EA to distribute Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source


Jul 6, 2003
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Gamespot.com News

Just over three months ago, one of the most contentious relationships in game history came to an end. On April 28, after months of overt legal disputes and covert bickering, VU Games and Valve Software announced they were ending a half-decade-long publishing deal. The arrangement saw the former distribute the latter's groundbreaking PC first-person shooters Half-Life, Counter-Strike, and Half-Life 2.

However, Valve's next console game--after the PlayStation 2 Half-Life and the Xbox Counter-Strike--will be distributed by one of VU's main rivals. Today, Electronic Arts revealed that as of this fall, it will be the international publisher of the forthcoming Xbox version of Half-Life 2, which will now ship in October 2005. EA will also assume distribution duties of a Counter: Strike: Source and a new Game of the Year edition of Half-Life 2 for the PC, both of which will be available in the "fall."

"We consider Half-Life and Counter-Strike to be two of the best game franchises of all time," said Tom Frisina, Vice President and General Manager of EA Partners, in a statement. "We could not be more excited to have the opportunity to help deliver these outstanding games to players around the globe."

Valve founder and president Gabe Newell had similarly kind words. "By combining EA’s unparalleled operation structure and distribution channel with Valve's award-winning development teams and games community, we’ve established an awesome combination for delivering great products to console and PC gamers around the world," he said.

The EA-Valve arrangement covers the boxed, retail editions of Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source, it does not affect digitally distributed versions of the game. As before, those titles will be delivered and updated via Steam, Valve's online service.

EA :x
That had to pick the shitty publisher.

EA... Destroy.
What did they do? Put a gun to Gabes head and demanded the rights? Dam

Oh well, at least it can't be as bad as vivendi, and EA isn't actually making the games. :p
sickening, but it should be a good boost to steam. considering the most hated thing in gaming is ea, with steam a close second, it wouldnt make sense to go with a reputable publisher.
nvrmor said:
sickening, but it should be a good boost to steam. considering the most hated thing in gaming is ea, with steam a close second, it wouldnt make sense to go with a reputable publisher.

That's true. Valve could be using EA as a ploy to make Steam more popular.
EA Challenge Everything should be...
EA Destroy Everything.
We joked about it... and then it happened... Is it April 1st today? :eek:


/me screams like a little girl

Imagine the scenario; you buy Half-Life 2: Game of the Year Edition, install it, turn it on...

<cue groovy Valve animation>
<EA - Challenge Everything>

/me checks the date

Well, my PC clock is wrong, it says it is July the 18th.

/me changes it to April 1st

edit - beaten :(
Then EA's going to buy out most of the shares and stuff that Valve makes...
Just like they did with DICE.

God, One of my gaming fears have become realized.
Fliko said:
EA Challenge Everything should be...
EA Destroy Everything.
As someone else pointed out once...Franchise everything is far more fitting.


/oasis moment : WHY WHY WHY WHYYYYYYYY!?!?!?
Wha? Huh? Mah? Eugh? Heh? WHAT!?

Someone get the shotgun...!
Great.. EA is the last thing that i want for Valve...
Not good Gabe...not good. :(

Does this mean our saves will now be under "documents and settings"? *shudder*
This is just EAs Ploy for World Domination. The got one of the greatest franchises out there... Pretty soon when you look up at the moon at night, You will see a giant EA sign jetting from the side of it.
I can't belive you guys didn't see this coming:




I would LOVE to see the agreement between Valve and EA. I would have thought no publisher would touch Valve, especially with Steam.
Wha? Huh? Mah? Eugh? Heh? WHAT!?

*Still sinking in*

Why? Why!? Why must Valve go to the Dark Side?

*Cries like a girl*
:angry::flame::angry:Ahhhh that means we will have to listen to that annoying kid's voice:flame::angry::flame:

Not good, Not good at all!!
Some one tell Dog about this :bounce: be more fun to watch than the shotgun.
I'm not too big a fan of EA either, but someone mind telling me why in the cheese sauce its bad VALVe chose EA?
EA is a global killer. I'm very sure several people here agree with me.



Does this signal the end of the world? Are there no more good people? I mean we'll have to have that stupid EA badge everywhere now when seeing Half-Life. Hopefully we won't see in game advertisements or that EA intro to the games.
sorry i didn't see the thread about this so i started my own but here's what i said in it

as we all know EA is probably one of the largest game publishers out there, and in my opinion is a capitalist monster seeking a monopoly on the videogame industry. i respect valve for steam and using it to pretty much bypass publishers for their pc products (they pretty much didn't need VU) and using steam as an example of a studio doing it themselves. i see teaming up with EA to pretty much undermine what i percieved as their "do it yourself" idealology. i realize it's more expensive to distribute a physical product, i wouldn't have had any real problem if they had chosen anyone but EA
Janet Reno said:
Hopefully we won't see in game advertisements or that EA intro to the games.
That happens and I'll get several million people together to discuss what should happen to EA, then take action against EA.
When there is no more room in hell... EA will walk(own) the Earth.
Man..you guys have issues...first it's vivendi bashing, now it's EA bashing.
I've been bashing EA ever since I heard about what happened with C&C Renegade 2 :upstare:
EA just plain sucks altogether imo.