"Earth's Finest" is a comedy comic that I started up when I was bored and uses in-game screenshots of posed models using Gary's Mod. All of the writing and direction is done by me, and I've already written out a few of these. It's a little hard to come up with characters that haven't been done before, but I've written some other strips that involve an obsessive-compulsive Overwatch guard and an alcoholic Vortugant (with a comical amount of pent-up rage), among others.
Here's the first one, I'm posting this on some other forums as well. If enough people would like to see some of the other ones I've done then I'll make more.
Episode 1: Unusual Insurgency
Here's the first one, I'm posting this on some other forums as well. If enough people would like to see some of the other ones I've done then I'll make more.
Episode 1: Unusual Insurgency