Earth Hour 2009

Will you particpate in Earth Hour 2009??

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 11.5%
  • No

    Votes: 34 43.6%
  • Maybe if I remember

    Votes: 18 23.1%
  • Yes and I'll even go the extra mile somehow

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • The planet is doomed!! Why bother??

    Votes: 14 17.9%

  • Total voters
= half the people in this thread.

Seriously, you can't even try? It's one goddamn hour. Play a board game. Go take a walk. You don't need electricity to have fun, much less live.
It's not like a few hundred forum members not participating is really going to have any significant effect on this whole ordeal anyways.
Valid point, but why should that stop you? That's a huge part of the reason why things like Earth Hour never take off the way they should. You expect everyone else to shrug it off, which makes it okay for you to do it too.

If everyone just tried a bit and stopped caring about what everyone else was doing, it might be more successful.
Don't forget everyone who voted "Yes and I'll even go the extra mile somehow"!

So 5.
Oooh didn't see that one, I assumed it became more negative as it went down.
Sydney, being the city that participated both 2007 and 2008 Earth Hour, cut 8.4% electricity consumption. This is less than last year's 10.2%, however Earth Hour executive director Andy Ridley made the claim that after factoring margin of error, the participation in this city is the same as last year.

The 10.2% figure was itself challenged in a detailed analysis by David Solomon, a finance student at the University of Chicago. Solomon used eight years of electricity usage data to conclude that the Earth Hour-inspired drop was 6.33%, and that after other potential factors were taken into account, 2.10%, "statistically indistinguishable from zero."


The City of Phoenix spent $3,000, partly to pay city employees to shut off its lights for an hour during Earth Hour 2008. Critics also claimed that because Earth Hour volunteers drive around to get the word out, and because people use inefficient battery operated flashlights instead of more efficient electric light bulbs, it's possible that Earth Hour actually resulted in a net increase in energy usage.

So I wont participate in the ruining of our planet!
And what powered the mill and factory that produced the matches? Where did the phosphorus head come from? How did the trees get to the mill?


Fine. I'll just eat it.

i think its cool to do something globally besides playing video games, and regardless of consumption, i'm pretty sure if the majority of people around the world turned off their lights 1 extra hour each day it would amount to something better. not that i really care but its nice to know someone cares about the future of the planet and humans. Who knows, maybe in 3,000 years people will curse us for using every last clean drop of water to clean our dishes and waste so much energy. call me a hypocrite but all I'm saying is that its going to bite us in the future somehow. Like the saying goes, "leave some for the fishes"
I retract a part of this statement
And now you know how I'll be spending the hour.

[edit] I'm going to call my local radio station tomorrow. They've been promoting Earth Hour for a while, with the implied suggestion that you should spend your electricity-free hour using... batteries. Hopefully I'll get the message out that batteries, uh, use electricity.
I'm gonna turn all of my electronics on at that time. Should hike my electricity bill up just enough.
Turned all of the electricity off, save for the coffee machine this morning.

Happy? Just turned it all back on after leaving it all off for a couple hours.
I'll sleep with all the lights on incuding the little light bulb in my refrigerator. That'll teach those hippies haha!
Turned all of the electricity off, save for the coffee machine this morning.

Happy? Just turned it all back on after leaving it all off for a couple hours.
I salute you, good sir.

I think I'm going to have to spread my earth-saving over a few days. There's supposedly a party in my apartment tonight, and we have Smash Bros Brawl, tons of CDs, and two seasons of Whose Line on my laptop. Might as well get my power saving out of the way before 6pm mirite?
Oh, you don't want to? That's cool. Where's Willie?
Just 2 hrs away here in the states for those of us on the East Coast. I'm going to watch the movie Mirrormask on my PSP for about an hour and half or however long the movie lasts
I'm going to turn off my lights at 8:30 but I'll be going to a public computer lab to work, and they have lights on there. So I don't know if this counts or not. But I actually turn off lights in public restrooms all the time (when they're not occupied), and go out of my way to shut doors that don't close all the way (wasting energy for extra cooling/heating), so maybe that helps make up for it. And I planted trees today! :)

I find it odd how "environmental" issues bring out the asshole in people ("environmental" in quotes because energy use is essentially just a basic efficiency/wastage issue). Turning on extra lights has absolutely NO benefit to ANYONE, not even yourself. The only reason people do it is in some kind of freakish "protest" against people trying to do something good. It makes absolutely no sense to do.

The same exact type of thing happens with water waste issues.

If there were a donation day to charity, would you say, "Oh yeah? Well then I'm going to STEAL from charity"??

I'm going to turn off my lights at 8:30 but I'll be going to a public computer lab to work, and they have lights on there. So I don't know if this counts or not. But I actually turn off lights in public restrooms all the time (when they're not occupied), and go out of my way to shut doors that don't close all the way (wasting energy for extra cooling/heating), so maybe that helps make up for it. And I planted trees today! :)

I find it odd how "environmental" issues bring out the asshole in people ("environmental" in quotes because energy use is essentially just a basic efficiency/wastage issue). Turning on extra lights has absolutely NO benefit to ANYONE, not even yourself. The only reason people do it is in some kind of freakish "protest" against people trying to do something good. It makes absolutely no sense to do.

The same exact type of thing happens with water waste issues.

If there were a donation day to charity, would you say, "Oh yeah? Well then I'm going to STEAL from charity"??


They fall for what accounting to this article is called the Nirvana Fallacy.
Well that was fun. Caught up on some work and read Children of The Mind.
Extra mile for me. I've turned on all the lights in the house and even a couple lamps. Currently playing some Mario Kart on the '64... but I'm still really skeptical about how this could possibly help the environment.

Edit: Oh....
I watched about half an hour of Mirror Mask on my PSP and nearly fell asleep. i then went back to my PC, turned the light on and played TF2 for about an hour.
I went to the computer lab and started working on spreadsheets and modeling a series of distillation columns in the most horrible program ever... Aspen Plus. This program is so bad that it's internally inconsistent... like I can input a set of numbers which work fine, change one number and get a severe error, and then change it back to exactly what it was before and STILL have a severe error.

I've been working on this crap for 5 hours. It's 1:30 AM now. ;(
I went to the computer lab and started working on spreadsheets and modeling a series of distillation columns in the most horrible program ever... Aspen Plus. This program is so bad that it's internally inconsistent... like I can input a set of numbers which work fine, change one number and get a severe error, and then change it back to exactly what it was before and STILL have a severe error.

I've been working on this crap for 5 hours. It's 1:30 AM now. ;(

so even if your parameters are correct it still spews out incorrect data?? that sucks.
so even if your parameters are correct it still spews out incorrect data?? that sucks.

Well... the thing is, I don't know if they're correct or not :p. There is a lot of guesswork involved in using this program so I basically just change different parameters by very small amounts for each run. But it seems to keep some kind of memory of what you did in the previous run(s) so sometimes the same set of parameters will work one time but not another time. Sometimes I find that if I feed it some easy numbers and slowly increase them, it works better than if I go for the big numbers at the start. It's ridiculous.
22 million in Sydney?

The entire population of Australia is not Sydney.
We participated

Because my dad wanted a nap in the living room so the lights were off.