EA now trying to take all of Ubisoft, other companies are next!


May 20, 2004
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NEW YORK, Dec 29 (Reuters) - The video game industry is ripe for consolidation, as companies like Electronic Arts Inc. move to take advantage of rising production and marketing costs, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.

Electronic Arts, the world's largest video game publisher, earlier this month said it was buying almost 20 percent of French video game maker Ubi Soft Entertainment, fueling speculation it might bid for the whole company.

One portfolio manager told the newspaper that Electronic Arts is in a good position to make a "sizable acquisition or two", considering the company currently has $2.5 billion in cash and cash equivalents.

Other companies that could be in play -- either as acquirers or takeover targets -- include game publishers such as Activision, THQ, Midway, Eidos and Japan's Namco Ltd. and Capcom according to the Journal.

stigmata said:
Because he's angry at Steam.

Also; Old news, but bad news nonetheless.

When did I say i am angry at steam? kthx
I think EA is going to have to sell their ubisoft stock eventually becase the goverment ins backing ubisoft and not EA
nicknitro said:
When did I say i am angry at steam? kthx
I just assumed that Steam is the catalyst for your anger at Valve, since that's pretty much how it is with all the Valve haters.

Since I seem to be wrong, would you care to explain your platform on the issue?
nicknitro said:
When did I say i am angry at steam? kthx

Oh god, please say you're not one of those people who goes on a message board, says something troll-like and then don't post anymore. And only respond to certain comments when people don't agree with you. And then after a while start calling people "fanboys" because they don't agree with you even you never really gave a reason for your troll-like comment in the first place.

I'll ask this once, why do you think Valve are as bad as EA?
I dont think they will take control of all that companies
cuz I dont think that companies will let be buyed
but if that hapen......it will be bad,if they aply theyr comercials rules on theyr games
Feath said:
Oh god, please say you're not one of those people who goes on a message board, says something troll-like and then don't post anymore. And only respond to certain comments when people don't agree with you. And then after a while start calling people "fanboys" because they don't agree with you even you never really gave a reason for your troll-like comment in the first place.

I'll ask this once, why do you think Valve are as bad as EA?

Valve gives no support for there games.. neither does EA
DiSTuRbEd said:
You are so ignorant its not even funny. Oh wait it is funny. :laugh:

yeah since all people who give there opinion are ignorant right?

*sniff* nazi? *sniff*
I've never played any FPS game by any other company that gets the same amount of support as Valve gives to its games.
nicknitro said:
yeah since all people who give there opinion are ignorant right?

Fact is saying they give no support is not an opinion. They do give support to those who need it. Half the people on steampowered.com forums complaining no support is because they got owned by doing something illegal. They help the legit people out.
nicknitro said:
Valve gives no support for there games..

except when they release those funny things called updates every so often.
EA seems to have a nice massive support knowledge base. I've used it many times to fix things.

I can't say wether Valve has something like that as I havn't had to try to fix any of their games yet.
nicknitro said:
Valve gives no support for there games.. neither does EA

Do you even know why people don't like EA? It's not that "They don't give support for their games".
RabidMeatloaf said:
I hope this won't affect Brothers in Arms....

they're gonna make it E and instead of nazis and swastikas you have bunnies and EA logos
hmm...err. :|
this can't be good for the gaming industry...especially the PC market.
reading that again it seems like Ubisoft is not the only company EA has their eye's on :(
seriously...the government has to do things against this monopolizing because its going to lead to bad titles and support :frown: :angry:
Feath said:
Do you even know why people don't like EA? It's not that "They don't give support for their games".

