e3 2k3 scripted?

qckbeam said:
I think people ought to learn what a scripted sequence is before talking about it.
Good post, but I don't consider the distinction that complicated. Scripting = any effect that is explicitly coded in, rather than being emergent behavior. IMHO, your 'hints' are still examples of scripting (in that if you trigger X, Y happens), it's just that the trigger will not always be activated.
so if it doesn't always happen (isn't activated) how is that being scripted?

A scripted event (like seeing an elevator with scientists crash) happens EVERY TIME you play HL, and there is no way about it. Not the same as having a barney in a room and blasting away at the big blind tentacle then getting sliced, that's ai.

Then again i guess it depends on your scope of how certain an event has to be before its "scripted" bah
hasan said:

All objects in the game get broken the same way no matter how many times you breake them. that's all.

While I completely agree with you on the world is not destructable (unless they have envry single thing given break-points), you are not entirely right w/ that other statement. Hl2 uses breakpoint, if Im not mistaken, To simulate objects being destroyed by your gun/crowbar/whatever item. Those objects have multiple break points, simple to make it realistic. lets say you have a plank of wood. You shoot the right side, The closest breakpoint, somewhere on the right side, with "break". you shoot the left, the left side breaks. However, there is a chance that it is not always like this, though they may have fixed it: In the E3 2003 vid, when the manhack runs into he box, it completely shatters like the old HL boxes did rather than at a breakpoint.

Edit: On topic, there are 2 considerations for scripted. It all depends on what your def of scripted is. You want a lot of one cause its esentially AI, and a little of the other to add stroy, but making it open ended. The first is the essential If so-and-so, or even when so-and-so happens, do this or that. Believe it or not, that counts as scrpiting. AI is scripting. This is what you need lots of. Adding lots of variables and crap to this resualts in AI and replayablility.
The other scrpting is when comments or actions are done No matter what happens. Like comments or things that NEED to happen to give it story. However, this is also like the other scripting in a way if you think about it. Someone who says something important doesnt say it when you 1/2 mile away, they say it when ur in front of them. That is adding variables, but it is STILL scripting.
There isnt a such thing as a gaem without scripting. Heck, when you click the mouse and ur gun fires, THAT IS SCRIPTING! You guys need to specify what you mean when you say scripting.
ANYWAYS, Half-life 2 will definaetly have some of the "no matter what" events, just for the perpose of storyline or "coolness". But most of it will be done with the AIish depends-on-what-you-do kind of scripting. Back in E3 2003, quite a chunk of it was scripted to give a feel of how interesting the AI would be at the games final. They just simply werent far enough into the develoupment of the AI at the time to gurantee something cool or impressive would happen.
hasan said:
uuum .. dude, we played the leak.
althu I admit the way the soldiers were kicking the door could have been modified by the hacker to make the AI look stupid.
what happens is, once oyu close the door and place the table infront of it, the door shakes and you hear a sound "FREEMAN!" .. this always happens whether there are combines or not. but the sound is not in the E3 movie, so it could just be hacked.

on the contrary, there is no doubt it was pure AI.

guys, you don't know how AI works? AI is not intellegent, it's pretty dumb. It's called AI because it gives you a false impression that the enemies are smart, but infact they are very stupid.
and to add to the stupidity, the striders are not supposed to be intellegent (I think .. ), so if you shoot it, it'll shoot back, like animals (it doesn't make tactics)
The AI can only do what it's programmed to do. If you are hiding behind a pillar, it will shoot the pillar and shoot you.

so, you are hiding in the front of the building behind the pillars, it's gonna shoot you.

As for the way it brakes, this is anengine limitation.


All objects in the game get broken the same way no matter how many times you breake them. that's all.

1. The leak is several months older than the E3 videos.
2. Valve have already stated that certain things were scripted in the E3 videos but will not be so in the final version.
3. Pulling info out of your arse does not make you cool, pretending you know everything about the game because you've played a severely outdated illegal piece of software does not make you cool.

As for this whole topic, it's a mixture of HL2 fanboys who think source is/will be the best thing since ham in a can versus pessimistic know-it-alls, it won't get much worse.
Here's my understanding:

Half-Life 2 doesn't have event scripting. In fact, Valve has said that the Source engine doesn't even have a scripting language for controlling AI behavior. However, what Valve can do is set up various scenarios with triggers that will cause the AI to do what they want.

How this differs from traditional hardcoded scripting is the fact that you can interrupt the scene at any point. For instance, in the Kleiner lab video, the player knocks over the monitor prompting a response from the NPC. This wasn't scripted in that the character was not set to say his line at a specific time regardless of the player's actions. Rather, you interrupted one AI trigger ("type on the keyboard") with another ("get pissed at player for knocking your shit over").

Another example from Valve: if an NPC is talking to you and you head towards the door, they'll skip the verbose explanation and quickly give you just the important information so you don't miss anything critical. Again, the AI's behavior is altered by the player's actions.

In short, Valve will still set things up so that specific events will happen in a specific order, but it won't be hardcoded like it was in the original game.
haha you dumb ******. once the game comes out your gonna be all excited, forgeting that you said these things.

quit getting all emotional.
mutt said:
yea it was scripted. it was done to show what the final game will be like. i guess when they made the video they wernt far enough into the ai development to use real ai

the final game will have no scripted ai, or so they say

apart from stuff that needs to happen like conversations and preset events

Bring this back to intelligent, non-flaming, on-topic disscussion or I'll have to close it.

Smawg you are pushing it. Stop with the flaming.
Smawg said:
haha you dumb ******. once the game comes out your gonna be all excited, forgeting that you said these things.

quit getting all emotional.

just reported 3 of your flames. bye bye
Smawg said:
haha you dumb ******. once the game comes out your gonna be all excited, forgeting that you said these things.

quit getting all emotional.
Would you please stfu!! You're obviously on a higher plane of existence and find the discussions that we take part in pointless and laughable.

Oh noes!

The game is not out. If Valve wanted to script the door being kicked open, or the strider walking under the bridge, or whatever, it doesn't matter, because the final game will work perfectly.
SMT said:
You feel "alienated?" The only thing you're alienated from is the ability to use words in context.

Alienated. To withdraw, as the affections; to make indifferent of averse, where love or friendship before subsisted; to estrange; to wean.

where exactly did i misuse this word in my attempt to convey that i no longer felt a close love for this game?
I know someone who played the leak, and they said the "scripted door kick in" never happened. They never threw the barrel, so no Combine came, and blocked the door, and it never kicked in. I think someone must've planted that later, as a dis to VALVe. The original sounded perfect. That's good "scripting".

Until A.I. can independently demand their rights, it's technically all scripting - a human construct...
yeah even though its not one large script. its like a tree with many branches, branches being mini-scripts. i think its gonna be great
Mountain Man said:
For instance, at the end of Bugbait, the ant lion queen attacked the combine first because the AI is programmed to prioritize the most dangerous threats, which in this case were the two combine soldiers (two soldiers pose a greater threat than a single man, i.e. Gordan)
I wonder what would happen if u killed one of the combine soldiers before the ant lion guard came
That part cant be scripted because what if you kill both the combine
and besides, that would b lame (if it were scripted)
and with those ant lion ball thingies.....it seemed like gordon had an unlimited amount of em...