some more scorn for good measure. The idea is that we don't build anything up undeservedly, and we think we do a pretty good job at it. So when these 3D goggles arrived from eDimensional, we thought back to the days of Virtual Boy and those cheapo X-Ray specs, and gave an intentionally audible sigh. It wasn't until we actually tried the suckers out that we saw how much these E-D glasses kick the ass of not only those crappy gimmicks of days past, but also of any other 3D goggle device on the market. But don't take our word for it. We've compiled reviews from some of our affiliates, as well as our own impressions of the E-D Glasses in three different gametypes: flight sim, first person shooter and roleplaying.

UGO Review
LOL! I haven't used these since the week I bought them *blushes*

They are quite cool, but the technology is not quite there yet. You get annoying cross-over effects with high-contrasting graphics, where the left eye sees some of what the right eye should see etc.

I certainly saw what it was capable of though, and I am very excited about the possibility of 3D monitors. The 3D effect is not to be understimated! Unless you can't see in 3D, which apparantly a few percent of people can't.
Originally posted by MrD
LOL! I haven't used these since the week I bought them *blushes*

They are quite cool, but the technology is not quite there yet. You get annoying cross-over effects with high-contrasting graphics, where the left eye sees some of what the right eye should see etc.

I certainly saw what it was capable of though, and I am very excited about the possibility of 3D monitors. The 3D effect is not to be understimated! Unless you can't see in 3D, which apparantly a few percent of people can't.

http://www.edimensional.com/products/trackir2.htm <-- now THAT is pretty cool.. only, I wonder how you'd do a 180º in a FPS? lol
its nice technology indeed. but its not worth buying now, maybe in three years I will purchase it why? the reason is that its got many side effect and in three years I hop all these effect can be fixed such as eye enjury,.....etc. :cool:
Hey MrD have u tryed C.O.D yet this is by far the best game iv tryed with the glasses.:cool:

Originally posted by Jammydodger
Hey MrD have u tryed C.O.D yet this is by far the best game iv tryed with the glasses.:cool:


What is C.O.D ?

I think I'm a bit out of touch!
Originally posted by jasonh1234
I was looking at them today. I saw prices like $4000 USD for a 21"

Yeah. Well, that is a 21 inch LCD screen, dude. Also, they will have to recoup their research expenses for the first few months...
You have to have your eyes 16"-20" away from those 3D LCDs in order to get the 3D effect. That's an incredibly small threshhold. I don't know about you guys, but I like to move around a bit (relax back, get up close to the monior) when I'm gaming. Not to mention, they're still slow assed LCDs that stink for gaming.

I'm waiting on a new generation of VR headgear with built in head tracking to hit the market. I want complete field of vision immersion, not just a 19" window.
It's not very hard to do. Instead of putting the receiver on the monitor, it should be on your torso or something. But I don't expect the technology to be mature, even in 3 years. But hey, that's just me. I can see something VR-like work by then in a gamevenue/arcadehall tho. This is indeed cheapsman VR. Just like those selfmade projectors(turn your TV upside down, put a box over it, make a hole in the front, insert magnifying glass in hole, seal box of with tape, set brightness at max -->sblam!, projection). It's just not the real deal.