please enlighten me then
we don't like EA cause they are such a big as company, buying everything insight from UbiSoft to the NFL cause Madden got beat by ESPN NFL 2k5 this round... they support their games, just not very well... and VALVe supports their games a lot! they still released updates for a game that came out in 1998 in 2003... so STFU

on topic: we're ****ed...
Dr. Freeman said:
hmm...err. :|
this can't be good for the gaming industry...especially the PC market.
reading that again it seems like Ubisoft is not the only company EA has their eye's on :(
seriously...the government has to do things against this monopolizing because its going to lead to bad titles and support :frown: :angry:
The government hates gaming, so they secretly created EA to destroy it
thehunter1320 said:
we don't like EA cause they are such a big as company, buying everything insight from UbiSoft to the NFL cause Madden got beat by ESPN NFL 2k5 this round... they support their games, just not very well... and VALVe supports their games a lot! they still released updates for a game that came out in 1998 in 2003... so STFU

on topic: we're ****ed...

actually the MOD community releases stuff for HL.. not Valve.. so you stfu kthx.

I like EA they make good games to me. (madden owns nfl2k.)
nicknitro said:
actually the MOD community releases stuff for HL.. not Valve.. so you stfu kthx.

I like EA they make good games to me. (madden owns nfl2k.)

What do you mean "Actually the mod community releases stuff for HL"? What "Stuff" are you referring to. Mods aren't "Support" for games, patches are support, and Valve releases them.

Anyway, you may prefer the Madden games, that's not the point. The point is that people can no longer choose. It doesn't matter if you prefer one game or the other, if you want to play an American Football game than you have to play Madden.
Oh i thought it was becuase EA dont consider something a problem unless more than 30% of the players experience it.
EA are arseholes because they buy up developers of good games, rip them apart and use the remaining staff to make an average game. They're outsourcing development to China sooner or later too. They've purchased Renderware so they can train their staff to use one product and only one product. Their developers will lack talent in quantity.

Valve are good. They supported by way of patches their game for 6 years, they've already patched HL2 more times than a few and offer amazing support for mod teams. They fully support their games, and have done for the last 6 years.
I'm afraid that people can't see the seriousness of this.

If they can buy one company, whose to say they won't by another? and another and so forth. The road has been layed, it is now only a matter of time untill EA owns nearly every large(er) game publisher.
Yeah, I'm boycotting EA from now on. They're the only studio I don't mind warezing from :-/
EA are arseholes because they buy up developers of good games, rip them apart and use the remaining staff to make an average game. They're outsourcing development to China sooner or later too. They've purchased Renderware so they can train their staff to use one product and only one product. Their developers will lack talent in quantity.

Exactly!! + EA treats it's employes like shit and pay's them little, that kind of an enviorment doesn't really attract smart & talented people, atleast for me it's a big turn off, I am not attracted to industry where I will be treated like shit and all the rewards of my workings will go to a couple of dipshit bosses http://www.livejournal.com/users/ea_spouse/274.html
Governments don't allow monopolies to survive very long. EA may hold the market for a while, but something will happen. Even if official action isn't taken, people will simply stop enjoying the crap they turn out year after year.
Unfortunately, by that time people will have been turned off of gaming, and the industry will have been spoilt before it got going.
When the normal person wants to get into a hobby and they might think, ahh, il play games on my lovely new computer. All thats around are these poor, poor pc games that EA advertise and churn out, half finished, features missing and horrid sports games each year.
The average joe won't think of greats like half-life 2, CoD or Unreal Tournament, games which are great fun but have little advertisement to show that to people new to gaming.
If i didnt read PC Gamer, i wouldnt know anything about half-life, Operation Flashpoint, Dues Ex... I'd be waiting for a new Sims expansion with its lovley EA sticker on the front, which obviously all games are labeled with. If you can see where im coming from.
Thank god I started gaming in the lovely nineties, when virtually all games that came out were playable. I remember taking the money i've saved down to the computer games shop, going through the aisles looking at different games, then buying one and playing it... Ahh.. the days of Red Alert, Rebel Strike(or something simmilar :P), Age of Empires.... Sniff all gone... :(
Gone are the days where games are released as complete works, not released for Christmas sales or deadlines, buggy and then patched to crap later.... :(