e3 movies

does anyone have a working link for the second movie, or have a membership at gamespot?
Enjoi :) :thumbs:

I will repost the link when it is done uploading.. It is at 97% but taking a few min.

lol k well was wonderin wether was worth the download, and there aint nowt wrong with sum eye candy ;) teeheehee
Shockwave where you get that from?
Yes, link pleaaaaaase! I wanna see some more fire fights.
The link i got it from is dead now..but its about a 3:00 minute movie of ingame stuff.

shows alot of the gravity gun in use and throwing radiators around and shiz..lol
Sweet! I can't wait. I wonder if I can make someone explode with that manipulator. Or even better, throw them like 50 feet into a building. God I wanna throw enemies.
That sounds like the newest vid that gabe was showing a fiew hours ago :) BUGGER..!
Yeah i saw that up until the last 10-15 secs where it freezes other than that it roxors hard :cheers:
didnt see anyone actually getting pick up with it..but one guy got thrown into the soda machine and all the soda fell out and started rolling down the stairs...I think that is the point where you realize how good this game will be.
which video did you see that in? Sounds awesome.
No problem dood :cheers:
Edit: Freeman picked up the radiator with the gun and threw it at the guy and he went flying into the soda machine
shock can u host it or send it to someone who can..i wnna see :bounce:
someone gives me a spot to upload it to i will...

One thing that sux is that i gotta find another link for it also..im missing the last 30-40 seconds of it because i only downloaded 25 megs of the 30 before the guy shut his link down~!!
contact me silent and lemme know where ill do it asap if you want it still(even though missing about 30seconds)
and someone reply if they have a gamespot account...i wanna see though or atleast know if they are the same we know of
I'll try not to drown. I can imagine, throwing soda cans to distract monsters, then running by them MGS style (Or splinter cell). Man a MGS mod would be so perfect.
neg i have AIM though

shockwave778 if you want me to send through that
an mgs mod would be pretty awesome, or splintercell even, seein them games using this engine would rock!
Yeah, i thought about it for so long but I can't make a mod so I can't do jack, lol.
Wached it now about 12 times and still cant belive this is comeing out in september it just seems that far advanced .! the part were the girl smiles is just well WOW...:stare:
shock im on AOL my name is hl2silentkilla i added you, jump on
lol the only game i can mod for is C+C generals, but hopefully HL2 shud be reasonable to mod for
i wanna see some blood spray...gimme fire fights:bounce:
hehe, yup. I can imagine some pretty good mods coming from this. Maybe some single player with a good story line. It could be emotional like FF7 with those graphics. Hell, anything is possible. Even that HL-Rally would be crazy on this. GT3 type models i bet, lol.
wtf.. i get 8 seconds of video then it freezes and only the sound plays.
hell yeah collision damage on the cars, and cool particle effects, woah thatd be so awesome
Ive done a bit of mapping before ..Well i made a big box and ran around in side it with pretty coloured lights and nice textures dose that count.? :laugh:
Anyone else love the Orange Room starting level when making maps? It looks so cool, MGS2-like to me.
Lol, one time i made a hall with like 10 rooms, but it was so badly made because I couldn't add textures that made sense.
lol yeah methinks that counts gooch, only if it had rotating disco lights tho rofl
Munro, i have the mirro site for the teaser up, i posted it, i am going to have a mirro site up for the 2nd movie. Thanks to Shock, he says it is about 2:15 long, great sound, good picture. Ill post here in about 10 min.