Earth's Finest Episode 1

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"Earth's Finest" is a comedy comic that I started up when I was bored and uses in-game screenshots of posed models using Gary's Mod. All of the writing and direction is done by me, and I've already written out a few of these. It's a little hard to come up with characters that haven't been done before, but I've written some other strips that involve an obsessive-compulsive Overwatch guard and an alcoholic Vortugant (with a comical amount of pent-up rage), among others.

Here's the first one, I'm posting this on some other forums as well. If enough people would like to see some of the other ones I've done then I'll make more.

Episode 1: Unusual Insurgency
hey i enjoyed reading it, I liked the called in sick part. It could go without the foul language though, IMO. Hope to see more...
Seems kind of Penny Arcade-esque.
Good stuff

TIP: You could hav easily painted some of thoes large, untextured rectangular blocks and surrounded the scene to make it look more lik their not on the defualt Garrys Mod map. Or just use the apparetment buildings during the first chapter of HL2.
"It could without the foul language"? What, one word? Strange...

I thought it was great. Nice sense of humor, dude. Please, I need to read more!
I was going to make Garry's mod comics... But I see no one loves me anymore ;(
Certainly one of the better attempts at humor I've seen of late. Nicely done (though your vocabulary does appear rather limited).
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll use proper environments from now on instead of the default "gm" map. About the cursing, I was actually on the fence about that at first, but decided I'd try it and see what happens. It probably wasn't necessary, but I was watching Leno at the same time I was writing it, so anything seemed funny.

Thanks again for the FB, I'll post when I've got more done.
MiccyNarc said:
If you can't stand foul language, get off the internet.
IMO swearing in a comic or piece of planned writing is as bad as grammar mistakes. I don't care about the words but their usage pisses me off sometimes.

Love the comic though. :)
badrhetoric said:
I was watching Leno at the same time I was writing it, so anything seemed funny.
Compared to Leno, anything could be perceived as funny!
Varsity said:
IMO swearing in a comic or piece of planned writing is as bad as grammar mistakes. I don't care about the words but their usage pisses me off sometimes.

I like foul language... :|
Nice. Good humour. Keep it up.
I agree on the foul language bit, I have no ****ing problem with profanity (;)), but some people assume that swearing automatically equals funny. It doesn't (unless used correctly). Otherwise it was good, make more. :D
Funny. In the foul language debate I vote it should be cut down on, but not cut out completely.

I loved the way you cut to the guy with the toilet stuck in his head at the end, to provide a hillarious punchline.

Make more!
danimal i love you! u gave me the pleasure of my life and showed me were to download sheepy


nice comic btw, keep it up, make a site
dekstar said:
In the foul language debate I vote it should be cut down on, but not cut out completely.
Seconded. Dont go soft, but it doesnt need to be a shit fest. Just keep it appropriate to the context.
Varsity said:
IMO swearing in a comic or piece of planned writing is as bad as grammar mistakes. I don't care about the words but their usage pisses me off sometimes.

Love the comic though. :)

It may be a planned piece of writing but I think in this case it fits because the comic is about two off-duty combine just sitting and shooting the breeze about their lot in life. He wrote it exactly how I picture they would have talked if it had been two real guys.

I have had the opportunity to hear a few off-duty cops and army guys sitting around and discussing their day and this is candy compared to what real guys who serve talk like. It's part of the job and again, in referrence to this comic, it worked perfectly for me.

I can understand why some people might be offended. You might just have to wait for the Kleiner / Eli comic to come out. There should be no swearing in that because it wouldn't fit.

Well done. Can't wait for the next episode.
hehe i definitely chuckled as i read it :thumbs:
it could have been a bit longer but nonetheless, it was fun.
hopefully we get another episode :)
Love it. yeah, toilets are the quintessence of unconventional warfare.